unicorn sparkle

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"Fedora, fedora, fedora, FEDORA!?"  Patrick screeched as he walked in the bus flipping every table

"Did you loose your fedora?" I asked

"Yes" he sighed

"I'll help you find it"

We looked all around the bus, but no sign of his little hat.

"Where did you see it last?" I asked, kind of giving up

"Ugh, this morning, I went for a ride with my hat on, I'm certain I came back with it. Then I set it down on my bed, then.. I don't know where it is"

"Well, I don't know what to tell you, except to look for it"

He looked at the clock, 7:20 "We still have 40 Minutes"

"I'll go ask if they've seen your hat. You keep looking"

"ok" He looked around the bus again, I walked out the bus.

Outside was warm and humid. I hated summer, especially in the south. I fast walked towards the backdoor. I opened the door , the cold wind hit my face, my favorite part. As I walked in I kicked something, a fedora. "Wow Patrick" how did he not notice?  His hat was in the middle of the hallway. I picked up the hat and an evil plan came to my mind. I went to the girl's bathroom and set it on the counter. I stood there for a minute deciding if I should just give it back to him. 'Meh' I thought and I walked away.

"Did you find it?" Patrick asked; out of breathe for some reason

"No, sorry"

"no don't be sorry it's not your fault, I misplaced it"

"Patrick! Wanna rehear?" Pete asked, Joe and Andy heading to the stage.

"Yea," he sighed, walking towards Pete

I crashed onto the couch in the dressing room, "Aaaagggghh" I groaned 'now what?' I thought

"Problem?" Brendon asked, poking my head

"no, I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"... Okay here's the thing" I explained to him about Patrick's fedora and that I don't know what to do

"That sounds awesome!" He said, looking exited for some reason


"I have a bag of glitter that I was going to use but didn't"

"What am I supposed to do with it"

"Something, you figure it out" He left the room. I was very confused.

Brendon threw a 2 bags of glitter at me "Here do something awesome"

I looked at the huge bag of glitter "thanks?"

"I won't tell Patrick about the hat either" He said before leaving

I heard FOB coming back. I still had the bag of glitter in my hand; I had to do something with it. I ran to the girl's bathroom again. Patrick's fedora was still there. I set the bag next to his hat. I stared at it and thought 'What the fudge am I supposed to do?'.

Then it hit me. It was perfect.

I opened the glitter bag and poured some into his hat.

I ran towards Panic!'s dressing room "hey Brendon, come help me with something" i said. He followed me to the stage.

"What?" He asked

"You know that machine thingy that shoots fog or fire"


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