Slide trouble

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"Come on percussion, you can't miss that last note" the band director said slightly getting angry. It was always the percussion, also known as the trouble makers.

It's 4:35 pm, afternoon band practice was supposed to end 5 minutes ago. But our Christmas concert was tomorrow and we were no where near ready. All the 8th grader had their part down but the 7th graders couldn't quite get it.

"I'm sorry I kept you an extra 5 minutes. Take your instruments home and practice, concerts tomorrow!!" The band director said. "And jazz band results are posted!!"

I put my trombone back in the case and left it in my locker. I don't think anyone practices at home.
I walked over to the bulletin board where the jazz band results were posted. There was a jazz band tryout last week and I tried out for a spot.

1. Aria Hurley
2.~~~ ~~~~
3.~~~~ ~~~~~~
4.~~~~~ ~~~~

Yes!! I got first chair.
I looked at the whole list to see if I will have a friend. 4 trumpets, 2 saxophones, tenor, barri, drummer, piano and bass. Nope. Except for guitar, Daniella got a spot as a guitarist. I didn't know she played guitar. I was pretty excited now.

I walked outside where Andy was waiting for me at the pickup line.

"guess what chair I got for jazz band" i said hopping in the car.

"You seem pretty excited, first?"


"Good job!! I'm so proud of you"

~at home~


"Phoenix?!" I yelled running towards our small Christmas tree

I named my cat Phoenix. He's my cat that I got for my birthday from Andy.

Phoenix walked out from under the Christmas tree like nothing happened. Under the tree was a broken ornament, broken glass shattered everywhere.

"Not again, you're gonna have to put those in a higher place" Andy said

"Yeah, I will"

Andy helped my clean up the shattered glass while I put all the ornaments hanging at the bottom to the top.

"Need any help on homework today?"

"No, I finished most of it at school. I just need to study for a history test tomorrow"

"Ok, let me know if you need anything"

I went up to my room, Phoenix followed. I opened my textbook to chapter 10 and started looking over key points. Phoenix climbed onto my desk and laid on my textbook.

"Phoenix, i can't see" i said trying to push him off the book. He started sleeping so i picked him up and put him on my lap.
Surprisingly he stayed and fell asleep on my lap. Since it was very cold he kept me warm so I didn't mind.


"Are you ready?" Andy said stepping in my room.


I wore a fancy looking red sweater, black leggings and black boots for our Christmas concert.

"You look nice" he said

"I bet all the girls are going to wear dresses and stuff"

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