New girl

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Aria's POV

Joe's house was very nice. Ruby was a sweet girl and was fun to play with her. Joe and Marie loved that I would play with Ruby so they wouldn't have to.

Every morning Joe would drive me to school. I didn't like school at all. Especially now since everyone was changing in a way.

I got to my first period class, I couldn't find my friends. I awkwardly sat in the empty classroom and started doing my homework, due next period.

The bell rang for break, i walked around the building. And found my friend. "Hey" i said joining the group "hi" they mumbled. There was another girl I didn't recognize in the group. "We have a new friend" one of them said
"I'm Jennifer." The new girl said
"Hi, I'm Aria"
The rest of the conversation, I couldn't fit in. The new girl was pretty much the attention, she seemed really cool and nice.

It was lunch, I bought the lunchroom food and sat by everyone else. But again i felt kind of left out. I wasn't a real big talker so that's probably why i was invisible most of the time.


Days went along in school. I was buried in school work. I'm not a very smart person so it took twice the time to do my work. I was probably a nerd too, studying way to hard, looking up every word in the dictionary. While I was doing all that, i saw pictures on social media of my friends hanging out together. I felt left out, but I didn't let that bother me.

I went to my band class and started putting together my trombone. "Hey Aria" Aron poked. He was a trumpet player, we became friends a few weeks ago. He's very tall with dark brown hair and a very nice and caring personality. "I heard about your dad, is he ok?"
"Yeah he's fine. But how'd you know about it?"
"Internet, the news"

The bell for dismissal rang and I headed to the band room for after school jazz band practice. I was about to make my way downstairs when I heard my friends voice. I stood at the corner, out of their vision.

"-why does she only wear black?" It was Jennifer
"Because she's stuck in her emo phase"
"Her dad is too"
"Was his long bangs the reason why he got in that accident?" They all laughed
"why do you guys still hang out with her"
"We don't, she keeps following us"
The conversation went on but they started walking out the building.

I walked down the stairs thinking about the conversation I just eavesdropped on. All i could say was why, why me, why couldn't they just tell me. Anger, jealousy, and sadness hit me all at once and I ran to the bathroom. I wanted to cry but i couldn't. I kicked the wall in frustration. I had to remind myself i was in a school bathroom so i needed to chill and shut up.

I breathed, setting all the thoughts aside so i can focus on jazz band things for now.

After rehearsal, i sat outside in the cold by myself waiting for my ride

Daniella, the guitar player and friend, sat next to me. "You don't seem very happy, did something happen?"

"Yeah" i said quietly

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It's ok, I'll probably make you bored"

"Nah it's ok"

"... why do i have to be such a failure?"

"You're not"

"I keep losing friends. I'm such a horrible.. person"

"You still have me, and Aron"

I saw Joe's car pulling over

"I gotta go, bye" I grabbed my backpack and stood up

"You can always text or call me" she said

"Ok, thanks"

I hoped in his car. "So how was school"

"Eh, ok" i said sounding as cheerful as I can

"Something fun happen?"

"No, I'm just... hyper" i said

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