Chapter 4 : The Seal

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

I entered my my house and went in my room. As usuall my family didn't notice me. As I entered my room I closed my eyes to my mindscape. Suprisingly, Kurama was STILL laughing. "Kurama" I said to him. What do you want Kit? Kurama answered. "When did I get so strong" I asked him.  How am I suppose to know, this stupid seal prevents me to do anything except talking to you and use my human form he said. "How do I get the seal off" I asked him. The key is somewhere in your father.. I mean the Hokage's office. "Which one" I asked hom because he has 2 offices. Obviously the one in the Hokage tower. "Lets get it " I said. Sure. I exit my mindscape to see Kurama in human form sitting on my bed. "Lets do this" I said. We entered my father's office and found this weird scroll. That's the one Kit Kurama said. "What am I suppose to do with it" I asked him. Eat it. "The WHOLE thing". I asked him. Yep  he said. I stuffed the scroll into my mouth all most choking on it.  The door knob rattled. "Shit" I said as I jumped out the window jumping from roof to roof home. 

-Minato's P.O.V-

I heard voices in my office. I was about to let it go because it probably was some ANBU until I remebered the key to the kyuubi's seal. I also remebered that my ANBU were on a 5 minute luch break so I rushed in.  The scroll was gone. "ANBU" I yelled. Owl appeared before me. "Tell all ANBU units to stop all leave from the leaf village. I want an ANBU standing at ever corner of this village. Notify me of any suspicious activity. We must find whoever stole the scroll to unleashing the Kyuubi" I ordered. "Yes Lord Hokage" owl said and dissapeared. I sat down to think until I remembered something. "Naruto" I said and rushed home.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

I arrived in my home when my stomach started hurting A LOT. The pain was so intense that I passed out on the floor. I enetered my mind scape laying on the floor still in pain. Kit Kurama called out. I saw the cage dissolve and Kurama rushing toward me before passing out. Ironic huh, I passed out in my mind scape. I woke on my bed seeing Kurama in human form next to me. Hey Kit how are you doing Kurama asked. "Not good, my stomach still hurts" I replied. You'll be fine in about 5 minutes, I healed you he said. "How long was I out for" I asked. 5 minutes he replied. There was knocking on the wall followed by my Minato's voice. Kurama dissapeared. "Son can I come in" he said. "What do you want, when have I been your son, and when did you ever cared about me" I asked him. He came in without answering. "Did you see anyone suspicious people appearing" he asked. "No, why" I replied. After I answered he just left without answering me. As I expected. I went back to bed. I woke up 3 hrs later. It was dinner time and as expected, Kushina and Minato forgot about me. I sneaked downstairs, went into the kitchen and got instant ramen from the cabinet. Then Kushina entered the kitchen and asked "Who are you and what are you doing". "I am your son and I am eating dinner" I replied still eating. Before she can even say anything, I finished and ran to my room. That is it I thought. I started to pack all my stuff. I sneaked back to the kitchen. Thank god Kushina wasn't there any more. I packed as much dry food in my bag as I can and left. I went to my hide out where I will forever live. Aren't you gonna leave a note or something Kurama asked. "Why bother, they won't notice me anyways" I replied. 

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