Chapter : 15 Etsuko

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A/N: The picture above is of Etsuko aka: not telling find out yourself.

- Naruto's P.O.V-

I was sleeping still pretending to be a girl. I made a clone to replace me. I am waiting for the right moment. Then someone woke me up. I opened my eyes. I saw Fluffy sleeping on me. That was usual.

The weird part was Kakashi hanging upside down from the ceiling glancing at me with perverted eyes. Then he jumped down. He was coming near me. 

"Kakashi-nii  what ae you doing" I asked.

He didn't answer . He grabbed out his perverted hand. *Quack*

I opened my eyes to see Reiko yawning. I looked at the window I saw a bird, the beautiful sun, Kakashi...  wait KAKASHI!

The pervert was looking through the window with anime heart eyes. Reiko looked at him weirdly. 

  "WHAT THE HELL" I yelled then Kakashi fell.

I looked at Reiko and she nodded.

I formed Kurama's tails and walked towards the window.

"Kakashi-nii come here" I said in a innocent voice. I used one of the tails put it around his waist and lifted him up. There were hearts in his eyes. 

He sat on wondow still and was about to kiss me. I put a finger on his lips.

"Eh eh eh, before you kiss me. Do you know who I am" I said.

" Of course, your Mito and I love you" he said.


Then Kakashi stared at me eyes widen and mouth open. 

"N-nar-ruto?" he yelled.

-Breakfast Yay!-

- No One's P.O.V-

There was a big tension at breakfast. Nobody except Naruto, Reiko, and Kakashi knew what had happen.

"Sasuke-kun..." Sakura was interupted by Sasuke with a stare.

"N-naruto" Kakashi said.

"Hm, what is it" Naruto said without looking up from what he was doing.

"What are you doing" Kakashi asked.

"Wait" Naruto said as Fluffy started glowing. There was blinding light.

All of a sudden, there was a young teenage girl brown hair and blue eyes.

"A-are you Fluffy?" Kakashi asked.

"Yep but you can call me Etsuko" Etsuko said enthusiastically.

"Naruto-sama thank you so much!" Etsuko said jumping up and down and then hugged him.

'Come on. Why does Naruto get a cute girl and a cute sister while I'm stuck with a loud mouth bink banshee and an annoying blondie' Sasuke thought. 

"Tsunami-san I always had a question that i've wanted to ask" Etsuko said.

"What is it" Tsunami said.

"Who was the person you ripped off that picture" Etsuko said.

"That was Inari's..." Tsunami said and then Inari stormed out.

"Naruto, why don't you go comfort Inari" Reiko said making everyone besides Kakashi confused.

"Why it is too much work. That was the past" Naruto complained.

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