Chapter 20 : Betrayal

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating. I usually update this every 3 days. Projects, and tests hope you can understand and also SOMEONE bailed on me for this chapter also I had writers block. After writing this I will start the next chapter of "Darken Life" If you have not read it yet then please read my other story and vote.

-Naruto's P.O.V (remember, he is being controlled)-

I was walking past the Hyuga compound when Hinata came running out with tears in her eyes.

"Hinata what's wrong" I asked.

"F-Father s-said I-I w-was w-weak a-and s-stripped m-my t-title a-as h-heiress t-to t-the H-Hyuga c-clan h-head a-and g-gave i-t to H-Hanabi. H-He a-also s-said t-that i-if I-I don't g-get strongerm he's going to place t-the c-caged b-bird s-seal on m-me" Hinata bawled.

I smiled and said "I know the perfect person who can help you".

-At Orochimaru's Hide out- 

The moment Hinata saw Orochimaru she tried attack but was held down by snakes.

"Naruto, I she you brought her back. What use does she have to us thought" Orochimaru said from his throne.

"Lord Orochimaru" I said bowing down. "In the plan, there's the sharingan and rinnegan but we don't have the byakugan. I believe that she'll benefit us" I said.

"Fine, but the seals on her" he said and I did. Hinata's eyes went blank.

"Hinata, I need you to challenge Hanabi to a challenge to become clan head again" Orochimaru said.

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru" Hinata said bowing down and left.

"Naruto, I need you to follow me" Orochimaru said.

I followed Orochimaru to a room. He told me to go in and locked the door.

The masked man did some hand seals and all of a sudden red chakra was flowing out of me. By the time he was down I was panting.

'Go home' Orochimaru said in my head. I got up and went home.

-Kameko's P.O.V (Hey guys if you noticed, I wrote Reiko instead of Kameko. Sorry 'bout that. Right now Kameko is grounded)-

"Stupid Naruto. Stupid Stupid. Tou-san and Kaa-san finally acknowledged me for being something but no! You had to reveal your self. Because of you I can't be the child of the prophecy" I said angrily.

Then I felt tears flowing down my face.

"Why? I wanted to be special for once. You get all the special treatment. While I get pushed by our parents, you get to do anything you want. On our birthday, you get to leave the house and do anything you want while I'm stuck at home doing everything Kaa-san tells me to. I wanted you back before but now I regret it. Why?" I said continuing to cry. Then I heard talking downstairs. I wipped my tears and went down.

"Kameko what do you think of having Reiko as your sister? We'll train her hard to match up to your level. You can even teach her a thing or two" Kaa-san said.

"Really? Yes, I would love too" I smiled. We hugged each other.

"Reiko, from now on, you'll be known as Reiko Kuryama Namikaze Uzuamaki" Tou-san said and this time we'll do a family hug.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

I listened to what my family.. no not my family, saying that they'll adopt Reiko. Then I felt a tear trickle down my face unwillingly. I am feeling really weird right now.

'L-Lord Orochimaru what is happening to me' I thought.

'Betrayal. That's what happening. Your so called family never loved you. You knew that but as a plus, Reiko doesn't love you anymore. Face reality no one loves you except me. I always thought of you as my son Naruto. If no one accepts you I will. ' Orochimaru said.

'Arigato Tou-san' I said before entering the house.

"Here, sign this and you'll become my daughter and second heiress to the clan head. Kameko is the first" Minato said not even noticing me.

Then Kushina walked up to me and hit me.

"Where the hell did you go?! Go to your room NOW!" Kushina said with her hair flying.

I closed my eyes and took a breath before opening them. I saw Reiko smirking. I went back to the door to open it. 

"Where are you going?!" Kushina exclaimed.

"Don't worry honey, he can't get back into the house if he leaves so let him be" Minato said and I closed the door. 

I went to the forest of death and leaned back on one of the trees. I cut my wrist with a kunai and let my blood flow freely and closed my eyes.


A/N: I finally updated! Sorry for not doing so. So far Kurama is wining and I've decided it would be Kurama. Sorry for the Naruhina lovers but before you get mad, even though Hinata won't be the one to save him, she ends up with him. So calm down. @AkaneShiru you're so mean. T-T. Leaving me to do this. Anyways, I got writers block but don't worry I don't have it anymore. I thought of a perfect idea so stay tuned on "The Forgotten Child". If haven't yet, please read "Darken Life" it's another Naruto neglected story but with a twist. Please vote. Until Next Time. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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