Chapter 13 : A Ducky Named Fluffy

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A/N: The picture on top is a picture of Fluffy. You don't know who that is? Well you'll find out when you read this chapter.

-No One's P.O.V- 

Team 7 and Tazuna arrived on the foggy  shore of the land of the waves. Then Naruto threw a kunai at a bush. A cute adorable snow bunny came out.

 "Naruto-baka its only a rabbit" Sakura exclamed.

 "Yeah a snow rabbit" Naruto said. 

Kakashi's eyes widen. "Duck" he said.

 "Duck where ? " Naruto joked. 

 "Baka" Sakura said as a blade swung over their heads. When they got up Naruto was gone. 

Then a figure walked out. "Zabuza Momoichi" Kakashi said.

 "Ah the famosu copy cat ninja. Kakashi of the Sharingan" 

'Wait Sharingan' Sasuke thought.

- Naruto's P.O.V-

"Ducky where are you" I said as I was looking for the duck. I thought I heard a duck.

'Quack' "There you are" I said. Who knew I would find an actual duck. The duck was stuck in a bush. 

"Aww you're so cute and fluffly. What should I name you" I said as I freed the duck.

"How about fluffy since you're so fluffy" I said. 'Quack Quack" Fluffy said. "What are you saying" I said.

Wait Kit, you can talk to animals. I'll activate it for you Kurama said.

"Thanks Kurama-nii" I said. Then I felt a surge of chakra. "Ducky can you repeat that" I said.

'I said I love the name fluffy and I'm a female duck'  Fluffy said. "I'm sure Reiko would love you" I said. "Reiko, Shit. My team" I said as I carried Fluffy and rushed back.

-Reiko's P.O.V-

 'Naruto-nii, where are you' I thought as we were fighting Zabuza. 

We'll just Sasuke. Me and Sakure were just standing there. If you're wondering why we're not doing anything is 1. Sakura is weak and 2. Since I cast the genjutsus Naruto feels left out so I promised him the next time I cast a genjutsu he can help me. It'll be our power move making the most powerful genjutsu there is besides the Infinete Tsukinome.

'Where are you if you don't come in 1 minute I am gonna cast the genjutsu without you' I thougth. 

'60, 59, 58 ,57, 56, 55, 54,54 .............. 5,4 ,3 "wait I'm here" Naruto said as he came out of the forest. 

"Baka there you are and why do you have a duck" Sakura said.

"Lets do this"Naruto said ignoring Sakura's comment. But why does he have a duck.

The moment we cast our genjutsu, Kakshi-sensei was freed from the water cage and Zabuza fell down in horror. 

"No please don't" Zabuza cried in fear. Then senbons flew and hit his neck.Zabuza fell down. Kakashi checked his pulse.

"He's dead" Kakashi stated.

"Thank you so much. I've been tracking him for a very long time" a tracker came out and said. 

"No problem" Kakashi said and the traking nin dissapeared with Zabuza'a body.

I raised an eyebrow at Naruto. He nodded back. 

Then, all of a sudden, Kakashi collapsed. We rushed to him. Naruto ans I had to carry Kakshi's body to Tazuna's home. 

The duckbutt and pink banshee were no help what so ever. If banshee's precious crush doesn't do anything, she doesn't do anything. 

When we got to Tazuna's home we met his family and then dropped the dead weight on the floor.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Naruto and Reiko you shouldn't drop Kaka-sensei like that" banshee commented. 

"Well if you carried him probably this wouldn't happen" I said.

"I only do what my Sasuke-kun does" Sakura said cheerfully. Sasugay mentally groaned and left the room with banshee following him.

Then Kakashi started stirring.

 "Kakashi are you okay" I said. 

"Yeah I just exhausted my chakra" he said.

We then explained to Kakashi about Reiko and ours true self.

-Tree Climbin Excersise-

"Kakashi Sensei, what are we doing here" Sasgay asked impatiently.

"We're doing a tree climbing excersise. You can't use your hands only your feet. When you feel you're about to fall, use a kunai to mark your place and then jump down. Naruto will demonstrate." Kakashi said and then dissapeared. Don't know where but probably some where to catch up on that porny book of his. So sad that Jiraiya just published a new book and Kakashi kept it hidden from me so I couldn't spoil the ending for him again.

I ran all the way to the top and came back down.

"Like so" I said when I landed.

Reiko handed me back fluffy and we shunshined away.

-Sakura's P.O.V- (This part is dedicated to AkaneShiru. I'm sorry but cutting Sakura's arm off is just cruel do I'll do something else to her arm)

I sarted running up the tree. Then a wonderful thought came in my mind

"Will you marry me" Sasuke asked. "Yes" I said. I married him. The Ino-pig became our maid. Since she couldn't marry Sasuke, she figured to live with him. A year later we had two children one named Sasuke jr. and the other named Sarada. "Honey I love you" Sasuke said to me as we put our children to sleep. "I love you too" I said. Then Sasuke jr. screamed "Sakura you're falling". 

"Huh" I said. I blinked and found out I was falling off the tree.

-Sasuke's P.O.V- 

"Sasuke-kun catch me" Sakura said

"Noo ugh fine" I said as I lifted my arms out.

Then Sakura fell 1 inch away from my arms. "Oops, I guest I miss calculated or I just didn't care" I said.

"Sasuke-ku...." Sakura said and then fainted

I carried her back to Tazuna's house, During the way, I swear I could see her smiling.

-Sakura's P.O.V-

I opened my eyes. I tried to sit up with my right left arm my found out my arm was in a sling.

"You're up" Tsunami said. 

"What happened" I asked.

"Well, you fell of a tree. Your left arm catch your fall. If it didn't you would've died since you climbed so high" Tsunami said.

Then I remembered something. "Tsunami is my Sasuke-kun okay" I said

"Of course why not" Tsunami said. 

"Didn't Sasuke-kun catch my fall ?" I asked.


A/N: Yeah another update. Ok someone just commented to write about Rikkudo Sennin. Calm down people. You can't rush everything okay! I'm getting to it. Thank you everybody for voting on my story. Byeeeeeeeeee

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