Chapter 10 : Gradution Day

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-Minato's P.O.V-
I was so happy to see my daughter so happy. She had a smile that can light up my entire day. "Thank you so mt Tou-san" Kameko said to me and then hugged me. As I hugged Kameko I looked up at Kitsune and saw red chakra coming out. I let go of Kameko, closed my eyes and looked at him again. There was nothing. "Tou-san, are you okay" Kameko looked at me with worried eyes. "Yeah, honey are you okay?" Kushina said to me. "No its nothing, I'm probably from all the paper work." I answered. An hour later people started to leave Kushina, and Kameko were cleaning up. "Hokage-sama, is our service still needed here?" Kitsune said to me. " Yes, but I have a question for you." I said to him. "What is it Hokage-sama" Kitsune said. "Do notice red chakra coming out of you?" I asked him. "No, I don't know what you're talkin about" he replied. "Oh, then you and canary can go." I said. "Good-bye Hokage-sama" they both said and then left.

Naruto's P.O.V during the party-
Kameko had a beautiful happy smile on her face. It was digusting. Then "Hokage-sama" (note the mocking) hugged his wonderful daughter. Digusting. 'Nii-san, Kurama-nii's chakra is leaking out' Reiko told me telepathically. I quickly made it dissapear. 'Do you think anyone noticed?' I asked Kameko worridly. 'I think not' she replied. At the end of the party I went to the a**hole Hokage and said, "Hokage-sama, is our service still needed here?" I asked him. "Yes, but I have a question for you" he said to me. 'Shit' Kit he's on to you Kurama said. (I'm to lazy to write the rest. You know what happens in Minato's P.O.V.) "Oh thank god!" I told Reiko. "You should be more careful next time Nii-san." she said. " I know, I know" I told her. Then all of a sudden another ANBU appeared and told us the Hokage summoned us. "Hokage-sama, you summoned us" Reiko said. "Yes, there were suspicious movements near the gate of Konoha" he said. We went their right away. "Who are you" I asked them. "Were the Demon Brothers and who are you?" they said. "My name is Kitsune and my partner is Canary" I said. They started laughing. "What are you animals?" one of them said. "Perhaps you know us by a different name, the Nightmare Sibling" I said. They gapsed. "Please spare us we'll pledge an allegience to you please. We'll promise to never come near this village again please" they said going on their knees. "Oh, you've heard of us" Reiko said to them. "Fine you can go but remember what you'd said" Reiko said. "Thank you so much" they said and they shunshined away. "Lets go" Reiko said and we shunshined to the Hokage's office. "Did you find anything?" the Hokage asked. "No there wasn't anyone near the gates. I think they already left" I said to him. "Okay dimiss" he said and we left.

-Time Skip 6 years later on graduation day-

-Kameko's P.O.V-
I was so angry. I am the Hokage's daughter. I can't believe I ended up FOURTH. What is Tou-san gonna think about me.

-Naruto's P.O.V-
"Okay, I'm gonna call out your names for your teams so listen carefully

Team 7: Reiko Kuryama, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Kuryama, and Sakure Haruno

Team 8: Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, and Kameko Namikaze-Uzamaki

Team 10: Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka

"Okay you heard your teams, your senseis are going to pick you guys up after lunch" Iruka said and left.

-After lunch-

"What is taking him so long" Sakura complained. Then all of a sudden a man with gray hair came through the door. "My first impression of all of you is that your boring. Meet me at the roof in 5 minutes he then dissapeared.

-Kakashi's P.O.V-
I dissapeared to the roof. All of a sudden two people appeared in front of me. "That was fast" I said as I turned around. "Kakashi, I missed you" one of them said and hugged me. "Naruto long time no see" I said to Naruto. Then the other two came up. "Okay, lets start with introductions. Tell me you name, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams. Starting with you pinkie" I said pointing to a girl wearing pink.
"My name is Sakura Haruno not pinkie I like .." looks at Sasuke "My dream is to be with " Giggle. "And I hate Naruto Baka" she said. " Emo your turn" I said. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate alot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to surpass my brother Itachi one day." he said. "Okay, blondie your next." I said to Naruto.
" My name is Naruto Kuryama. I like Ramen, Reiko and Kurama. I hate fan girls, perverts, people who don't know the difference between a container and the actual thing and people obsessed with power. Hobbies don't think I have any. What I have is not a dream because I'll make it a reality. I will kill a certain someone." Naruto said. I sweat dropped because he got all of us except the last girl weird.
"Interesting dream, okay orange you next" I said to the last person. "My name is Reiko Kuryama. I like Naruto-nii, barbeque meat, and Kurama-nii. I hate the person who killed Tou-san. My intentions are the sam as my Nii-san." Reiko said. Oh no wonder Naruto didn't get the girl because she was his sister. "Okay. Meet me at Training ground 7 tomorrow at 8 and don't eat or you will puke" I said and dissapeared.

-No One's P.O.V-
"Ya know, if I were you I would eat" Naruto  said as he and Reiko dissapeared. "But we have to follow the rules right Sasuke-kun" Sakura whined but everyone was gone. 'Thank God I decided to leave. If I didn't, that loud mouth pink banshee would've chased after me and annoy me.' Sasuke thought as he was fleeing from roof to roof away from Sakura.

A/N: Hello people. I just wanted to say Happy New Year. Byeeeeeeeeeee

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