Chapter 17 : Chunin Exams Part 2

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A/N: Did anyone like my joke? It was hilarious! Anywho here is the REAL story. Sorry for not updating, I needed time to plan out what I was gonna write. I'm not gonna go into details of the matches. Why? Because I'm too lazy and it's too troublesome. Just gonna say who wins. This chapter is dedicated to upsetblood and DreamSeeker10779. Enjoy!

-No One's P.O.V-

People who passed the the second part of the chunin exams were called together.

"Since there are too many of you and the rules stated that we could hold a preliminary if there are too many people, we are now holding a preliminary rounds." Mianto said.

"cough* Hokage-sama could I explain the cough* rules" a ninja said.

"I am cough* Hayate Gekko and cough* I wil be refering these matches. The screen would pick out two people and they will have to fight each other. The matched ends when either your opponent is no longer able to contine or by death. Please go up to the stands and stay there if you're not fighting" Hayate said.

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akado = Sasuke Uchiha

Zaku Abumi vs. Shino Aburame = Double knockout.

Misumi Surugi vs. Kakuro = Kankuro

Sakura Haruno vs. Sai Yamanaka = Sai Yamanaka

Tenten vs. Temari = Temari (A/N: For some reasons both of them don't have last names. Why?)

Reiko Kuryama vs. Ino Yamanaka = Reiko Kuryama

Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin Tsuchi = Shikamaru Nara

Naruto Kuryama vs. Kiba Inuzuka = Naruto Kuryama

Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga = Neji Hyuga

Gaara vs. Rock Lee = Gaara

Kameko Namikaze-Uzamaki vs. Kabuto Yakushi = Kameko wins due to Kabuto forefiting

Dosu vs. Choji Akimichi = Double knock out.

"Winners, please come up and choose a number" Hayate said.

"Okay the matches will be: 1.Naruto vs. Neji 2. Gaara vs. Sasuke 3. Kankuro vs. Kameko 4. Temari vs. Shikamaru 5. Reiko vs. Sai. The matches will take place in 2 weeks from now good luck" Minato said.

Soon everyone was leaving.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Wanna go eat" I said referring to the rookie 12 minus Kameko and Gaara's team.

"Sure" they replied. 

As we were walking to barbeque, Shikamaru said "This is too troublesome".

"What is" I asked.

"Well I have to fight my girlfriend I said troublesome. How about I forfit" he said.

Temari who overheard this conversation said " Shikamaru you lazy ass I need you to take our fight seriously.

"Fine" Shikamaru sighed.

-Minato's P.O.V-

I was in my office doing the wonderful paperwork. Paperwork. The thing every kage loves. When Jiraiya bursted in.

"Jiraiya sensei, what is it" I said not looking up.

"I have a prophicy about your children" he said.

"What is it" I said looking up.

"A  child of Minato Namikaze will change the world. The child would bring peace to the world. The child would be manipulated and turn to darkness, but would be saved by someone close to the child. Then this child would become hope and save the world" Jiraiya said.

The Forgotten Child (A Naruto Fan-Fic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now