Chapter 14 : Gone Girl

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

I spied on Kakashi read his new book and he was blushing every now and then. 

"Is he that much of a pervert" Reiko asked.

"I don't know lets find out." I said.

Sexy Jutsu *poof*

-Kakashi's P.O.V-

Oh my god this book is so good. Thank you Jiraiya. Then I heard a rustling noise in a bush near me. I put down the book and grabbed my kunai.

"Who's there" 

Then I girl came out with a innocent face very with ripped clothing (and you know what. Sexy Jutsu I'm not describing the rest)

I felt my face getting hot.

"Um.. m-miss w-what are you doing all by your self alone?" I said tried hard not to nose bleed.

"I-I was t-traveling w-when I was attacked by bandits and they took everything. I managed to escaped unharmed." she replied with a very beautiful voice. 

Then she fainted. 

"U-um miss are you alright" I said as I tried to wake her up.

I carried her back to Tazuna's house. I bumped into Sasuke at the door. We both looked at each other with questioning faces but decided to drop it. 

-Reiko's P.O.V- 

When I got to Tazuna's house I found everyone surronding the couch nii-san in his sexy jutsu form. 

Pretending not to know anything I said "Who is she and what happened"

"Kakashi- sensei said he found her in the forest and she fainted so he brought her here" Sasuke replied.

Then Nii-san started stirring.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

I layed there on the couch not moving listening to their conversation. Then I decided to wake up.

"W-who are yo people" I asked.

"I'm Reiko, that's Kakashi, Tsunami, and Sasuke" Reiko said introducing me to people I already know. 

Then Tsunami left.

"U-um I-I h-have a q-question f-for y-you S-Sasuke-nii" I said.

"What is it" he said.

"U-um Sasuke-nii uh, why is there the word gay in your name" I asked and Reiko snickered. 


I started tearing up and said, "I'm sorry *sniff* I didn't know *sniff* okay". I started crying badly.

"Look what you done" Kakashi said sighing.

"It's okay" he said hugging. I'm pretty sure he did that only to hug me. 

Then Tsunami came down with a set of clothing.

"What happened what did you do" Tsunami said. 

"Were you bullying her" she said.

"You should've know better to bully her" she said.

"But we didn't do anything" Sasuke and Kakashi said in unision and they fleed.

"Oh its okay. Go up stairs. In the 2nd room towards the left and put these clothes on. " She said and then left.

I got up and went up stairs with Reiko behind me. The moment I got upstairs there was a quack.

'Naruto-sama, Reiko-sama where have you been' Fluffy asked

'And Naruto-sama why are you a girl' fluffy asked. 


A/N: Hey too lazy to write more. Sorry for not updating. The next chapter will be on the bridge fight and Naruto would reveal his "female" identity. Yady Yady Ya. Blah Blah Blah Thank for voting on my story Yady yady yh Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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