Chapter 6 : Kidnapped

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-Kakashi's P.O.V-

I watched as Naruto covered the trail of blood leading to his 'home'. "What were you doing Naruto?" I asked him." Training" Naruto replied. "Who was teaching you?" I asked him. How could he have learned to train with no one helping him. "Kurama , but technically he didn't do anything. He just gave me a giant pile of scrolls and told me to hunt a deer for him when I finished. " Then all of a sudden Kurama appeared in his human form. "Excuse Me? If I didn't steal the scrolls from the Hokage tower, you wouldn't have learned anything" Kurama said. My eyes widen. "Y-you stole the scrolls!"I practically screamed that out. "Kakashi be quiet one can hear you from miles away!" Naruto complained at me. "Sorry" I said to him. "I did steal them but, I returned them" Kurama said before he dissapeared.

-Naruto's P.O.V-

After Kurama left Kakashi told me to follow him. We were half way out the when all of a sudden people attack us and knocked me out. I woke of groggily on the floor all tied up. My head was throbbing in so much pain. All of a sudden a voice said in my mind, Hey Kit are you okay? 'Who are you? 'I am Kurama, Kit remember? 'Kurama! What happened? I can't remeber anything ' Kit, calm down, you were kidnapped and got brain washed by a ss class forbidden justsu. I was about to respond when a man with worried eyes came rushing in. "Naruto are you okay?" the man said as he untied me. "Who are you and how did you know my name?" I asked him. "I know your name because I am your father" the man said leaving me shocked.

-No One's P.O.V-

-At the Hokage Tower-

Kakashi rushed into Minato's office after Naruto was kidnapped by a bunch of unknown people. "Minato sensei, your son has been kidnapped" Kakashi said as he opened the door of the Hokage's office. "Who?" Minato said as he looked up from his paper work.

 "Your son, Naruto Namikaze Uzamaki" Kakashi said impatintly  (A/N Don't know how to spell XD). "Yeah so" Minato said as he returned to his paper work. "Don't you care about your son" Kakashi said all most yelling. "Wait hold on a minute..... who were we talking about again?" Minato asked. Kakashi faced plamed. "Your son, the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi" Kakashi said. That caught Minato's attention.  "So you're telling me, the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi also my son was kidnapped by a bunch of ninjas?" Minato asked as he put his paper work down and stood up. "Yes" Kakashi said. "That won't be a problem as long as the Kyuubi won't attack us but, I will send a small team of shinobis to look for him. Now if you would excuse me I have a meeting right now" Minato said and then left. 

-Naruto's P.O.V-

"Y-your my father?" I asked the man with widen eyes. "Yes" the man replied. "Kurama, is that true?" I said. "Who's Kurama?" the man asked. I am Kurama, Kurama said as he appeared in a new chibi form. Evrn though he was chibi, he was still scary. "Kurama long time no see, its been what, 20 years?" the man said as he hugged Kurama.

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