Chapter 5 : Home sweet Home

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-Naruto's P.O.V-

I arrived at training ground 6 seeing ANBUs there. "Shit" I muttered under my breath. How am I suppose to get in without them noticing. They are high classed ninja "Kurama help me" I said as I asked Kurama. No can do Kit, my favorite show is on. You've gotta wait Kurama replied. I groaned. I was about to enter unnoticed until an ANBU wearing a wolf mask stopped me. "Who are you what are you doing here and what is in that bag" he asked. "Um..... My name is..... Naruto Uzumaki and um..... I live here. My bag has food and um.... my personal things?" I answered. "By any chance are you related to Lady Kushina?" he asked. "Well yes and no" I replied. "What do you mean" he asked. "Well she is my mother by she ignores me half the time and forgets my name." I replied. "Can I go now" I asked him. "Yeah sure, I'll go come with you" he said. 

He followed me to the middle of the forest. He watches me as I entered my 'home'. "This is where you live" he asked. "Starting now it is" I said. I put my stuff down and made a door. He was still standing there watching me. "Uhh... don't you have a job or something" I asked him as I continued making a mini-door. "Why are you so alone" he asked. "You want my life story huh, then I shall tell the tale of my life. I am a miserable person. Every year on my birthday, while my sister Kameko gets spoiled with parties and everything, I get beatened up by retarted villagers for being Kurama's or as you know him, the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki." I said. His eyes widen at the metion of Kurama. "H-how do you know about the Kyuubi" he asked. "I knew about him on my third birthday while getting beaten up by retarted villagers, he doesn't like being called the Kyuubi and by the way, his name is Kurama". I answered as I put the door on the tree hole. 

"Anyways, I told you my name and my life's story" I said. "What is your name and take that mask of" I demanded.  He took of his mask revealing his face which had another mask on half of his face. "My name is Kakashi Hatake" he said. "Okay, good bye. Please don't let anyone know I live here thanks! Bye" I said as I closed the door and locked it. 

- Kakashi's P.O.V-

"Sure" I said as Naruto closed the door. I had alot of questions for Minato sensei but I promised Naruto not to say anything to anyone. Why did he ignore his own son? I teared up when he told me about his life story. Poor kid. 

-The Next Day-

I decided to visit Naruto. When I reached his house he wasn't there. I didn't sense his chakara anywhere and saw a trail of blood. I followed it to the end of the forest but I couldn't find anything. Where did you go Naruto? 

-Naruto's P.O.V- 

I was having a happy dream until Kurama woke me up outside of my mindscape. I opened the door and looked outside. I expected a warm sun shining in my face but saw a dark dark sky. "What the heck Kurama, why d'you wake be up so early" I asked him. For your training. He snapped his fingers and a bunch of scrolls appeared above me. They fell on me creating a big pile. Tell me when you're done and catch a deer for me thanks Kurama said and he dissapeared. 

The training took me 5 hours. Now I know everything to becoming ninja. I learned that my ckakara nature was wind, lightning, and fire, and I learned all basoc justus I need. Kurama even put in a few forbidden ones. I even made summoning contracts with foxes. I was about to lay down and sleep when I remembered I needed to find food for Kurama. I caught a deer and bought it back to the tree house with me. It left I trail of blood. When I reached my hideout, it was impossible to pull it up the tree so I summoned Kurama. He ate the deer in one bite. Thanks Kit, its been so long since I tasted deer Kurama said. "No problem Kurama and I finished the training" I replied. Then I just remembered the trail of blood. "Shit" I said . What is it Kit Kurama asked. "The deer left a trail of blood leading to the hideout" I said as I ran to find a river. As I bought some water back I saw Kakashi standing at my hide out. "Naruto where ha..." "Not now Kakashi" I interrupted him as I cleaned the trail of blood.  

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