Chapter 3: The Club

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Chapter 3:

We stepped in that club like we was the shit. Me and Kahlea was the center of attention but I already knew that is what was gonna happen. "Girl. .look at them" she said licking her lips looking at Young Dee and his crew.

Damn, he did look good I said licking my lips. He had on a white v neck polo shirt but the horse was black, with a white polo hat also with a black horse, white levis and some white adidas shell tops. I saw get in the V.I.P section and started drinking asap.

"Girlllllllll, look at his friend" Kahlea said pointing to Dee's friend. he was cute put he ain't look no where near better than Dee. "Lets go over there" Kahlea said excited. "Girl NO! Ian going over there looking all thirsty and shit". "Bitch please, you gotta get it how ya liveeeeeee" she said rolling her eyes. I laughed at her this bitch was funny. "Lets dance" I said grabbing her hand.

Me and Kahlea got on the dance floor and grinded on eachother. We made everybody look at us, as usual. I rubbed my ass on her and she rubbed her hands all over my body. Just then a man came over a tapped me. "Yes?" I said looking at the big security guard. "You sexy ladies has been invited to the V.I.P" he said smiling. "Thankyou" I said grabbing Khalea hand leading her over there.

Dee smiled at me and his friends smiled at Khalea. All the groupy hoes looked real mad.

"Loreal, you look beautiful" I smiled. "You look nice yourself" I said. I turned to see Khalea sitting beside dee friend I laughed. "So what you doing tonight?" he asked showing all his white teeth. "Well once I leave here, I'm going to sleep gotta work in the afternoon. "Why don't we get out of here." he said. "Holup what you mean by that?" my smile quickly turned into a frown. "Chill ma, it ain't nothing like that" he said raising his hands up. "Trust me. ." he said. "Ok". I said. I hope he didn't think he was fucking tonight because that wasn't happening.

I told Kahlea I would catch up with her later. she didn't seem to care she had her eyes on his friend. He grabbed my hand and lead me to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. "Where we going?" I said looking confused. "You'll see" he said smiling and driving off. Oh lord I thought in my head what the hell have I got in myself in.

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