Chapter 29: The Good Die Young

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Hey Y'ALL IM BACK!! lol i feel like i have kept y'all waiting long enough so I'm here to update. I'm in school so the updates WILL BE KIND OF SLOW! I love the people who reading..PLEASE vote or else i won't update again I know i know, some of y'all don't give a fuck 'cause that's what i be saying to other people stories when they say that. Oh well..Comment & Vote Y'all happy reading (: Also it might not be that long sorry I'm tired. #deuces. 

~ Ebony Denise Lerea (: 

 Chapter 29:



I sat there about to have a mini heart attack as the doctors just called me and told me that my bestfriend was in critical condition and to come up there as soon as possible.

* the conversation*

Kah'lea: Hello, who is this?

Hospital: Yes ma'am, I am calling on the behalf of Loreal Sanders.

Kah'lea: Okay, what about her?

Hospital: Yes she has been in a major accident it seems that she is in critical condition we need you to come down as soon as possible.

Kah'lea: Hold on what are you talking about? How do you know that it is Loreal?

Hospital: We've found her driving liscense inside of the car you are her emergency contact and we need you.

Kah'lea: Okay I'm on the way.


"Where are you going?"  Tre asked me. "My bestfriend has just been in a fucking accident I need you to take me there NOW!" I yelled. He hurried up and grabbed his keys and we headed out the door, Lord please let my bestfriend be okay. We hurried to the emegrency room and I rushed to the desk. "Yes, Loreal Sanders." I said. The lady slowly looked up at me and popped her gum I swear I wasn't in the mood for this shit. "BITCH I SAID LOREAL SANDERS!" I said hitting my fist on the desk. She mumbled something under her breath and finally gave me the number "Room 233" she said. I rolled my eyes and hurried to the elevator into I got to the room. It was a police officer standing outside of the room. "What is going on?" I asked the police officer he didn't say anything. "Excuse me can i get some help please!" I yelled, A nurse came up to me and asked what was wrong. "Why is this police officer standing outside of my sisters door?" I asked lying just in case it was family only. "We believe, well we know that somebody was trying to kill your sister, we have the people in custody but just in case it was more people in on it we have to take extra precaution to keep her safe." she said.

My heart damn near dropped what the hell did she mean somebody was trying to kill her. Then it came to me Loreal told me that she was being followed. I finally fell to my knees it was just too much going on for me "When can we see her?" Tre said. "Well she just now came out of emergency surgery and right now she can't have any visitors." he said. "What about the baby?
 I said. "Ma'am I wasn't aware that i was a baby." she said. "She's pregnant!" I yelled couldn't you tell?" I said getting angry. "Ma'am I didn't arrive on the scene I'm going to get the head nurse who was here to come and see you, you can go and wait in the visitors room." she said. "Bitch I don't want to go wait any where I want to see her now!" I yelled. The police officer started to grip onto his stick. "Fuck you grabbing your stick for?" I asked. Tre grabbed my hand and led me to the visitors room I was so pissed.

"If i would have just stayed with her this wouldn't have happened." I said as the tears rolled down my eyes. "Baby if you would have been there with her this could've happened to you too." he said. "Oh well, if I lose Loreal i have absolutely no one that is my everything." I said. "You have me." he said. "No I don't everytime i look around you're with another female." I said rolling my eyes. He just stared at me with so much hurt "Are you really going to bring that up here." he said. I just ignored him "Fine." he said getting up. "If i'm that much of a problem I'll just leave you be Kah'lea." and like that he was gone. Oh well I said to myself fuck him then it hit me DeMarcus.


I sat there waiting to hear about the news about my about my cousin I've called my aunt and cousins to wait on their arrival they lived in Los Angeles that's exactly why I called my cousin because he lived here and I needed the help but now i regret ever calling him. My aunts and cousins came rushing into the visitors room. "What happened?!" My aunt Ronda said. "He got shot." I said lowering my head. "How did that happen?" she said. "He was trying to save me while we was being shot at." I said. I felt my aunts hand slap across from my face as the tears rolled down my face. "This is all of your fault DeMarcus! You know how much he looked up to you and you let him down!" she said. I felt a tear escape my eye I usually don't cry but my aunt hurt me with that line. "Family of Marc Jones?" the doctor said. "Yes." aunt Rhonda said. "I'm sorry to imform you that Marc Jones is pronounced dead, cause of death "Gunshot wounds through the chest and torso." he said. "I'm sorry for your lost." he said before he walked away. My aunt Rhonda just fell on her knees crying as my two cousins came and crowded around her. 

After my cousins helped my aunt off of the floor my cousin Maurice came over to me and said "We know it aint your fault cuz, ma just want somebody to blame we all knew how Marc got down so don't blame it on  yourself. But once you find out who did it me and Rod in we gone do they bitch ass." he said reffering to his brother. "We already killed the person who was responsible but it is still other people who needs to be taken care of I don't want y'all to be in it." he said. "Fuck that I'm in it." he said. I walked over to Aunt Rhonda "Auntie I know that you are mad at me right now and you're right it's nobody to blame but myself and I am so sorry nothing I say can ever bring Marc back but I just want you to know that anything you need help with I will pay for everything just call me." I said. My phone started ringing I looked at the caller I.D. and didn't know who the fuck it was. I ignored it and they just kept calling "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!" I yelled. "DeMarcus?" a female voice said. "Who the fuck is this?" I asked confused. "Kah'lea, Loreal has been admitted into the hospital somebody tried to kill her." she said. "What the fuck do you mean who?" I asked as my boil began to boil. "I don't know, please just hurry." she said. "I'm on the way." I said hanging up. First my cousin now my baby somebody was going to shed blood!


I sat in the house with a big ass smile on my face I was so happy that the bitch Loreal was going to be taken care of today. She should've been taken care of I was waiting for my cousins call to confirm that he had killed the bitch. Suddenly I got a call that had a crazy zip code. "Who this?" "Chantae this is Juwante mane the police caught all of out ass in action mane i need you to bail all of us out of jail." he said. I took the phone away from ear and looked at to see if what i just heard was real. "And you're telling me why? did you kill the bitch?" I asked getting tired of this conversation already. "I don't know i think so and I need you to come and get us I don't want to be in jail." he said. "I dont know is not the answer that I was looking for." I said. "Kah'lea did you hear what the fuck I said?" he said. "Yeah i heard you but that has nothing to do with me." I said. "You know what you are a grimy ass bitch and i got something for your ass." he said. "BooHoo im so scared have fun in jail you stupid muthafucker, goodbye." I said hanging up in his face. There was nothing that he could do to me fuck him i hope he rot in jail i really hope that bitch Loreal is dead i didn't want to waste that money for nothing. 

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~ what y'all think about chantae?

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