Chapter 16: Old Memories

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HAPPY 4th of July, you guys. .this is dedicated to all of my supporters i love y'all thankyou!!!! happy reading. .

- Ebony Lerea 

Chapter 16: 




I sat in the visiting room with Kah'lea I just finished crying on her shoulder and telling her what happened. She was the only person that I could actually go to and get all of this shit off of my chest. "Loreal, I'm telling you DeMarcus is a nice guy. .trust me & I know that he loves you." I shook my head agreeing to what she said. "You're right but I -" she cut me off. "It aint no if ands or buts about it Loreal, if you love him you need to tell him you need to put that wall down & talk to him, & like he said you need to stop assuming stuff Loreal!" she said. I couldn't say anything else because at the end of the day she was right about all of this shit. "Visiting time is over." the lady. We both stood up and Kah'lea gave me a very long hug. "I love you Kah'lea." i said letting go. "I love you more Loreal & I always will, come back next week." she said walking away, I nodded and left out of the building. Kah'lea was absolutely right I needed to talk to him but my pride was in the way. I guess if i love him like I say I love him and if he loves me like i think he loves me we'd be able to put this shit behind and be together.


I sat there laughing as my mother and Chantae cooked Sunday dinner. "So you're not gonna help cook?" Chantae said coming over to where i was sitting and bumping me with her booty. "No." I said. "Aww, chear up." she said rubbing the flour she had on her hands all over my face. "Yo chill." i said laughing. I picked her up ready to slam her on the ground "No no no, im sorry." she said laughing trying to get out of my tight hold. I lightly slammed her on the ground and she made a face like she was in pain. "Ahhh." she said "You okay?" I said trying to help her up. She pulled me down on top of her & said "gotcha." we just started into eachother eyes for a minute before my momma cleared her throat. "Oh. .sorry ma." I said laughing helping Chantae off of the ground. "DeMarcus where's Loreal? you should invite her" my mother said. Chantae just looked me wondering who she was. I just ignored her. "Don't you hear me talking to you boy?" she said getting angry. "Chantae can you give me and DeMarcus a minute?" my mother told Chantae. "Yeah, sure." she said walking out of the kitchen. 

"DeMarcus, what's going on with you and Loreal? Why haven't I met her yet and why is you and Chantae up in here acting like y'all falling in love all over again." my mother asked. "Ma, I dont know where Loreal is and I dont even know if it's going to be a me and Loreal." i said honestly. "Oh and why is that? because you think that you can start an old fling with Chantae again?" my mother said bluntly. "No ma it's not all about Chantae it's just the simple fact I dont think that me and Loreal is right for eachother." I said. "How do you know if y'all are right for eachother if you never gave the poor girl a try? Don't forget that Chantae is only hear for a few weeks her whole life is in Miami." my mother said. I knew my mother was right my mother was always right but with Chantae here all we do is laugh we dont fight argue or nothing we just have fun but with Loreal it's always we're arguing I don't want that kind of drama going on in my life. "Think, about what I said DeMarcus." she said before calling Chantae back into the kitchen. Me and Chantae ate and we just sat there talking and laughing. "Who's Loreal?" she said twirling her blonde/brown hair. "Nobody. ." I said. we just sat there in silent for a minute. "I gotta idea." she said smiling real wide. "What?" I said. "Let's go to our old spot." she said, I was hesitant for a minute. "Please..." she said. "Aight." I said.


I sat on the ground throwing up in the toilet. I dont know what the fuck was going on with me lately because I've been feeling hella sick lately. I was waiting on them to call my name at the doctors office and all of a sudden i had to throw up. I rinsed my mouth out with some Listorine that I keep handy in case of emergencies. As soon as I came back the nurse looked at me "Miss Sanders, we was just looking for you." she said smiling opening up the door. "Okay, we're gonna give you a ultra sound." she said smiling. "Doctor Williams, I am not pregnant." I said laughing. 'Okay, we'll just have to find out won't we?" she said. She put the warm gel on my stomach and started rubbing the   transducer around my stomach. "Well miss sanders, it seems that you are she said pointing to the screen." my heart started beating real fast I almost passed out when she said that shit. "Yep, 7 weeks" she said pointing to different things on the screen. I felt the tears started streaming down my face i just covered up my face and kept crying. "What's the matter Miss Sanders?" she said concerned. "Is this tears of joy?" she said smiling. I just shook my head. "It'll be okay, come on let's get you cleaned up." she said handing me a towel to wipe myself off. "Thankyou." I said. "I want you to come and see me once every two weeks okay?" she said. I just nodded my head and walked out.   What the fuck was i going to do now? I wasn't going to tell DeMarcus just yet, I'm not one of them people who just tells a nigga they pregnant to make sure he stays with her. So when the time is right I will tell him. 

I just sat in the car rubbing my belly. Damn i've been drinking and everything i hope my boy or girl be  okay. I didn't know how to be a mother I don't even know if i was ready to be a mother. I couldn't wait to tell Kahlea about this, Kahlea would've made a great mother. I can't believe she didn't tell me that she lost the baby if I would have known that she was going through all of this stress i would have been there for her. I needed to stop stressing though, if i knew one thing for sure is that stress was not good for the baby. I just drove to the grocery store i needed to get a few things anyway i needed to get more healthier food and plus my eyebrows and hair needed to be fixed ASAP. Maybe this baby came into my life for a good reason only time will tell.

* midnight *


My Works

I sat there on the grass looking at the stars, it was peaceful. It was nothing but the wind, the sky and the trees surrounding us. I sat there as Chantae stared into my eyes it was like we was 16 again. When I was with Chantae it was like i wanted to leave all the street shit alone and just be with her, I didnt think about none of that shit when i was with her it was just like we was in our own little world. "What's wrong?" she said stitting up. "Nothing, just thinking." i said. "About that Loreal girl?" she said. I was surprised when she said that. "No, why would you think?" i asked lying. "DeMarcus, I don't want to start anything with you & your girlfriend if there's something going on with you & her then i will fall back." she said. "I'm not with her anymore." I said half way lying because we never officailly broke up. "I've missed you." she said. "I missed you too." I said and before you know it she was sitting on my lap kissing me so passionately. I turned her over and she started laughing and took off her shirt showing her bra and and belly ring. I took off mine and unzipped my jeans, she pulled her hollister sweat pants down and i just pulled her panties to the side and just entered in her. She squinted her ass and bit her lip as I went in and out of her. Her pussy was good I could say that but it wasn't no Loreal. Everytime i went in and out of her I just thought about how much better Loreal's was. When me and Loreal had sex it was love and passion but when me and Chantae fucked it was just like a regular ole fuck from a random broad. Damn.

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