Chapter 23: Trouble In Paradise

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Chapter 23: 


I sat there calling DeMarcus phone, I would've thought that he would be finished by now what the fuck was his ass doing? I thought to myself. Just before I was about to call DeMarcus again somebody called me from a unknown number, I didn't want to answer at first but something told me to answer. "Hello?" I said. "Loreal!" the person said. "Who's this?" I asked confused. "Mike mane, yo DeMarcus has been shot you need to get down to the hospital now!" he yelled. My heart instantly dropped to the ground what the fuck he mean DeMarcus been shot. "Which hospital?" I said panicking. "MCV." he said. I hung up the phone and instantly grabbed my keys I didn't even change my clothes, my hair was in a pony tail and i had on a sweat shirt, leggings, and jordans I didn't give a fuck because I still look good. I drove to the hospital fast as shit passing lights and everything. I finally got into the hospital and saw DeMarcus, his mother and his friends all sitting in the waiting area. "What's going on?" I asked his mother. She was just crying and she just hugged me. What the fuck was going on i thought to myself. "We waiting to hear what's going on, I just cant believe this..not my baby." she said. "It's okay, he's going to be fine." I said. I started panicking myself and I started breathing really heavy, I just tried to slow down my breathing but i couldn't. "Loreal, calm down baby." DeMarcus mother said. I got up to try to cool down i was hot as a bitch, then i lost all control of my body and I just passed out. 


I sat there looking at the TV and my phone started ringing. It was DeMarcus mother I wondered why she was calling me for. "Hello?" I said. "DeMarcus, is in the hospital." she said. "why what's going on?" I said. "He's been shot." she said starting to cry. "Mom...calm down, tell me what hospital it is and i will be on my way." I said. "We're at MCV." she said. "Okay, I'll be right there." I said before hanging up. I can't believe my baby is in the fucking hospital, I hope he was OK." I didn't live to far from MCV so it only took me about 8 minutes to get there. I hurried up and parked the car and went in there, I saw Demarcus mother and a few of his friends but I didn't see Loreal. Good way to fuck up bitch, don't be here when your boyfriend gets shot what a dumb bitch she is just making this shit way too fucking easy for me like seriously. I went and sat beside DeMarcus mother. "What's going on mommy is he okay?" I asked. "Yeah, i think so baby we're just waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us what is going on. "Are you okay??" I asked "Yeah, just being hopeful." she said.

"Why isn't Loreal here?" I asked not being able to hold it in anymore. "She's here, she passed out and the doctors had to took her in a room so that she could give her some oxygen, she's stressing out too much and this just made it worse i just hope that she and my grand baby is okay." she said. That shit just made me mad a little bit I'm carrying her grandchild too. "Ma, I'm carrying your grandchild too." I said. "I know that, that's the only reason why I called you here Chantae. .It's a terrible thing." she said. Now my blood was really boiling. "What do you mean it is a terrible thing? I was supposed to be the only one pregnant fuck Loreal and that damn baby!" I yelled causing them all to look at me. "Chantae I think you should leave." DeMarcus mother said. "I'm not going any where, I demand respect!" I yelled again. DeMarcus mother just shook her head a nurse came over and tapped me. "Ma'am I am going to have to ask you to leave you are causing a scene and disrupting the families peace." she said. "Bitch, don't touch me I am the fucking family!" I said. "Security!!!" the nurse yelled. The next thing I know a security guard came over to me and said "Ma'am either you can leave voluntarily or i can escort you." he said "I don't need you to escort me anywhere i can leave myself!" I yelled "Fuck y'all." I said before walking away. I knew now that I was at war with everyone that's okay everyone will pay.


I woke up in the hospital bed with a oxygen mask on my face, I saw a doctor standing on top of me writing stuff down on a clip board. I took the mask off of my face "What's going on?" I asked confused. "You passed out Miss Sanders, just relax." the doctor said. "If you don't mind i would like to go back in the waiting room with my family I'm okay." I said. "Okay, but Miss sanders you need to make sure you keep your stress level down and drink lots of fluid you stressing out is not good for the baby or you what if next time you pass out you fall on your stomach and hurt the baby?" the doctor said. I took the time to think about what the doctor just said and he was right I really did need to stop stressing but damn that shit was hard. "Thankyou." I said getting up from the hospital bed. 'Here drink this."  he said handing me the cup of water. "Thankyou." I said drinking the water and finding my way back to the visiting room. "Are you okay baby?" Demarcus mother said to me. "Yes Ma'am i am fine, i just need to stop stressing out too much I guess finding out about Demarcus was to much for me." I said. "You know Chantae came by." she said. "Why?" I asked confused. "I called her I don't know what i was thinking though, I told her that it was a shame that she was pregnant even though I won't deny my grand baby she started going bananas and yelling saying fuck us and saying that she was supposed to be his only baby momma and this crazy bullshit, I don't know what the hell has gotten into her she wasn't like this at first..they even had to tell her to leave." she said. I just shook my head what the fuck was wrong with that bitch Chantae I feel bad for that child that she or he has to deal with a crazy ass bitch like her.

After 10 minutes of just sitting there waiting for the doctor to come and tell us what was going on they finally did. "Family of DeMarcus Jenkins?" the doctor said. "Yes." DeMarcus mother said standing up. I followed behind her to where the doctor was saying. "Okay, so I have good news and bad news..DeMarucs was shot three times but one of the bullets grazed him, one went straight through his chest and the other one hit him in the shoulder, he lost a lot of blood so he's in a slight coma but he will be just fine." the doctor said. "Oh my god." DeMarcus mother said as she started to cry. "Can we please see him??" I said. "Yes, we were able to get both of the bullets out but he's going to stay here into he is out of his coma and I'm going to need you to keep talking to hime very day and every night and he will be able to hear everything you guys are saying. "Okay, let's go." DeMarcus mother said to all of us. We walked down to DeMarcus room 15 deep I don't think that all of us could fit up in that little ass room. I saw DeMarcus just laying there with bandages over the places where he got shot at I just went over and kissed him on his soft lips, holding his hand while his mother held his other hand on the other side. As time flew by DeMarcus crew said that they had to go to the warehouse and make sure that everything is going alright. "Okay, thank y'all for being here." she said hugging all of them as they came over to me and did the same thing. I really hoped that my baby came out of this coma real soon I really did hate that he was in this coma. 

Don't forget to check out my new book "A troubled girl" pleasee.... (: update coming soon though!!!

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