Chapter 28: Plan B

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Yeah so I got a little bit of love not enough comments though but whatever I'm tired of for me is going to start soon. So the updates might be a lil slow but just stick with a real nigggaaaa. lol but anyway Happy Reading (: p.s. chapter may be a lil too long.

- Ebony B.

Chapter 28:

*1 week later*

Loreal - 24 weeks pregnant 

Chantae - 17 weeks pregnant


I called my cousin phone to let him know that the plan is in full effect he answered on the third ring. "Was sup baby girl?" he said. "Tomorrow is the day I'm getting impatient now." I said honestly I was getting real tired of this bitch Loreal all my problems will be over soon enough. "Oh Aight you called just in time how you want me to do this and is that bitch ass nigga DeMarcus going to be in the way?" he said. I got a little mad by him calling my baby a bitch ass nigga honestly DeMarcus would blow his fucking head off. "Nah he told me was going out of town to handle business for a few days but I just want you to make it look like a accident run her ass off the road and shoot that car up until that bitch blow the fuck up I want to make sure she is dead!" I said. "Alright your orders." "Good he's leaving today so you handle her ass tomorrow thanks again cuz." I said smiling. "Anything for family." he said. "Cool." I said hanging up the phone.

I was so fucking happy that this bitch was ready to be taken care of. I called DeMarcus phone I wanted to talk to him I called three times before he answered. "What?!" he asked annoyed. "Demarcus? what are you doing hunny?" I said. "Stop calling me hunny and what do you want?" he said. I just rolled my eyes. "I need help picking out names for the baby." I said. "Chantae you're not even close to having the baby now goodbye." he said hanging the phone up. I just stared at the phone and slammed it down so hard "Just calm down tae it'll be over soon." I said to my self before getting up to take a shower.


I just stared at Loreal as she stood with her arms folded looking at me as I hung up the phone with Chantae. "What?" I asked as Loreal rolled her eyes at me. "Nothing." she said as she walked over to bed and sat down on her side of the bed. "Baby? you okay?" I asked Loreal. "Yeah, I'm okay." she said. "Why you say it like that?" I asked. "'Cause! its absolutely nothing I can do about y'all talking because she got that damm baby I'm tired of this hoe." she said. "I know baby I am too I regret that shit." I said honestly. "Yeah but there is nothing neither of us can do about it." I said. I have to leave my flight leave in 30 minutes I thought to myself as I looked at the clock. "Baby its almost time for me to go." I said. "Already? when are you going to be done with this shit I need you here." she said. "I know I'll be done in a couple of weeks I promise just stick with me." I said grabbing my suitcases and walking down stairs. "hold the fort down baby, you gone ride for me right?" I said "Till the wheels fall off!" she said smiling. "That's what I like to hear." I said kissing her and then kissing her belly before walking to the car.

This was going to be the third warehouse location I'm taking down one by one I was taking all they ass down until I get to the last location and last person Cane's son. he got my message too he's been keeping extra security at the warehouse and I've heard he's been having people out looking for me. Its only a matter of time before we finally face each other. I drove to the where me and my boys was going to catch our personal plane. I hated flying in local airplanes I don't feel like being checked and shit. "Y'all ready?" I said getting on the plane where me and my boys sat. "Hell yeah." my main shooter said acting like his hands was guns shooting the air. I started laughing "Aight let's be out this bitch then." I said. Cane just didn't know what I had in store for his bitch ass.

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