Chapter 5: Cloud 9

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Chapter 5:


*A month later*  

This past month has been great with Loreal. I'm finally starting to crack her out of her shell. We still havent had sex yet, ive been horny as fuck lately. So many bitches has offered to fuck me but i dont want none of them Loreal was worth the wait.

"So, Marco sweetie when am i gonna meet this girl who has my son head gone?" my mother said laughing. "Soon. .ma i swear you are gonna love her!" I said smiling. "Do, you love her?" she said raising her eyebrow. "Ma, you know how i feel about that damn L word". I said. "Boy watch yo mouth in my house." "Oh Excuse me." I said laughing. Mane ion know if i love her, but i know ion like going one day without seeing her or talking to her. Maybe I did love her but I didnt like telling nobody I love them because thats when everything starts changing.


"YOU'RE WHAT?" I said yelling at Kahlea who just told me she was prego. "You heard me. .Im pregnant, arent you happy for me?" "Of course im happy, its just its something about him thats fishy!" i said not really wanting to hurt her feelings. "Of course you would say that Loreal, youre jealous!" "Jealous? Jealous of what im just keeping it real with you." i said getting a little angry. "No if your my bestfriend you dont say things like that to me." she said getting in my face. "Pregnant or not bitch I'll smack yo ass down real quick." I said. "You know what FUCK YOU." she said getting up and walking to her door. "Get the fuck out!" she said to me. I laughed and just left i didnt need her dumb ass anyway.


I over heard Jermaine on the phone with somebody. "Yeah get that bitch Loreal tonight. .thats his soft spot we get her we got his ass. .aight Tremont warehouse it is." he said before hanging up. "What was that all about?" I asked confused. "Oh, nothing baby." he said kissing me. "But, I heard Loreal name and something about getting her what the fuck you trying to do to my bestfriend!" I yelled. "Bitch shut the fuck up!" he said smacking me down on the grown. "Bitch you say one word to anybody and I'll kill you." I looked at him in disbelief "What about your baby?" "Fuck that baby! Im not even sure that baby is mine you a hoe anyway." I couldnt believe what I was hearing I guess Loreal was right after all. "I gotta go." I said trying to get up. "Nah, bitch you aint going no where." he said dragging me into the bathroom. "Stop!" I said screaming. he locked me in the bathroom, little did he know I had my phone. Mad or not I was going to call my bestfriend.


I was pissed off at Kahlea I cant believe this bitch put me out. I looked over to my phone ringing. I looked over and seen it was Kahlea I ignored thay bitch dont call me now. A all black hummer sped up beside and stopped in front of my car. "What the hell!" I said beeping the horn. I tried to back up but another black car came behind me. What the hell going on. I got out my car and knocked on the tented window. "What the fuck you doing?" I said. Before I knew it something behind me hit me in the back of my head and I went black.

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