Chapter 31: Hard Decisions

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HEYY y'all, so i decided to give my fans what y'all want an UPDATE!!!! I have good news and bad news which one you want first? Ok. I'll give you the bad news first. This book is coming to a close it's only 3 chapters left, well 2 after this one. Sorry y'all all good things has to come to an end. BUT the good news is that I will be doing a sequel called "Still Thuggin'" it will be DOPE AF. So look for that. I love y'all we've had some good times but it's time..DRAKE ALBUM THO >>> 

~Ebony Denise Lerea.

Chapter 31:

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” 

― Marilyn Monroe



I sat in this hospital so fucking sad. My body felt like shit, I looked like shit, everything about me was just shitty. It was a miracle that my baby is even alive and breathing. God must really want me to have this baby, more than I do to be honest. Forgive me for saying this but I don't want the baby anymore. Every time I turn around somebody is trying to kill me, I don't want to bring my baby in this dirty world. I sat there looking at my stomach and I felt my little girl moving around in there and it just made me cry. I waited patiently for DeMarcus to come to the hospital he's been gone for days. I think its time that I tell him I'm leaving..not saying I won't be back but I need a break from this. When DeMarcus came in you could tell he had a long day but he still looked and smelled good. "Hey Loreal." he said coming over kissing my forehead. "Hey." I said swallowing the lump in my throat. "What's wrong?" he asked sitting beside me on my hospital bed. "I'm leaving DeMarcus." I said. "Leaving, Leaving where?" he asked. "That doesn't matter I can't stay here anymore DeMarcus." I said as my eyes got watery.

"What the fuck you mean you can't stay here, why the hell not?!" he screamed. "DeMarcus please calm down." I said as the tears came down. "No loreal don't tell me to calm down, my cousin basicly my brother just died and you're going to tell me you're leaving? How fucking selfish can you be?" he said looking at me in disgust. "Selfish?" I've never been selfish to you not once DeMarcus every time anything happens I'm there for you DeMarcus..I was kidnapped because of you and I still held you down, You have another baby on the way and I still held you down, me and your daughter was almost killed because of you! So don't you ever fucking tell me I'm selfish!" I yelled. He just stared at me. "Every time something happened I was there for you right though?" he asked. "DeMarcus you were never there you always come a little to late..just face the facts that no matter how hard you try you can't protect me you just can't, and I'm no longer putting my life nor your daughter life in danger." I said.


I just let every thing Loreal just said sink in. I couldn't believe every thing she said, her words stung more than anything in the world right now. I could protect her, it was just I was never there at the right time but damn everyone makes mistakes right? she ain't got to leave. "DeMarcus did you hear me?" she said. "Yeah, I heard you." I said. She just stared at me. "When you leaving?" I asked simply. "When the doctor give me an a OK that I can go, the sooner the better." she said. "Who you staying with?" I asked. "DeMarcus that doesn't matter jus-" I cut her ass off "I said where the fuck you going!" I yelled at her. I could tell that she was surprised at the way I talked to her but I was hired of playing games with Loreal enough was enough. "DeMarcus..just leave." she said.

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