Chapter 10: Based On What?

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Chapter 10:


I woke up with Loreal laying on my chest. I smiled as I remembered what happened last night, damn she fit me like a glove it, she was superrrr tight. I knew me waiting would be worth the wait because that shit was. I picked her up and layed her on her stomach, what a sight I thought as I covered her body up with the cover. I went down stairs and decided that I was going to make breakfast in bed for my baby. One thing I don't want to remember about last night is that I went to sleep, I know imma hear all about that shit when she wake up.


I woke up to a little soreness in between my legs. It was all worth it I swear it was. I took a shower and put on one of his big shirts. I didn't have any clean drawers or under wear over here so I just didn't wear anything under the shirt. I had school later on today but I really didn't feel like going. I walked in the hallway to smell food. I followed the smell into the kitchen and was happy for what I saw. He had home made french toast, eggs, bacon, strawberries kiwis and bananas with orange juice on the side. "Aww you cooked for me" I said sitting down. "Yeah, baby." he said kissing me on my forehead. "Well thats the least you can do. ." I said with my lip poking out. "What you mean?" he said confused. "Considering you went to sleep on me last night." I said laughing. he laughed. "Real funny." he said. I ate my breakfast it was good and now I was stuffed. "I'm leaving in a few. .I gotta get ready for school later on." "Not before round 2." he said picking me up. I laughed I could really get used to this.



I layed on the floor as the crack flowed through my vanes. For a minute there all the pain had went away. I was floating on cloud nine and I was loving it. I walked outside and just as i just started running i dont know why i just wanted to. The wind felt so good against me. After fifteen minutes my high was gone. What the hell i thought in my head. I needed some more i seen a young dude on the block i checked my pockets damn all my money was gone i was sexy, I could use my looks to get what i wanted. I went over to him and flashed a smile. "What you need ma?" he said looking me up and down. "You. ." I said. "Do you got money or what? I dont have time to play with you." he said. "Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" I asked rubbing my ass against him. "NO BITCH!" he said pushing me off him so hard i hit the ground. He shook his head in disgust, no this nigga didnt just push me. I smacked the fuck out of his ass. "Oh you gone pay for this bitch." he said dragging me by a fistful of my hair into the alley. He held both of my hands behind my back i tried to escape but he was too strong. He unzipped his pants and pulled down my grey sweat pants. "STOP!" I screamed. "Shutup bitch!" he yelled before slamming my head against the wall, everything went blank after that.

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