Chapter 27: The ComeUP

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Hey y'all I just wanted to let y'all know that y'all never comment on the stories why tho?? I feel like if you really are a fan you would comment on it and say something if you don't mind...anywho I won't be updating again until i feel like you guys are showing me some love!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously.

- Ebony Denise (: #HappyReading.

* 2 week later *

Loreal - 23 weeks pregnant

Chantae - 16 weeks pregnant

Chapter 27:


I sat there rubbing my belly my baby was kicking the shit out my stomach, what the hell was wrong with this little girl. I wonder why she was kciking so hard like her ass was trying to get out or something "It ain't your time yet baby girl." I said to my stomach. DeMarcus came in the room looking at me crazy wondering why the hell I was talking to myself. "The baby kicking the shit out of me DeMarcus." I said getting out the bed walking over to him "Here." I said grabbing his head and putting it on my stomach. His hand jumped and he pulled it back I laughed "DeMarcus what the hell is wrong with you?" I said laughing. "That shit feel nasty." he said. I shook my head and went and sat back on the bed. "Where you going againnn?" I said adding extra onto the "n". "I've got to go and take care of business." he said. "DeMarcus you've been saying that shit for the past 3 weeks now when the fuck are you going to be done with this shit?" I asked getting a little annoyed. "What shit?" he said. "This fucking drug game or whatever you want to fucking call it I'm getting tired of this shit you've been leaving in and out for the past to weeks handeling so called business and I need you here with me you have a daughter on the way and another child so you need to get your shit together DeMarucus we have enough money to put this shit behind us." I said.

"Look.." he said walking over to me. "I know and you are right i do have two beautiful kids on the way but It's something that I really have to take care of baby girl before I can leave the game alone." he said rubbing my cheek. "DeMarcus what if you end up dead before you can even get a chance too." I said. He just sighed "Don't worry about that." he said kissing my cheek before walking out of the door. Tears just streamed down my cheek damn this baby makes me sensitive as fuck. "Wait." I said to him just before he walked out of the door. I wiped my tears and walked down the stairs "I love you." I said giving him a kiss on the lips. "I love you more." he said I gave him a long hug and then let him walk out of the door with his security guard. I needed to go out and do something with my bestfriend Kah'lea for real I miss her it be feeling like she be so busy with this new dude and that's exactly what i was going to do is tell her about herself when i saw her.

I called Kah'lea cells phone. "Hello?" she said. "Kah'lea." I said into the phone. "Watsup Best?" she said. "I feel like you really have been avoiding me lately everytime me and your god daughter needs you you're always so busy with that nigga!" I said. "Excuse me Loreal it's not always about you all the fucking time! I didn't say nothing when you was all obsessed with DeMarcus ass!" she said yelling in the phone. "But i misssssss you." I said in a sad voice. "Bitch what you doing right now?" she asked. I got excited "Nothing me and your god daughter wants to see you!" I said. "Alright let me get ready I'll come and get you." she said. "Okay." I said hanging the phone up. I was glad Kah'lea was coming to get me because I really didn't feel like driving today. I hopped in the the shower and put my hair into a throw back ponytail and some of my clear lip gloss. It was a little chilli outside so i put on a tan shirt, brown boots, a brown jacket, brown earrings, blue jeans with a brown belt to match with it, my brown purse and to top it off a couple of brown bangles. I don't know I just felt like a brown day I didn't like this outfit but I was pregnant and I had to do what I had to do I couldn't wait till i drop this baby so that I could start wearing my sexy stuff again.

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