Chapter 21: The Real

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I almost didn't update y'all because i'm so mad about that bitch ass foo foo ass clown nigga George Zimmerman getting a not guilty veridct our judicial system is a BIG FUCKING JOKE! #Purge on that ass!!!!

S/O To @TamarianM @aliyahlove @kianaboo_bad @bestiee_ @xprettyblack @KrissKross2012 @LSmallwood & @feeltharush thanks for all of your support you guys & Follow them!!!! P.S. Sorry i was so mad earlier. .lol

Chapter 21:


What the hell was I going to do? I thought as i blew out the smoke. I needed a blunt at times like this when shit started getting crazy. I knew that it was a possibility that this bitch was really pregnant but i didn't want to have a baby by her. Part of me didn't believe that she was really pregnant but why would she lie? I can't believe i was in love with a crazy ass girl like her she wasn't like this when i knew her. The only way to really find out if she's pregnant or not was too test this bitch myself and find out if she was really pregnant or not. I didn't play those type of games can't no bitch get over on me I'm to smart i know how the game go. I inhaled the blunt 3 more times before i gave i to my partner Dro. "Yo, what's been going with you lately it's been seeming like you been going through alot of shit you usually dont smoke.' Dro said. "Yo, you don't know the half of it." I said honestly. "Well, you know that nigga Cane coming by to schedule this deal y'all got." Dro said. "Yeah, I know i'll be ready." I said.

A little before my child is born im going to leave the street alone i need to be a full time father to my son or daughter, hopefully a son. I called Chantae phone, she answered after two rings. "I'm going to need you to go to somebody so i can see myself if you are pregnant or not." i said. "I showed you the pregnancy test so why do I need to to go somewhere and get tested?" she asked. "I dont give a fuck that doesn't mean shit, your ass going to take this fucking test." I said. "You can't make me do anything!" she yelled through the phone. "Bitch you gone go whether you like it or not." i said getting tired of playing games with Chantae. "OK, I'll call you when I have a free day." she said hanging up. This bitch really was trying to play me that's aight i got something in stored for her ass.

* 2 weeks later *


Here I was 12 weeks, i've got 6 more weeks before i can find out the 100% sure gender of my baby.  Kah'lea and I sat there at Pizza hut i was dipping my Pizza in Marinara sauce, I don't know why but I just like to eat my pizza with extra marinara sauce it. "So how is work going?" I asked Kah'lea taking a bite out of my pizza. "Fine." she said smiling extra hard. "Why you smiling so hard?" I said. "Well. .I've met someone." she said. "Okay, who is he?" I asked. "He's a Co-Worker and he is very nice Loreal." she said blushing. "A Co-Worker?" I asked concerned. "I know what you think Loreal but I really like him." "Okay, Kah'lea but i still don't think this is a good idea, I just think that you shouldn't date Co-Workers." I said honestly. "Loreal don't say that. .are you even happy for me?" she said looking a little dissapointed. "Of course I am baby, besides maybe when work is going slow you can pop in his office & have a little work sex." I said laughing. "Girl you is nasty." she said laughing with me. Once we were done eating I drove her home and then I went home to see DeMarcus in the living room I needed to talk to him. 

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