Chapter 32: Breakdown

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Soooo we have 1 more chapter after this y'all. But really this is the last chapter the next chapter will be the epilogue but i will make this nice & juicy for you!!!!! I will have a sequel don't forget called "Still thuggin'" yeah look for that. Already working on that book got the first chapter and cover already done all i got to do is push "Save & Publish." Anywhore yeah i meant to say whore, happy reading!!!!!!! :* 

Love, Ebony. 

11 weeks later

Loreal - 36 weeks pregnant

Chantae - 29 weeks pregnant



It's been 11 weeks since I last seen DeMarcus. After 9 weeks of staying in that hospital I finally was able to be discharged. I guess he was telling the truth when he said that if I leave I wouldn't be seeing him again. I've been in Manhattan, NY for about 2 weeks now, and it's been okay but I miss home. Kah'lea came up here with me yesterday but she has to leave in 2 days because she has to work. I really don't know anybody up here and living with my parents is okay it just gets lonely sometimes. Right now I was getting inside of Kah'lea's car and we was going to Chipotole to get me a burrito i loved their food so much. 

"Welcome to Chipotole, what can I get you two ladies today?" the man said. "Umm, I would like a burrito with everything on it, and a sprite." I said. "Okay, what about you?" he said asking Kah'lea. "I would like  a steak bowl, and a mountain dew." he said. He handed us our drinks and we went to go and sit down to wait for our food. "I have something to tell you." Kah'lea said. "Okayy, and what is it?" I said raising my eyebrow. "Well  I've heard that DeMarcus and Chantae are together and happy too girlm some people have spotted them together in stores buying all types of shit for that baby." she said. Inside my heart dropped a little but really I didn't care. DeMarcus was a sorry peice of shit and I am so happy that he is out of my hair. I just shrugged my shoulder "Oh well, that's that bitch responsibility now..I hope they be happy that's what her ass wanted from the beginning." I said. Just as I said that a serious pain came through my stomach and clear stuff started coming down my leg. "OH SHITTTTT!" I yelled standing up holding my big ass belly. "Loreal, you're in labor!!!!" she said smiling. "I can't be I have 3 weeks left!" I said. "Oh, well my god daughter is ready!" she said smiling. 

"Hurry up DAMN!" I yelled as she sped off to Lenox Hill Hospital. "I'm trying Loreal, just calm down breathe in and out." she said laughing. This bitch was really making me upset right now. 'Bitch this is not the time to play!" i said getting angry. "Oh!" she said pulling out her phone. "What the hell are you doing check your phone later!" I said. "Bitch hold on I got to call your parents and DeMarcus don't you wan't him to be here for your arrival?" I said. I just rolled my eyes I really didn't feel like seeing DeMarcus but whatever. 


I just stood there in the doctors office with Chantae while she was getting a check up. Damn I couldn't stand this bitch not at all. All she do is go and spend up my damn money but whatever. I missed Loreal I couldn't deny that but I'm not going to admit it though. I know that she is in Manhattan, NY i wasn't going to just let her leave without me knowing. I called my people to find out where she was going to be just to keep her safe. I haven't even talked to her or anything like that but she left me so i can't worry about her. Just as Chantae was just starring in my face smiling my phone rang. It was Kah'lea why was she calling me. "Hello?" I said. "DeMarcus Loreal is in labor we're at Lenox Hill hospital in Manhattan Newyork, I don't know if you are going to have time to catch a plane but the address is 100 E 77th St, New York, NY 10065" she said. "I'm going to get on the next plane I'll be there." I said hanging up the phone. As much as I was mad at Loreal I wanted to see my daughter be born.

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