Chapter 25: Finally

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I am so sorry that it took so long you guys I've been in Georgia & Tennessee for my family reunion/vacation so i haven't got a chance to update. #sorryforthewait 

Chapter 25:


*4 days later*

Loreal grabbed my hand and my bags so that we could leave out of the hospital. I was so glad that I was finally getting out of that damn hospital that food they was trying to get me was nasty as fuck. I had to make Loreal sneak me some food in. "You okay baby?" Loreal asked me as she pulled off. "Yeah I'm good." I said half way telling the truth. Today I was going to start my pay back, I was gonna have a planning period and take every nigga that was working with Cane out of the game. These bitch ass niggas was going to learn who the fuck to play with, it's time to get real ugly. I walked upstairs and ran me some warm hot water i was stressed out and i just wanted to relax. I took off my clothes and hoped in the shower, the good thing i liked about my shower is that it stayed hot for long periods of time. I just stood there letting the water fall on my face and that's when i heard the door close. I looked over to see Loreal staring at me. "What's wrong Loreal?" I asked. She just took her shirt off and slid her sweat pants and under wear off. She started kissing me and my boy started getting hard as she slid her hands up and down my member. I was in pain and sore i really didn't feel like it but she done got me in the mood so i was ready.

I lightly put her body against the wall as I lifted her right leg up and put myself inside of her wet cave. "Mhm." she moaned out as she dugg her nails in my back I kept stroking her back and fourth her moans got louder and louder. I picked her up and held her up by her ass while i continued to go in and out of her as i sucked on her tittie. "Fuck me harder daddy." she said grabbing the back of my head. I fucked her harder until i felt her legs start to shake i just kept going I wasn't done yet. I slowed down for a minute and when i felt myself about to climax i pulled her shoulder down and went deep in her pussy fast "DeMarcus!" she moaned. Damn she had some good pussy, I finally felt myslef climax inside of her. I almost dropped Loreal but I caught her. I just stared into her eyes her hair was all curly and wet and her light brown eyes was just staring into mines. I looked down at her stomach and I just smiled "I love you Loreal." I said. "I love you too." she said kissing my lips. 


I sat in my sister's living room just  crying my eyes out. I wanted DeMarcus to love me just like he loves Loreal. I wants him to be apart of my child life full time and us to move in and have a family. Sometimes I want to continue with my plan and get rid of that bitch but other times I want DeMarcus to be happy with whoever he is with. I don't know this pregnancy be having me cofused and bi-polar as shit. I pulled out my phone and called DeMarcus he ain't answer so i kept calling until he did. 'Wassup Chantae?" he asked. "Why the fuck you ain't answer the phone for me!" I yelled into the phone. "Chantae i'm not in the mood for this shit what the fuck you want mane!" he yelled at me. "I need to see you." I said. "For what?" he asked. "Cause nigga I got your fucking baby now I'm on the way over there." I said. "I don't think tha's a good idea." he said. I just hung up in his face I didn't give a fuck what was a good idea I was going over there. "Let me use the car." I told my sister. "For what?" she asked. "Look, I just need to use it!" I snapped. She handed me the keys and I went outside and hopped in the car. I didn't give a fuck this time if that bitch Loreal even think about putting her hands on me I'm going to kill her and that damn baby. I played my favorite song Meek Mill - Bluffin' just to get me in the hyped up mood. I banged on DeMarcus door and I looked up to see somebody look out the window from up stairs. I banged on the door again until DeMarcus swung open the door I bumrushed myself inside of the room.

"Why the fuck you banging on my door like that Chantae?" he said grabbing my chin really hard. "Get off me." I said that shit was hurting. He finally let go of my chin I knew that DeMarcus had a short temper but he looked sexy when he got mad. I saw Loreal come down the stairs with her little belly poking out. "What the fuck is this bitch doing here?" she said. "Loreal please go upstairs and let me handle this baby please I don't want you to get all worked up." I said. "DeMarcus please control this hoe I'm getting tired of this shit." Loreal said. "Bitch who you calling a hoe." I said trying to make my way towards Loreal. DeMarcus pushed me back i looked at him, i was shocked. "Chill the fuck out!" he said to me. "I'm going up stairs I don't got time for this hoe." she said going up stairs, I wanted to smack that bitch so bad. "DeMarcus you going to let her talk to me like that? I'm your baby momma too!" I yelled. "There's a difference, that's my girl my everything and the mother of my child, you are just my baby momma." he said those words stung so bad even the tears rolling down my cheeks stung. "How could you talk to me like that I was there before that bitch was!" I yelled i said banging my fist against his chest. He grabbed my hands and put them beside my waist "STOP!" he yelled. "Why don't you love me?" I asked. "Just go home Chantae, I don't want to be with you the only thing that will ever break me and Loreal apart was death." he said.

Hmm, that sounds like music to my ears that was what was coming soon i thought in my head. "I'm going to be there for the baby, but that will be all that we will have to talk about. I just looked at him in disbelief. I wiped my tears and just put a smile on my face. "Can I at least have a hug DeMarcus." I said. He just breathed out heavily and I went over there and gave him a long hug it was almost like old times until he pulled out of the hug and went over and opened the door. "I just walked out of the door "I love you." I said. he just shook his head and closed the door in my face. I was so fucking mad this is all this bitch Loreal fault he does love me he just can't see it right now because Loreal is standing in the way. But once I get rid of her he will be all mines and we can live happily ever after.


"DeMarcus I'm tired of that bitch keep popping up at our fucking house like this it's disrespectful!" I said. He just sat on the bed and shook his head "Do you hear me?" I said. "It's not my fault Loreal." he said. "Yes the fuck it is." I said. "Loreal just please calm down you getting yourself worked up over nothing." he said simply. "DeMarcus you don't understand this bitch is trying me." I said. I was getting real tired of this bitch she was really testing my patience. "I know it's my fault but you just got to deal with it, it's nothing I can do." he said. "Excuse me?!" I yelled. "I'm just gonna have to deal with it? I'm not going to have to deal with shit!" I said. "Loreal. chill the fuck out  yo!" he yelled. "I'm out yo." he said getting up putting some clothes on. "Every time she come over it's a fucking problem like damn chill the fuck out and be the ride-or-die girl you claim to be!" he yelled at me. "Fuck you!" I said sliding on my shoes grabbing my jacket and going downstairs. "Where the fuck you going?!" he yelled. "Away from you." I said. I hopped in the car and just started driving I didn't know where the fuck I was going but I was getting out of there. I called Kah'lea phone but i got no asnwer "Shit!" I yelled.  I just drove to the Jefferson Hotel I let the man park my car and I walked into the hotel. "Can i get a luxury room please." I said. The white bitch just looked at me like i was crazy I pulled out my black card on that ass "A room please!" I said not so nicely. "Oh Ma'am I am so sorry." she said smiling, I just rolled my eyes. "The room will be $400 per night" she said. "I don't care just give me the room." I said. She swiped my card and i grabbed my keys and went up to my room. 

Soon as I got in I just went and laid on the bed damn this bed was relaxing as shit. I went and got in the shower I didn't have any clothes so I guess I was just going to have to sleep naked. I soaked in the bathtub and then I took a shower once i was done I dried off and went and got in that soft ass bed. I needed some time away from DeMarcus and that crazy ass hoe Chantae hmm, I could get used to this. 

WOW chantae is CRAZY!!! Do you think DeMarcus is wrong??? What do you think about Loreal?? Come on Y'all comment & tell me what you think toodles (: 

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