Chapter 15: Game on

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Chapter 15:


"Marcus!" she said taking her glasses off. I just stared at her for a minute. "You look good, I guess these streets doing you good" she said. "Yeah. .you dont look to bad yourself." i said lying because she looked GREAT!! "Yeah, whatever." she said pla yfully punching me in my arms. My mother came over & got instantly excited. "Is that my daughter." she said smiling squeezing Chantae. "Mooommmm." she said laughing. "Where have you been all these years you look good." she said. That was a understatement. "Thankyou." she said smiling. "What brings you back?" my mother asked. "Well. .i still have cousins down here & its the summer so I decided to come back this summer I miss the north." she said. They just kept talking and next thing you know she was our mall buddy. I was so glad once we got into the parking lot because they just wouldn't stop talking. "Well. .I guess I'll see you guys around I'll be there for dinner this sunday." she said. "Ok baby." she said hugging her one last time. "Bye DeMarcus." she said waving. I just nodded my head. "Oh so no hug?" she said. I laughed "Bye Chantae." I said walking away. 

The whole time I was at the warehouse I was thinking about Chantae, I don't know why. She looked so good it was almost as if all the feelings I felt just came rushing back. I was snapped out of my thoughts as my homeboys came in my office. "Wassup y'all?" I said. "We saw a nigga in black car watching the warehouse, but we dont know who the fuck it is we was ready follow it but he pulled off to fast for us to get in our cars." again with this mutha fucking black car, i wonder who the fuck it is. "Yeah, I saw a black truck outside of my house the other day I guess we're being followed. .next time we see that mutha fucking black truck we're gonna shoot first ask questions last!" I said. I didn't like being followed, these niggas out here was really testing me I was going to show they ass that I'm not the nigga to play with. "Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, we wanna go out tonight. ." they all said in sync. I laughed "Everybody can't go, we still got business to handle plus we need some niggas to watch the warehouse & lookout for that damn black car. They all nodded, we needed to keep business first and fun later especially with somebody watching us now. 


I looked in the mirror and decided that today was the last day that I was going to cry. I decided that tonight I was going to go out. Everybody has been talking about "Club Make It Nasty." where i used to work. I had quitted the job once DeMarcus started giving me money all the time, I felt kind of dumb for doing this because I've always been independent but it didnt matter all of my school shit is paid off and I'm going to graduate next month. Plus I still had plenty of money in my bank and how things were looking right now I was going to leave this place, I needed a break from this city. Usually I wouldnt go to club without Kah'lea but she's been trying to get her life together so I guess i'm going to have to go by myself. I took a long hot shower and decided that I would do my own hair instead of going to the shop today. I put my long black hair in tight curls and put on my pink honey gloss lipstick. I put on my sexy Neon pink Mesh inset dress which made my curves and ass even more visible than it already is. I put on my  Steve Madden Solangee nude heels that had a hot pink color just on the back of the shoe but the heel and the front & sides of the shoe were pink. I looked GOOOD i thought to myself as i put a little mascara on. I got in my car and drove to the club damn the long was line. It was only 10:00 and everybody was outhere. Wait until 12:00 when it really started getting popping.

I still had a pass for the employee parking so i walked up to the bouncer. "Leon. ." I said walking in front of him, I already knew that Leon was going to let me in because he always had a little crush on me when I worked here. "You look good Loreal." he said opening the door for me. "Thankyou." I said smiling. I could see all the hating ass basic bitches outside the club giving me mean stares. I instnaly started laughing as I thought about that chris brown lyric when he said "how you hating outside the club, you cant even get in." call me corny but that shit was funny. I walked in and that bitch was beyond packed it was people everywhere. I walked over to the bar where i used to walk it was my dawg working behing the counter. "CJ!" I said excited. "Hey, Loreal you look nice." his gay ass said. I loved CJ mostly because he always kept me laughing I loved gay people especially gay boys. "What you want honey?" he said. "Well. .I dont wanna get to drunk so just give me a Sex on the beach." i said that was my favorite drink especially when it started getting a little hot in the club. He gave me my drink and I started sipping it, I turned around to see DeMarcus in the V.I.P section as usual with security guards covering the section as usual. I turned back around and rolled my eyes. "Old boo?" Cj said. I started laughing "More than that. ." i said. "Well girl, don't just sit over here looking all sad & depressed go out there and shake your ass." he said. He was right why the hell was i sitting here looking all depressed when it was obvious that DeMarcus didnt give 2 fucks about me. I walked over to the dance floor and started dancing with this pretty nice looking guy he tapped me. The grinding music had came on and i was ready to get it popping in this bitch.


I was just chilling in the V.I.P section with my niggas the club was popping tonight. I was suprised when I saw Loreal dancing with some random nigga. I wondered was it that bitcha ass nigga who answered the phone the other day when I called Loreal. As I watched her grind her ass all over him my blood started to boil. Even though I was mad at Loreal I still needed to talk to her to get the truth but it looked like I see it right now. I went over there and started punching him in his face niggas was going to learn not to disrespect me! My boys came over and grabbed me off of him Loreal looked mad shocked and confused all at the same time. She just shook her head and tried helping him up from off of the floor. They put me in the car and my security drove off. "Yo, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" my nigga Rod said. "Mane, that bitch ass nigga was trying me so I had to show him i'm not the one to fuck with!" I said. "At least you could've did it some where else D, damn." my nigga said. 

They let me out at my house and two of my securtiy guards came with me. I went upstairs and just sat on my bed, what the fuck was I doing i thought to myself. I just took me a long shower to try and get my thoughts together. Why was I trying to convince myself that I didnt love Loreal when I did i was crazy about her I guess with Chantae back in town i was questioning my self but I dont know why. I heard a loud ass bang on my door i looked down to see my security guards loading their guns. I got my gun and quielty walked down the stairs. I waved my gun to signal the guards to open the door i had to be super careful now. I was surprised to see a mad ass Loreal at the door, my security still had the guns in her face. "Get these fucking guns out of my face!" she said brushing pass the security over to me. "I need to talk to you NOW!" she yelled. I sat on my couch."Okay talk." I said nonchalant. "ALONE!" she said looking back at my security. They looked at me for confirmation i nodded my head and they stepped outside.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she yelled. "Nothing is wrong with me you are the one here yelling." "DeMarcus why did you hit that boy i was in the club dancing with, obviously you don't give a fuck about me so why does it matter who the fuck i dance with." "Loreal, I needed to teach that nigga some respect for answering your phone." i said bluntly. "What. .that wasn't Rasheed that was just a random guy, is this why you've been ignoring me bcause you assumed something?" "First off all I don't even know Rasheed he snatched the phone out of my hand and answered it he's a crazy stalker & you have a nerve to say that I assume stuff ask questions last." I just looked at her I didnt have anything else to say damn I was wrong. "I'm sorry Loreal. .I really am." I said getting up grabbing her. I felt the tears on my shoulder I pulled back and wiped her tears. I looked into her eyes and kissed her passionately she pulled away. "Not this time DeMarcus." and that was all she said before she opened the door and walked out. 

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