Chapter 22: Dramathon

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Hey you guys PLEASE don't forget to check out my new book "The Troubled Girl" It is a really good book and I would appreciate if you guys went & read it, & kinda tell me what you think about it. .If you REAL you would lol. .but anyway HAPPY READING (: This chap might have some drama in it. #beware

* 6 weeks later *


I sat there laying down on the bed looking up at the screen in the hospital. I was finally going to find out the gender of my baby and I was so excited. That bitch Chantae has been nothing but a pain my neck, she actually had a nerve to set her appointment the same day as mine. I was now 17 weeks and I was showing, not to the point where i couldn't fit my clothes but i showing far enough where you could really tell. DeMarcus couldn't even come to my appointment because he had some deal to do with some nigga cane i really hoped that he quit doing this shit soon because it was a dangerous life. No, i'm not complaining because it brings the money in but still i don't want to bring my daughter in this world with him still doing that shit. Also, he had another baby on the way so he really needed to stop we have more than enough money. I waited paitiently for my doctor to come in and do the ultrasound. Finally she walked in I smiled because she had me waiting in here for almost 10 minutes.

Well, Loreal I'm 99.9% sure that you are having a baby. .GIRL." she said smiling. I smiled as the tears flew down I was so happy i was having a baby girl. It didn't matter if i was having a boy or not but i wanted to be able to take her shopping and do her hair and have my baby girl shitting on 'em. "Now that you know what you are having what are you going to name her?" "Ahliyah Hermosa Amelia Sanders." I said smiling. "Wow, that's such a beautiful name, isn't hermosa spanish?" she asked. "Thanks and yeah I have Dominican and Puerto Rican in me." i said laughing. "Oh, that explains alot." she said laughing with me. I was so happy I couldn't wait to tell DeMarcus all about this.


While I was in my trading field in Norfolk where me and Cane usually traded at I felt a bad feeling about this. I don't know why but as I was counting the money i started feeling like something was about to happen. I looked back at all the men that was there with me with their guns ready so if this nigga was trying anything it was going to be a problem. As i finished counting I realized this nigga Cane was three hundred dollars missing. "Cane you miss-" before I could even finish my sentence this nigga Cane had a gun pointing in my face. "Woah." I said pulling my glock out quick fast and in a hurry pointing it straight at Cane temple. All my niggas behind me had their guns pointing at cane and his niggas and Cane workers had their guns pointed at us.

"Sorry, DeMarcus." he said smiling. "It's just business, I don't want to pay for this shit therefore I'm going to take it from you." he said. I laughed "Nigga, what makes you think that you going to take my product from me and not pay?" I said. "Easily." he said. Before that nigga could even say something else *POW POW* i shot that nigga cane two times in the head did he really think he could get over on me. That's when bullets started flying everywhere, "Boss, get down." somebody said to me. "Just as I turned around *Pow, Pow, Pow." I felt the bullets flying through my body i felt my body hit the ground and then everything went black after that. 


I sighed as I walked out of the doctors office I was tired as hell though. I needed to lay down and get a break i was now 11 weeks pregnant and I was barely showing it just really looked like i had a little pouch and that's it. This pregnancy was more than I thought, i was gaining a little bit of weight and I was always fucking hungry. My sister pulled up on the side of the road and i got in the car. "Girl you getting a little big." she said. "Bitch, don't you think I know that." I said with a attituide. "Calm, down." she said rolling her eyes. "Chantae when do you plan on going back to Miami, your whole life is their you know people have been wondering where your ass been i still can't believe you quit your job to come back to little ass Richmond Virginia." my sister said. "Chandra I cant go back now I'm pregnant and plus I'm trying to get my man back." I said. "Girl yo man?? DeMarcus IS TAKEN MY LOREAL REMEMBERRRRR?" she said saying "remember" longer than the other words. "Girl, fuck her it's only a matter of time." I said honestly. "Matter of time for what Chantae, just be careful I don't want you out here getting hurt." my sister said. I just laughed "Girl I'll be just fine." I said.

Hmmmm....I wonder what is going to happen next, sorry I cut it off when it was getting interesting lol SORRY, i'll be updating tomorrow or thursday so look forward to it you guys (: #thanks.


Ebony Denise Lerea (: 

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