Chapter 19: Graduation Day

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Chapter 19: 


I smiled as i finally walked out of the rehab center, i was on my way home so that i could get ready for Loreal's graduation. I was so proud of my bestfriend she was graduating from college today and I was glad to be apart of it. I was more than 2 months clean and i felt better than ever, i finally decided to let god help me with my problems instead of drugs. Loreal had been giving me money to get back on my feet but i needed to find me a job as soon as possible so that i could be able to provide for myself again, I had a interview as a office assistant/desk clerk tomorrow so i was really excited about that maybe this was just a minor set back for a major come back. I was going to surprise Loreal she didn't know that I was being released today and I knew that she was going to be really happy to see me. I took a deep breath and walked over to my car, i was so happy that my life was getting better and this time i was ready to face my problems head on.


I smiled as i just put the finishing touches on my makeup for graduation day. I didn't really wear makeup but i did put on a little blush on my cheeks, mascara, and my favorite Juicy Couture pink honeysuckle roller ball and lip gloss duo. I loved this lip gloss because it brung out my light skin and also it had an enticing scent of wild berries and mandarins, honeysuckle, gardenia, and jasmine. To round it out, amber, caramel, vanilla, sandalwood, and praline to add just the right touch of sweetness. I smiled and walked down the steps where DeMarcus was standing down there waiting for me, he had on a black and white tuxedo damn my baby looked nice. "You look beautiful." he said making me blush. "Thankyou." I said smiling. Even though this was the most important day of my life i was missing my mother, father and also my bestfriend. As I walked outside I saw my mother and my father standing there all dressed up, i gasped wondering how they got here. "You look beautiful niña" my father said to me still calling me baby girl. I turned around to see DeMarcus smiling. "How did you pull this off?" i asked. "I have my ways." he said laughing. I went over and gave my father a hug almost crying I didn't want to mess up my makeup. "Loreal." my mother said simply. "Mami, como estas?" I asked saying how are you. "bien estoy muy orgulloso de ti Loreal." I smiled as I embraced my mother with a warm hug it was good to finally hear my mother say "I am proud of you." "Listo?" my father asked. DeMarcus looked at me confused. "he was asking if we are ready." I told DeMarcus laughing. "Oh, yeah." he said opening the passenger seat for me as my father did the same for my mother in there car. Okay it was official this was the best day of my life.


It was hard tracking down Loreal parents for her graduation I had to call in some favors to find out where they were and tell them about Loreal's graduation but anything to see Loreal smile. I was proud of her, maybe i should've went to school but it was too late for me college life just is not for me. As we pulled up to her school I opened the door for her and she got out of the car. "Are you ready?" I asked. She shook her head yes smiling very hard. I reached in the glove department and took out the two boxes. "Congrats baby." I said handing her the boxes. She opened them and her eyes lit up like a christmas tree "You shouldn't have." she said smiling at me "Anything for you baby." I said. I put the neckalace and bracelet on her and she just stared at it and gave me a hug. "I love you." she whispered in my ear as she walked off and met up with the rest of her graduating class. Amelia (Loreal's mother), Chris (Loreal's dad)  and I walked over to the entrance where the guest were to be seated. As i walked into the the stadium i saw Kah'lea sitting down once she saw me she stood up. "Hey, DeMarcus." she said smiling. Kah'lea looked better she looked more healthier and it looked like she might've gained a few pounds but not in the wrong places. "Wassup." I said. "Mr. and Misses Sanders." Kah'lea said. "Ahhh, my second daughter." Loreal's father said hugging Kah'lea. "Babygirl." Amelia said also hugging Kah'lea they must really like Kah'lea because they were really happy to see her. I watched as the professors and the students that were graduating came and filled up the seats in the front. 


I smiled as I watched my professor speak, since i was graduating top of my class once my name was called I had to say a speech. I didn't really know what to say but whatever came to my head that's what I was going to say. After my professor talked and my name finally being called after all of the other people they finally called my name. I hated that my last name started with a S because i was last person to be called, you always supposed to save the best for last. "And now we're proud to present Loreal Sanders, who not only managed to stay on the deans list but also is graduating top of her class." my professor said. I raised up and everyone started clapping. I walked up to the stage and shook everyone's hand and finally got to my favorite professor. I grabbed my certificate and told him "thankyou." as i walked over to the stand where i was about to say my speech. I looked into the crowd where i saw my mother, father, DeMarcus and Kah'lea. I smiled as she waved at me i was so happy that she was here, before i could even speak i felt a tear drop off of my face i instantly wiped my face and started my speech,

"Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone else's life. Dont be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinion drown out your own inner voice and most importantly have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. .stay hungry not foolish. I've learned that it's nothing wrong with getting a helping hand and asking questions instead of thinking you know everything. I've learned that you should never give up on anything or anyone that you love no matter how hard the road gets." I said looking at DeMarcus. "I also want to thank everyone standing on this stage right now because with out them i would probably not be here today and I also want to think the love of my life DeMarcus, my bestfriend Kah'lea, and my parents, and with that being said congratulations class of 2013 we did it!" I yelled as we all through our hats up in the air. I walked off the stage as Kah'lea ran up to me and gave me a big hug. "Congratulations bestfriend!" she yelled to me. "Kah'lea how did you get here i thought you couldn't make it." I said. "Surprise!" she said smiling. I went over and kissed DeMarcus this was seriously the best day of my life. Everybody that I loved was standing right in front of me, it really couldn't get any much better. 

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