Chapter 18: Breakthrough

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 Sorry for the wait you guys. .happy reading (;

Chapter 18:


I pulled up to Loreal house I needed to hurry up and talk to her. I knocked on the door and I heard Loreal screaming. I kicked in the house and saw that crazy nigga Rasheed holding her but she was standing in front of him and he had his arm rapped around her neck holding her back. I had my gun aimed at Rasheed I had a perfect aim at this dumb ass nigga head. "Put the fucking gun down!" I yelled to him. "No. .this is my girl if i cant have her nobody can!" he said. He put the gun to the side of Loreal head and cocked the gun back back, before that nigga could even shoot her POW i shot that nigga clean through the middle of his head. His blood spattered all over Loreal couch and wall, once he was down she ran over to me and i took her in my arms. "I'm so sorry Loreal, for everything." I said. I really was truthfully sorry I didnt mean to put Loreal though any of this, she just cried on my shoulders. "Loreal, i want you to come live with me pack all your shit up so we can get out of here. Loreal packed up like 10 suitcases i had to help her carry all this damn shit to the car why would somebody have so many clothes and shoes. Once we were far away from the scene i got my "clean up crew" to come and clean all of that5 shit up. I didn't want any trace of anything there I know once they were done with his body they were going to set her house on fire.


I'm glad I didnt have to worry about that crazy nigga Rasheed anymore, thank god DeMarcus had came when he did because truthfully if he didn't i probably would've been dead by now. As me and DeMarcus drove away hand in hand I just started at my belly rubbing it with the other free hand that I had. I saw DeMarcus keep glancing over at me as I did it i laughed inside. I let go of his hand and put his hand on my stomach so that he could feel it. "Why didn't you tell me you was pregnant?" he asked. "I didn't even know if you wanted to be apart of our lives." I said honestly. "Of course i do, i love you & my son." he said. "What you mean son? we having a girl." I said laughing. "Nah. .Jr." he said. I just laughed I really didn't want to have a son I wanted a girl but I'd find out in a couple of weeks what we're having. "I love you DeMarcus." I said. "I love you too." he said smiling at me.

* 3 weeks later *

It was nice to finally live with DeMarcus, i feel much safer now and now I don't got to sleep alone. I was now 11 weeks and I was actually showing now. I had to wait 7 more weeks until i could find out the 100% gender of my baby. I couldn't wait i had beautiful names, if it was a girl her name would be Ahliyah Hermosa Amelia Sanders, why that name because since I do have portirican & dominican i thought i would bring up a little of my spanish roots by putting a spanish middle name in it, Hermosa meaning beautiful.  Also, my mother name is Amelia and since I also have have four names which is Loreal Alma Bella Sanders, Alma Bella meaning beautiful soul. My mother on the other hand has about 9 names that's just how deep my spanish roots go, But if I had a boy he would be a junior.  I missed my mother and my crazy father, I've never been that close to them but i think soon I was going to go and visit them because I missed them and also I wanted them to be apart of my daughter or son life. But anywho tomorrow is the day that i am officially done with college and I am so excited. My cap and gowns is black, green and a hint of yellow so I brought yellow red bottoms i just had to get my hair and nails done today. (VCU) Virginia Commonwealth University class of 2013 here i come.

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