Chapter.3 {M E M O R Y}

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Your head spun and you coughed violently as you hit the ground, you couldn't move your own body and your hand twitched as the knife was raised in front of you. Your eyes followed in and someone ran down the stairs and grabbed Frisk who was trembling in a corner and pushed them up the stairs. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck raise as Frisk stared, you remembered the look in their eyes as they killed Toriel, the look when they were about to kill that skeleton. Your brain blanked out suddenly and you began remembering something.
This situation was oddly familiar.
You stood in a long hall and Sans stood in front of you with Frisks body to the side, their health was 0. you had gulped softly and your hand gripped the large kitchen knife and Sans stared at you. He shook his head and his eye glowed blue switched colors rapidly as he smiled sadly at you.
"Why are you even trying kiddo, you know Frisk can't reset unless you die" He chuckled and his eyes became pitch black " it'll happen anyway so I might as well just kill you..."
His hand raised and you floated up and thrown across the room, your health lowered a little but you jumped away quickly dodging some of the attacks. Sans sweated and he brought your body to the middle of the room again.
" I know you remember me, you couldn't forget those memories. The happy times, the only good that's ever happened... I know i haven't" When you still gripped the knife he sighed again and he looked away " Sorry kiddo but i'm gonna have to give you a bad time..." You flew across the room and when you hit you snapped back to reality.
The blue was gone and you sat up quickly, the same skeleton stood in front of you... Sans, your heart beat out of your chest and you scrambled backwards and he looked entertained " bad dream kiddo?" he squatted in front of you and placed a hand on your forehead and stared into your eyes and looked serious suddenly "I get them too... No hard feelings right?"
You pushed away from him and you felt nauseous, all that, Toriel dying. Sans almost killing Frisk in the beginning, just a dream? It couldn't be that, nothing's that simple... Your breath caught in your throat and you looked at Sans
" T-Toriel, she's..."
"Alive and still a little frustrated that you and Frisk left"
    You shook your head " That can't be true I remember her dead, she was a pile of dust on the ground..."
    " wow kiddo you must be really shaken up..." he stood up and adjusted his jacket awkwardly and suddenly his eyes got dark and he stared at you threateningly "you really don't remember anything?"
    Your mouth tightened and you shook your head.
    " well not much has happened besides for you leaving the ruins" he walked to the kitchen and you heard rumbling and he walked back out with two hot dogs and handed one to you.
    You stared down at the food and you realized the hot dog has a dog face on it in mustard. You reluctantly took a bite and raised your eyebrows, it was pretty good.
    " up dog.." Sans muttered between bites of his food. And his eyes watched you thoughtfully
    " what"
    " up dog." he stated clearly
    " what's up dog?" you stared at him curiously. And he stared back at you with a content smile. You stared blankly and he counted down on his fingers behind his back as he finished his hot dog.
    " wow" you cringed and shook your head laughing softly.
    "You really don't remember..." he muttered and stuck his hands in his pockets, while you stared " your favorite food I made was hotdogs with ketchup in the face of a dog, and you never fell for dumb puns like that" he sighed softly and walked past you and motioned for you to follow.
    You walked up the steps and you watched as he slowed down when reaching the top of the stairs and suddenly a taller skeleton flew out of one of the doors.
    " Human I,the great papyrus, is thinking about making my famous spaghetti!" he stared at you brightly.
    "o-oh yeah sure, I mean unless you don't want to"
    Papyrus tilted his head " are you okay human, you look rather tired..."
    Sans seemed to frown behind his smile and he patted Papyruses shoulder " Don't worry bro, they're just feeling bonely without your famous spaghetti"
    Papyrus stared at Sans disgusted and stomped down the stairs muttering something about Sans being lazy.
    Sans smiled down at you and walked to his room, and you passed Papyruses, and inside sat Frisk. They turned quickly and dragged their finger across their neck and made a "shhh" motion. You felt a shiver run down your back and you were stuck staring, Frisk stared at you suddenly like a whole different person and smiled softly before Sans grabbed your hand gently and pulled you to his room.
    " I have some things to explain"

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