Chapter.17 {P R E S S U R E}

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When you let go you didn't turn around and walked to the door. Frisk followed behind you with an uncomfortable expression that slowly calmed. When you touched the door you smiled and it creaked open. The cold wind hit you and you felt shivers run through your body.
The door slammed shut behind you and you began walking. The dark forest was quiet and you began to remember things. You remembered fighting Sans, him basically having to drag himself away from you, the blood. The words, the hurt. You remembered a timeline you've seen before, one where he remembers and gets rid of both of you early.
The hairs on the back of your neck raised and you heard light footsteps following you. Your chest tightened and you grabbed the sleeve of Frisks shirt and pulled them to walk faster. A muffled chuckle and you gasped and pushed walking faster. Quicker footsteps and you felt your hands tremble and Frisk stumbled trying to keep up.


You pushed Frisk and you began sprinting. When your feet finally met the small bridge with a cage with bars to big you heard your follower fall and a curse from them.
"Well geez, I just wanted to greet you..." Sans laid on the ground behind you, a whoopie cushion laid in the snow next to his hand and he sat up and held his head and looked at you two. When you made eye contact his hand dropped and his eyes widened. He seemed to lose awareness of where he was and blanked out. You quickly knelt in front of him, grabbed the whoopie cushion off the ground, and held your hand out.
"Nice to meet you" You smiled, and his attention turned to you "Bad dream... Don't worry I get those too.", he reached our warily and held your hand, the cushion blew out a farting noise and you laughed, he looked away and smiled.
"I'm Sans, nice to meet you kiddo" he looked you up and down subtly and pushed past you and to Frisk. He patted their head "Hey kiddo, I'd hide. My brothers coming and, he wants to catch humans...".
Frisk glanced away from him to you for a moment
"I got her, down that way is a conveniently shaped lamp... I find it pretty humerus if I do say so myself" he pointed down the path, and Frisk looked to you with their brows scrunched obviously concerned. You gestured with your head to just go.
When Frisk got out of sight you felt something grab your soul and you were flung against a tree. Your heart raced and he let go and grabbed the collar of your shirt roughly and pressed you against the tree menacingly.
"that was a lie, this isn't funny..." His eye gleamed and he leaned to your ear menacingly "Who are you..." You leaned your head away from him and whimpered.
"[Y/n] [L/n] im an-"
"Human? yeah right, you're anything but human, you disgust me." He stopped himself and leaned away and made eye contact again "Who did you kill?"
You made eye contact and looked away quickly "No one" He laughed darkly and his hands began to emit a blue aura and he leaned forward again and applied for pressure.
"I'm gonna ask one more time nicely kiddo, who did you kill?" He raised his voice and you noticed his smile falter for a moment. You raised your hands and grabbed the fabric on the arms of his jacket.
"I didn't kill anyone" you glared at him and he gulped and spaced out again. You noticed his cheekbones were tinted blue. His grip on your collar loosened and his hands dropped and wrapped around your waist and he buried his head in your shoulder.
"I don't even remember you, who are you..." He choked out. You could see your breath and you didn't know how to handle the situation at hand. You were still against the tree and you felt that his skull was warm, which was odd. You moved your eyes and looked around. You noticed two figures, Frisk was holding someone's hand and pointed toward you. Papyrus noticed and called out curiously.
Sans snapped up and you noticed his eyes were blurry. You grabbed his arm as he turned away from you, "Are you okay?". Sans nodded shortly and his legs gave out under him and he collapsed. "Sans?!" you exclaimed and grabbed for him.
Papyrus ran over and grabbed his brother "Sans, Sans?!" he looked up to you with his brows furrowed slightly "What's wrong with him, did you do something human?".
Frisk ran over and placed a hand on Paps shoulder and signed "maybe he's sick?"
Papyrus nodded dully and looked back down at his brother "He has so many jobs, it was just a matter of time... Come now human, I will capture you when my brother is better."
You stood there and watched as Pap held Sans on his back, your back was badly bruised and you felt like crying. You remembered his expression, his frustration, his disgust. You felt miserable and vulnerable. A small pat on your back woke you up and Frisk pulled your arm and this time you followed.

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