Chapter.12 {G O O D A Y S}

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You felt your heart stumble and you stared at Sans. "what?" the question was more of a statement than your own curiosity.
    Sans held his head and looked lost for a moment "Everyone in the Hotlands, and the Waterfall... they" He stopped short when he made eye contact with his brother.
    Papyrus stood up and looked around curiously "What happened?"
    Sans stared wide eyed and then his expression melted into a fake grin and he shrugged and placed his hands in his pockets smoothly "They went on a vacation without us". He glanced to the ground quickly.
    Mettaton stood up suddenly and pushed past Sans and out of the door, Sans eyes seemed to get darker and he walked over to you, grabbed your arm, and dragged you to the kitchen. You felt your lip quiver and your brain was running.
    "Well okay then" you heard Papyrus mutter "Is everyone acting strange now?" you heard footsteps up the stairs.
    Sans stared at you "Everyone is dead."
    Sweat balled at his temples and he rubbed his eyes "Call Tori..."
    Your hands trembled as you grabbed your phone gravely and you called.
But no one came
    You felt tears fall and you looked away from him " What do I do, I can't stop them..."
    Sans grabbed your shoulders "No, you're the only one who can stop them...I know you've seen the outcome of this" he leaned his head against your shoulder and pulled you into a hug "I don't want to hurt you again..."
    You cried out and held him tightly "I don't want to give up, please help me...".
    When you two separated you kissed him gently and he pulled you close. "I'm leaving, I will stop Frisk..." you muttered and held his face "You won't have to give up hope, believe in me." He nodded quickly and looked sadly into your eyes and you realized.
     He's seen this before.
    You searched for words and instead he muttered "I love you" and you walked to the door.
"Love you too..."
    When you got out of Snowdin you ran into the entrance of the Waterfall. You saw piles of dust littering the ground and you swallowed odly and noticed a blue flower in the corner. When you walked up to it a ear piercing scream erupted from in and you backed away flustered. You ran away and your heartbeat against your chest.
    You heard whispers everywhere, the flowers screamed, or laughed when you passed them and finally you hit a walkway. You started and you saw a bigger pile of dust on the ground and next to it a luminescent broken spear head. You forced yourself to walk past it and you sprinted out of the violent place. The welcome sign on the wall was broken and you felt a shadow lean over you.
    When you got into the Hotlands you saw Frisk standing by the entrance. They stood next to and empty water container and stared with a slight grin that made your stomach churn. You walked up to them and you muttered "Frisk please stop".
     Frisk shook their head and dragged their finger across their neck and pointed at themself.
     " You're not gonna die, please Frisk don't ruin this!" you felt anger bubble "Things were going so well we could have fought this as a family... I know you remember the happier times" you searched for your words desperately "That could have been us why are you doing this?!"
     They screamed suddenly and reared their hand back and threw the knife. You felt the knife slide against your side and you fell to your knees bleeding. Your soul popped up next to you and you noticed a [CANCEL] over your health bar. Frisk walked over to you and they walked through you like you weren't there. You yelled for them and they looked over their shoulder and dragged a finger across their neck again and you remembered the skull on the ground with false hope.
      Everything was getting dark and you screamed remembering your promise.

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