Chapter.25 {L A B C O A T}

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    "Star?" the small skeleton squealed, his small hands patted at Gasters lab coat happily.
    Gaster tilted his head with a smile and stood up keeping the small child close to his chest "oh yes, your favorite, Stars." He smiled and leaned his forehead against the babies with an affectionate gaze.
    He walked toward you and you flinched away quickly, but he walked right past you like you weren't there, with a click he turned the lights off and everything went black. Suddenly a soft glow of blue and orange you looked toward the ceiling, the only word you could use to explain it was magic. There were small glowing planets and they rotated slowly, something about the giant diagram of the universe made you head spin.
    The baby laughed happily and clapped his hands repeating the word "Star!" over and over.
    Gaster looked up happily, both him and the baby had the softest colors fall on the white of their skulls and is softened the bluntness of the bone. He reached for the baby's hand with a smile and looked at it. The baby looked confused momentarily but smiled, Gaster brought his hand next to the babies with both of their palms facing up and he chuckled softly.
    "Both our hands have the same indentation in the middle you see?" Gaster pointed to his hand and then to the palm of the baby skeletons. For a moment the baby paid attention "I'll protect you no matter what, I will get us out of here. My new invention, I'll be able to go back and stop all of thi-"
    "Stars, stars!" the baby laughed again and patted Gasters mouth with his small hands and pointed to the ceiling. Gasters browbone furrowed and he smiled looking mildly entertained.
    "Yes, yes... Stars"
    The world went black and suddenly you were brought to another scene.
    Gaster stood next to his desk, his expression was dark and he screamed angrily and threw the papers on his desk around the room. He paced the small room with his hands on his head, his lab coat was coated in a thick black liquid here and there and he stepped over the piled of discarded blueprints with a disgusted sigh. Suddenly his eyes lit up one blue and the other orange, he held his face angrily and screamed now grabbing the desk in the corner and pulling it away from the wall in a fit of fury.
    You felt your heart push up into your throat and you stepped away from the room, once you did Gaster turned suddenly a sudden expression change but his eyes were still bright. He hastily fixed his posture and rabbed the glasses from his pocket and placed it over his eyes with a soft sigh and walked out of the room nervously clenching and unclenching his fists.
    He walked past you and down the hall, his mouth was twisted and you followed with your heart pounding. He rushed to a small room located down the hall and grabbed a key from his pocket before aggressively opening the door from inside there was a slight gasp.
    You recognized the lizard sitting on the floor next to a younger version of... Sans? In Sans arms was a small baby skeleton wrapped in a soft orange blanket. When Gaster rushed into the room Sans expression went from calm to scared in the blink of an eye. He held the baby close to him with a furrow of his brow.
    Gaster pushed past Alphys with a scoff "Give me Papyrus Sans"
    Alphys stood up suddenly and pushed infront of Gaster and whispered angrily "We talked about this, there is no chances of this machine working. Stop trying." she pointed at Gasters chest with a aggravated expression that was uncharacteristic of her.
    "You don't know how close I am, we can go back Pap doesn't matter right now don't you get it?! I can do all of this over again!" He towered over the short lizard.
    "You promised you wouldn't hurt him, don't promises mean anything to you?!" Alphys screamed angrily.
    "I Promised Sans I wouldn't hurt him, Pap, well..." Gasters postur fell and he looked hurt for a moment " It doesn't hurt, there are no signs"
    "He's just a baby..." Sans spoke up as he stood up slowly and pressed himself as far away from Gaster as he could, his right eye glowing blue threateningly.
    "Please Sans, dont look at me like that..." Gaster muttered.
    Sweat beaded at Sans's skull, and his expression stayed the same.
    "I said..." Gasters voice was low " Don't. Look. at me." his voice raised and suddenly Sans was raised from the floor and thrown against the wall by Gaster, his body covered in a orange and blue smoke. Sans fell to the floor and Alphys grabbed Gasters collar begging him to stop. "Like THAT"
    You felt your anger flare up and you stumbled into the room. Sans laid on the floor unconscious, and Gaster picked up the small wailing skeleton that rested on the floor. He stared down at the baby in his arms with a disgusted and pained expression "This is why I don't make promises."
    The world went dark and you felt tears fall down your face.
    When you blinked you were back in Gasters office. Sans stood in the doorway with a pained expression, he walked into the room. Gaster sat in front of his desk, he was silent and his head followed Sans silently as he got closer. Sans grabbed Gasters hand roughly and looked at his palm with a angered expression. You saw the hole in the palm of Gasters hand and you realized his eyes were pitch black, no signs of life or consciousness... Sans dropped his and and looked hurt, his eye flashed blue.
But no one came.
He grabbed The scientists lab coat and pulled him up and shook him.
But no one came
You realized Sans was just searching for a response, something to hold on to. Some form of life.
Gasters mouth opened and he tried to say something, but a black fluid fell from his mouth and he closed his mouth quickly. With no expression he signed something too quick for you to follow. Sans let go of his collar and walked out of the room.
The scene faded into a nothing but a white room. Gaster stood in front of you, the one you met in your nightmares. A smile stretched across his face, his head turned.
    You were sitting on the floor and you stared up at him in fear, your whole body frozen. He leaned forward and reached a hand out and his finger traced something on your cheek. You didn't dare move, but you saw tears form in his eyes. Suddenly he faded away.
    "[y/n" a quiet voice
    "C'mon wake up kiddo"
    "Please oh god wake up" a little louder
    You woke up and sat up quickly, your voice was croaky and your breath was labored. You were sweaty and your eyes were wide. Sans wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pressed your body against his with a sigh of relief. His fingers pressed against your jugular and he felt your heartbeat, his body seemed to relax.

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