Chapter.7 {D R A G}

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You were woken up by knocking on your door. You sat up in your bed and swung your legs over and rubbed your eyes tiredly. Slowly you put your shoes on and dragged yourself to the door. When you opened it frisk stood in front of you, they had a innocent smile on their face.
They signed something you didn't understand.
" I  don't know sign language Frisk" You felt a little nervous and Frisk frowned suddenly.
Frisk grabbed your hand and opened it, you squinted at them and you tapped your shoe quickly ready to grab for the knife. Frisk smiled up at you and your eyes widened, they put something in your hand. It was a small yellow petal. Frisk smiled at you sadly and closed your hand around it. And you understood.
It was an apology.
You sniffed softly " Frisk..."
" Why hello humans!" Papyrus walked into the hallway.
Frisk turned suddenly and put a finger to their lips before signing something.
" You're continueing your adventure... today?" Papyrus translated.
Frisk nodded and signed something else.
"You'll come back, but you want to explore." Papyrus nodded sadly, then puffed his chest out " Well human if you must leave, know that I will be cooking as much spaghetti as I can get my hands on."
Frisk nodded and then pointed at you and signed again.
" You want me to take care of (y/n)?" Papyrus nodded and smiled at you.
The house was oddly quiet without Frisk. You were left alone with Papyrus and he seemed to pace around nervously muttering something under his breath.
" Hey Papyrus, are you okay?" You sunk into the couch awkwardly.
" Yes human, I just have a lot on my mind. Like where that lazybones Sans could be..." Papyrus stood still for a second and placed his hands on his hip bones " He's not strong like I am, he could be hurt..."
You snorted and smiled at the worried skeleton " I'm sure your brother is very strong."
" How could he be strong, all he does is sleep. And when he's not sleeping he's working, and when he's not doing either of those he's at Grillby's...Everyday"
You frowned a little and felt bad " Pap if you guys don't want me here please just tell me."
" Human, why would you think that?" Papyrus walked over to you and pat your head " When my brother makes that face there's always one thing that cheers him up."
You glanced up at him curiously and he smiled wider.
" My spaghetti!"
You laughed and pat his arm " That would be amazing Pap"
The door opened as you were grabbing a plate of food, the noodles clinked on the plate as they stacked on eachother. Sans walked in quietly and you heard a sigh before the skeleton came in the kitchen with a smile on his face.
" So I heard Frisk left." Sans muttered and glanced at the undercooked spaghetti then back at you nervously.
" They left this morning..." You decided to hand the plate to him and he denied it and grabbed something from the fridge.
" I see..." Sans ripped it open and you realized it was a small packet. You tried to look over his shoulder curiously but he hid it and you saw a blue tint on his cheeks. You decided not to bring up his choice of nutrition and grabbed a fork. Sans turned around after pouring it into his mouth. A small line of red dripped down his chin and you stared wide eyed.
" Welp, I'm going to Grillbys..." Sans walked past you and you dropped the plate and grabbed his arm quickly with tears in your eyes. " Woah kiddo are you alright?" Sans looked at you confused and then his eyes got wide, "Hold on" he grabbed a napkin and wiped the ketchup off his mouth, " It's just ketchup" He held the napkin out.
You took the paper and it crinkled as you held it tightly and tears fell and you wrapped your arms around the skeleton. He stiffened up nervously and then calmed into the hug and patted you back.
" Geez, scaring yourself like that isn't good..." He hugged you tighter " Maybe it was partially my fault too..."

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