Chapter.16 {1 S A V E D}

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"Wow, how did you manage that?" Flowey greeted you from your descent into the underground. The flower smiled and his brows furrowed and he looked concerned "Why haven't you given up, isn't this pointless?"
You shook your head sadly and smiled "It's the opposite of that, this is what keeps me going...My friends, my options."
His face morphed to Sans "Your friends, options, oh like killing everyone?"
You bit back your anger and spit on the flower and ran past him and into the ruins. You ran past all the animals and to the familiar house. When you got inside Toriel and Frisk stood there talking. When you burst through the door Toriel stared wide eyes and Frisk didn't bother to look around, their shoulders were low.
"Why hello child..." she turned to Frisk with a confused expression and patted their head "My child you did not tell me you had friends." She turned to you and took your hands gently "You must have been so afraid, I am very sorry child. My name is Toriel, I..." she cut off and looked at you curiously. You felt your chest tighten. Her eye teared up and she hastily wiped her eyes "I'm sorry, but, have we met before my child?"
You bit back your initial response and shook your head "no, but I feel it too... It's odd" You turned to Frisk and they smiled sadly and waved reluctantly. Toriel smiled and walked both of you down a long hallway to the right, and into a small room.
"You both should rest up, It's been a long day... I'm making that butterscotch and cinnamon pie... It should be ready soon... You don't dislike cinnamon, correct?"
You shook your head.
"Okay, good, good night" she kissed the top of your heads and you smiled sadly.
The door shut
You turned to Frisk and they sat on the bed and held their head. "Frisk, why haven't you done anything, what are you waiting for?"
Frisk looked up at you and their brows furrowed innocently "Chara hasn't done anything" they signed and hung their head "They don't even try anymore, like they know i'm just gonna give up..."
You frowned "You won't give up will you?"
"Why even try?" they laid back onto the bed and curled into a ball with their back away from you.
"Because everyone deserves more than that, we could be happy, we could live with everyone."
They raised their hands and signed sloppily "What am I suppose to do about Chara?"
"Nothing, don't act on any of their pushing"
Frisk stayed quiet and fell asleep.
You stood in the hallway next to Frisk. Toriel stood in front of you looking highly annoyed and frustrated.
"Show me... Prove to me that you can survive on your own!" She yelled angrily.
Fire shot at both of you and you managed to dodge some, but you ended up getting caught, and Toriel seemed to lessen her attack subconsciously when you got hit."

"what are you doing?"She muttered and refused to look at you two as she attacked. Your health was closing in on 0.

"Don't look at me like that"
You noticed Frisk quickly grab for something in their pocket, their eyes darkening. You shot for them quickly and jumped them, grabbing the toy knife and throwing it to the side roughly and grabbing their face "Hey, knock it off, remember the promise. Remember the pain" Their eyes were wide and their mouth pressed tightly "Remember the beauty, the friends, the happiness?".
They shook their head and you let go and Frisk hugged you tightly. Toriel stood watching and she felt a smile grow on her face, though she didn't understand why. and words tumbled from her mouth without her control "You will survive, I will always love you two". She burst into tears and hugged you both "I'm so sorry, please, when you leave. Never come back, It would hurt too much"
You felt her fur tickle your face and you realized you've saved one person. You let a tear fall and buried your face in her shoulder "Okay mom..."

1 hp gained


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