Darling you'll be okay

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*Tonys POV*

'Another awesome practice guys! I'm even more stocked about the show on Saturday now!' Vic said, laying his guitar down on the sofa. Today was our last practice until the day of the show, our first ever local show, so far, pierce the veil was just a bit of fun in school but now it had become something more and our music teacher managed to get us a half hour show in a local youth club.

'How about we go get ice cream?' Mike suggested from behind his drums, this was followed followed by a 'yes' coming in sync from our mouth. It was hot today, nothingunusual for San Diego at this time of year, the sun was high so we decided to walk to the ice cream shop.

'I might go in hot topic today, see if they have any star wars shirts, I'm needing some new ones' I told the guys, earning a groan from Jaime.

'Really Tony?! Have you seen your closet? All it is is storm troopers and Darth Vader!' He exclaimed, ignoring his comment, I ran ahead, turning around so I could see the guys and stared to jog backwards.

'If you're gonna be like that, I'll just go on my own, you coming mike?' I knew if mike said he'll come, vic would follow and so would Jaime, he hates going anywhere on his own, he won't even go to the bathroom by himself in school, it's kinda funny actually

'Wow! Dude watch *SLAM*... out' vic shouted but half way through his sentence I slammed into someone, knocking us both to the ground, ending with me sat on her stomach. Mike and Jaime burst into hysterics after realising what had happened

'aw shit, fucking hell!' I heard from behind me. Standing up and turning round, I saw that I'd knocked her and her paper round trolley to the ground, leave the papers spralled across the floor.

'Oh shit! I'm so sorry!' Reaching out my hand to help her up, she had dyed red hair, a small stretcher in each ear, multiple earings in each, a nose ring and glasses. She wore black skinny jeans, a blink 182 t-shirt and a my chemical romance hoodie with bright green doctor Martin's, matching the t-shirt. She had the most amazing eyes, one green and Brown, the other blue and brown.

'Don't worry about it, I should have been looking where I was going' she reached her hand to the back of her head, pulling in back round, revealing blood on her fingers, her face went deadly pale 'shit'

Vic came running past me, picking up the papers, motioning for Mike and Jaime to help.

'Oh christ! Are you alright? You hit your head pretty hard, you can't finish your round with a bleeding head!' I looked her in the eyes, they where lined with tears, once she started crying I didn't know what to do, I just pulled her into a hug, cooing her as her tears slowed, it was probably the shock that made her cry more than the pain. The guys had finished packing up her newspapers and Jaime was pulling the trolley towards us.

'You can't do this on your own with a spilt head, let us help you?' He offered, stopping at our side. She pulled her head away from my chest to look at him, she was smiling and laughing through her tears, wipingthe mascara from under her eyes.

'That'd help and mean a lot, thank you guys' I grabbed the trolley of Jaime and she started to walk, us 4 following her

'Do you know how awkward you looked when you landed on her? You where practically sat on top of her! The poor girl!' Mike laughed in my ear

'So what's you name?' I ignored his childish behaviour while giggling myself, we must have looked a right scene!

'I'm Emily, and you guys are...' she trailed off waiting for us to finish her sentence.

'I'm Tony, sorry about crushing you' she giggled, it was cute ' the giraffes over there is mike and that's his older brother Vic and this hyper little puff ball is Jaime' I explained

'Nice to meet you Mr.giraffe and his brother and morning Mr.puff ball' she waved, giving us a toothy smile, she had a retainer but oddly, it suited her.

'How come we've never seen you around? What school do you go to?' Vic asked from over my shoulder, know I'd be to shy to ask

'I don't know, I don't go out often and I go to Mission Bay High, not that I enjoy it...' she trailed off again.

'Oh my God! No way! We go there too!' Jaime bounced along the sidewalk next to her, excited to know she went to out school. ' How come I've not seen you around?' Mike questioned

'I usually spent my break and lunch Times in the drum room, drumming away or occasionally strumming on a guitar' she plays guitar! That's a good sign!

'You drum? That's awesome' Mike reached out for a high five, soon receiving what he wanted.

'Wait, are you 'turtle' who always books the drum room out?' I already knew the answer, just wanted to make sure.

'Yep, that's me and before you ask, I put turtle because no one knows it me then and I just adore turtles' she squiled, blushing at the same time. I could tell we where going to get along just fine.

*Emily's POV*

Today of all days, why did it have to be this hot? Now I have to do my paper round in the boiling Sun, with a hoodie on! I moved fastly down my street, avoiding eye contact at all cost while I slipped my head phones in my ear, which was kinda hard because of my tragus piercing. As I round the corner, moving with haste, I slammed into a body, ending up lying while he's sat on top of me.

'Aw shit, fucking hell!' The boy jumped of me and turning around, lending me his had to help me up, his lips where moving but I couldn't hear what he was saying, everything was spinning, the back of my head was throbbing, reaching my hand round to the back of my head, it lands in wetness. Fuck. I bring my hand round to my face, revealing the blood on my hand. I feel so sick right now. Fuck me, my eyes sting and now I'm crying, great, I just walked into a hot boy and now I'm crying, great. As I start crying, strong arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest, I presume it's the one who landed on me. He had tanned skin, snake bites and gauges. He was totally hot. He wore black vans with three quarter length jeans, a black t-shirt and a red plad shirt on top. He just got even hotter. The rest of the day was a blur, all I can remember is them helping me with my paper round, finding out they go to my school and that I, for some reason, agreed to stay at Vics ( I think it's Vic anyway ) house having a sleepover with the guys.

This could be fun...

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