Laugh Until We Choked

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*Emilys POV*

It's been a week since my 'incident' and I havent left Tonys side the whole time. I've lived at his house the whole week, our parents didnt mind, they trusted us but I'd been avoiding going home, I didnt want my mum to know what had happened and what I'd done, I dont want to see her like that every again, not after last time, it broke her. Tonys planned for us, Rebecca and the guys to go out tonight, he was forced to tell them happened and what life was like back in Wales for me, I knew I would be asked houndreds of questions later, but the only thing on my mind was Rebecca and Jaime. She hasnt text me or called me since the party and I starting to get worried. ' Em?' Tony called from the kitchen, his voice sounded quizzical

'What is it turtle?'

'Is this in date?'

'How am I meant to know when I cant see what it is?! Check the date on the lid!'

'Theres about 7 different sets of number on here, I'm confused' he whined ' Come and check for me?'

'Ugh, fine!' I peeled myself up off the couch, wincing at the pain shooting up my arms from my wrists, they where healing but slowly, I didnt realise how deep they where until I woke up the next day. ' Pass it here then!' I checked the date and handed it back to him 'It's in date, now hurry up and eat  it, I havent watched star wars in forever and would like it if you joined me' He sent a smirk my way as I walked back into the living room. A few minutes later he joined me, a spoon hanging out of his mouth and a supsious grin on his face. ' What have you done... you're smiling weirdly....'

'Nothing, its not like I took your last yogurt at all'

'You didnt!' He flashed me a cheesy grin ' You dick! I wanted that as well!'

'You snooze you lose sister! He snapped his fingers in a sassy way.

'Never, ever, ever do that again'

'Do what? This?' He snapped his fingers again before bursting into fits of laughter, joined by me. We both ended up falling on the floor in laughter. A few moments later, we had calmed down. 'Em?'

'What now?' Before I could receive an answer, his lips where on mine. We moved around so that I was on my back with Tony above me, still never braking the kiss. I tugged at the hem of his shirt, causing him to pull it over his head, braking the kiss momentarily. We moved from the floor onto the sofa, me straddling his lower half and him holding my hips. The kissed deepened, Tonys hands started to make circles from my bum to my thighs and back to my hips. Without even realising, I started to grind on him, making the kiss even more passionate, if that we even possible. He started to pull my shirt off when there was a knock on the door. ' Guys! We where bored waiting a few hours before we go out so open the door and lets us in!' Jaime called through the door, we where still making out. ' Ignore them, they leave' more knocks came from the door.

'Open us guys!'

'We'll have to' I whispered to Tony.

'Well I cant!' he whisper yelled back.

'What do you mean you cant?' He sighed and pushed my hips down onto himself, making me feel how excited he was. ' I cant fucking move!'

'Just sit with your legs crossed with a pillow over yourself?'

'Aw come on! They'll find out, answer the door then meet me in the bathroom?'

'No! We are not doing that with them here!'

'I had there things in mind...'

'No Tony, now do as I said and we'll finish off later' I got off him to answer the door, he mumbled something under his breathe that I didn't hear as he adjusted himself. I opened the door ' Hiya Himes, you alright?'

'Did we disturb something, you took awhile to answer the door...'

'Hahaha, something like that no worries though, come on in guys' I walked back into the living room, the boys following me only to be greeted by a very pissed looking Tony. ' Alright there Tone? You look a little frustated'

'Shut up Mike'

'Well sorry! No need to bite! What got up your ass?'

'Its not my ass thats up' He glared at me, I just simple sent him a smile and walked into the kitchen.

*Tonys POV*

So I'm sat here with a fucking pillow over my lap covering a boner, fucking nice one guys, why couldnt you have turned up on time? Why turn up hours early?

'Whats that meant to mean?'

' Nothing, I'm just frustrated, I'll be alright in about 10 minutes' Emily walked back in from the kitchen with drinks and food in her hands. She layed them on the table then pressed play on the remote, causing the star wars theme song to be blasted through the living room. The guys took the pillows off the sofa onto the floor to make themselves more comfortable. ' Gotta pee guys!' Jaime announced, running to the bath room. A few minutes later he returned and stole the pillow off my lap. 'Dude stop hogging the pillow, the floors un....' He tailed off, noticing the tent in my pants. ' TONYS GOT A HARD ON! OH MY GOD! THEY WHERE ABOUT TO FUCK WHEN WE TURNED UP!'  Vic and Mike turned around to look, laughing, I didnt know what to do other than use my hands to cover it. ' We where not about to fuck thank you very much!' Emily said, snatching the pillow out of Jaimes hands and passed it back to me ' What where you doing then?'

'We where just making out, its not my fault that Jess isnt as good as a kisser as me, I bet she never gave you a boner from just sitting on you lap, ay?' Jaimes amused expression dropped, he just looked at the ground. ' That's exactly what I thought, I'm just an awesome kisser, now shut your trap! No one talks when Star Wars is on!' I couldnt help but be amused. She snuggled close the me, rubbing her hand up and down my thigh, she knew this turned me on. ' Ok, now you're just being mean!'

'What I'm not doing anything' She winked

' You know what you're doing'

'Shut up you two! I thought no one was allowed to speak when Star Wars was on?

We shut up and watched the movie, when it was finished, we all went to get ready for our meal.

*Emilys POV*

When we where all ready to leave, the boys piled into Vics car and me and Tony got into his, advoiding wuestions from the guys. Rebecca was meeting us there. I couldnt help but feel a bit nervous, she hadnt spoken to me in a week, she doesnt even know what I did to myself, she'll so disappointed when I tell her. ' Whats wrong honey bee?' Tony asked, placing his hand on my thigh. 'I'm worried thats all, I havent told Rebecca yet, I havent spoken to her since the thing with Georgia'

'It'll be fine, Mikes told me shes fine, you have nothing to worry about!'

The last 10 minutes of our journey where spent in a comfortable silence. We all reached the restaurant about the same time, all apart from Rebecca. ' Table for 7, Fuentes' Vic told the waitress, she led us to a room in the back. We all took out seats, me in between Tony and Jaime. We ordered drinks and chatted until Rebecca walking in. She didnt say anything to any of us, she just walked up to Mike and planted a passionate kiss on his lips, him doing the same in response. Jaimes body tensed up next to me. ' Hello to you too, Rebecca' I said sarcastically, and maybe even a little pissed to be honest. ' Emily! I'm so sorry that I havent seen you all week, its just been.... busy' She looked at Mike smirking. 'That's alright, nothing really happened anyway' Tony gave me a disapproving look.

'Nothing? Are you sure? Thats not what Tony's face is telling me'

'I tell you later, can we just enjoy our meal? I'd like there to be no dra...'

'Jaime poo!' Jessica burst into the room and ran to Jaime, He hugged her back and when she kissed him, he kissed back, his eyes open looking at Rebecca the whole time. She did nothing, she didnt retaliate, she sat next to Mike and just stared at her plate. ' So... whats everyone getting to eat?' Vic broke the silence. This is going to be a long night.

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