Everythings Changing

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* Emilys POV*

Another week had past and the boys had spent most of it in the studio starting their first album,  from what I've heard so far its great. The boys had made up and Tony and I made up, we seem 10 times closer now, and its made all the difference. I've hardly seen him for the last few days though, their doing long hours in the studio. I walked into the living room to see star wars on the telly, I made myself some breakfast then sat down to enjoy the rest of the movie. Moments later my phone rang ' Hello?'

'Emily, I got you the bleach!' Shit I'd forgotten about dying my hair blue with all the drama lately.

'Oh my god, I completely forgot about dying my hair!! I've got the blue dye, bring it over now and we'll do your tips at the same time!'

'I'm already on my way over' and with that Rebecca hung up, about 5 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. ' Lets turn you into a blueberry miss cherry!' Rebecca sung as I opened the door ' Does Tony know you're doing this?'

'No, lets just hope it looks alright other I'll never be able to face him!'

'Alright lets get the bleach on then!' We headed to the bathroom, I stripped to my bra and pyjama pants, wrapped an towel over my sholders and sat on a chair while Rebecca prepaired the bleach. ' I cant believe your trusting me with this!'

'Its only my hair, hurry up!' The boys had promised to come home early today and hang out with us, Rebecca and Jaime are still on a bad note and I'm determined to change that. When she finished the bleach, I went on to dying her tips blue while the bleach set. Luckly for Rebecca, she was a natural blond, no need for bleach for her. Her tips took about half a bottle, leaving me two and a half bottles for my hair, having long hair is a pain in the ass when it come to hair dye. 'Time to wash it out!' I lent my head over the bath so she could use the shower head to was it out when my phone began to ring. ' Answer it and put it on loud speaker, it'll probably be Tony' Rebecca did as asked.

'Hello my little Honey Bee!' His voice rang around the bathroom.

'Hiya Turtle, you're on loud speaker with me and Bec'

'Oh hi Bec!'

'Why did you call, I thought you where recording?'

'We are but we've got a half day so I thought I'd call you and tell you we'd be about an hour'

'Uhh... sure, can you pick up food on your way?'

'Sure thing beautiful, bye girls!'

'Bye Tone!' we said in unison as the line went dead. ' Hurry up and put the blue on!' I didnt know how Tony would react to my new blue hair, he'd always liked my cherry red hair, he thought it was sexy and suited me well, it's one of his favourite things about me. About an hour later, my hair was completely done and it was Blue, really really blue. I got redresses just as the door was knocked. 'I'll get it!' Rebecca chimed running through the house. I heard the door open and they boys voices full the house. 'Where Emily?' Tony ask.

'She's upstairs in your bedroom, she has a surprise for you' The boy began to wolf whistle, getting the wrong meaning of surprise. Moments later I heard Tonys feet pounding up the stairs and his bedroom door flying open. ' Hey turtle! How was recording?'

'Your hair!' He looked a a little confused, he held his finger in the air, pointing at me.

'Yeah what about it?'

'Its Blue!!'

'Is that a bad thing?' He moved from his place in the door way and wrapped his arms around my waist, my arms instantly reached around his neck. 'Its not a bad thing, it's very, very sexy' He whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps to erupt down my back.

*Tonys POV*

'Where Emily?' I expected her to answer the door, not Rebecca

'She upstairs in your bedroom, she has a surprise for you' Rebecca told me, the guys began to wolf whistle, obviously thinking something sexual, I didnt know what to expect. I ran up the stairs and pushed the door open to be met by Emily, only with bright blue hair. ' Hey turtle! How was recording?

'Your hair!' I didnt expect to see her with blue hair, normally she told me when she was going to dye her hair, even if it was the same color, Im kinda shocked.

'Yeah, what about it?'

'Its blue!'

'Is that a  bad thing?' I thought her new hair color was a massive turn on but I obviously gave her the wrong impression by the way I reacted. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and hers around my neck 'It's not a bad thing, it's very, very sexy' I whispered in her ear, knowing it would drive her crazy. I adjusted my head so i could put my lips to hers, kissing her passionately. Moment later, we pushed away from each other. 'Lets go downstairs'

'Ugh, why, cant we just stay here, if you know what I mean' I said with a wink

'Later Tony, I want to see what the guys think' She pushed past me and rushed down the stairs. All I could hear was ' What the fuck happened to you! and you Rebecca! Your both blueberry's!' coming from the guys. I followed down the stairs slowly. ' Family meal tonight Tone, everyones gonna be staying' Emily said to me as I reached the bottom step ' Hopefully no drama tonight!' and with that, she walked into the kitchen. ' Dude, I hope you dont mind me saying but Emily looks hot with blue hair!' Jaime commented as I walked into the room.

'Ay, watch out dude, shes mine!' I joked. We all lazed around for a bit before Emily called us for dinner, she'd made a vegetarian pasta dish, which smelled amazing. We all began to eat, when Vic cleared his voice. ' I've got something to tell you guys' We all turned our attention away from our food and to him. ' While you guys weren't in the studio, I was asked by the head of our label if we'd like to do out first tour at the begin of next year and I agreed, so we're booked and have to finish our first album by September, giving us a month and a half to finish it'

'Oh my god Vic thats awesome' Mike stood up and high fived his brother.

'This is amazing, I actually cannot wait now! Hurry up the next 6 months!' Jaime began jumping up and down in his seat.

'Dude! Thats incredible!' I was smiling like a fool.

*Emilys POV*

'Dude! Thats incredible!' Tony was smiling like a fool, but I couldnt help but think this would end in a bad way... for everyone.

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