No Such Thing As Too Young

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*Emilys POV*

I woke up on the saturday morning smiling like a fool, I'd only known Tony and the guys for a few days but I could already tell I had 3 bestfriends and a crush, I don't know what it was but there was just something about Tony... I dont know, but I felt, sparks? Like last night when Mike hugged me I felt nothing but when Tony had his arm around me and kissed me, it felt like my stomach was going to explode with butterflies! HE KISSED ME! TONY KISSED ME! TWICE!  The boys are still asleep, lazy fucks! Shit, I fell asleep first too, looks like I'm making breakfast.

I had to tip toe around the sleeping bodys on the floor, Mike was on the sofa, sleeping on his front, legs dangling off and arms thrown about, he looked hilarious, I had to bite tongue trying not to laugh! Tony, Jaime and Vic where lying on the floor, they had two blankets between 3 of them, I think Tony gave me his last night, considering I had two over me and one was star wars. These stairs are creaky as shit! 

When I got to the stairs, someone was already in the kitchen, walking in I saw a middle aged woman sat at the table with a coffee in hand, I'm guessing this is Vivian, Vic and Mike's mum. 'Hello' I said, in a barely audible whisper, but she heard me. ' Ah! Hello Chica! I'm Vivian and I'm guessing you're Emily, Tony did say you'd be staying round!' God, she's too jolly for 9 AM on a Saturday morning! 'Since you're the first awake, I take it you feel asleep first, meaning breakfast duty' She obviously knew about the boys rules. ' Uhm, yeah.... Is pancakes alright?'

' The stuff already out chica, Saturday tradition to have pancakes!' Vivian was just like Vic personality wise, loving and happy. I'd really gotten to know the boys in out few day friendship and we all had a lot in common. I started to make the pancake batter and moments later, Vivian left the room, telling me she was going to shower. *FHZZZZ* The sound of pancake batter meeting a hot pan is a satisfying one. I hadn't even flipped the first pancake yet and Jaime was up stairs sat at the table talking to me, telling me about what I missed last night and how my pancakes better be good or I will be punished, great. His bed hair was even more puffy then his normal hair, if that was possible, He, much as Vivian, was a morning person, what was it with this house and people being morning people! Next up was Mike, stumbling into the kitchen in just board shorts, stretching. 'Morning Michael!' Jaime chirped as Mike slumped into a chair. ' Fuck off Himes, it's too early for your happy shit' Jaime fake pouted, aw, he's too cute. ' Finally someone who hates mornings around here!' I cheer, high fiving him in the process. I returned to making pancakes when Vic walked up stairs with Tony hot on his tail. ' We smell pancakes!' They said in sync, eyes wide like a 5 year old being given a new toy. ' You are correct there, just give me a few more minutes'

I put the plate on the table, and sure enough, they walfed them down. Mike and Vic went to get showered after breakfast, leave me, Tony and Jaime in the kitchen. ' It has to be said, your pancakes are the shit, I really enjoyed them thanks' Jaime complimented me, I've never heard him swear before. ' That's alright cariad, I feel asleep first, didn't want to break the 'rules' 

'What did you call me?'

' Cariad, it's welsh for love'

'What the fuck is Welsh?'

' Its the language they speak in Wales, the country shes from, dumbass!' Tony stated,

Jaime let is slide and left, going to get himself ready. I began to do the washing up when someones arms snaked around my waist from behind. ' Get off me, please ' He jumped back, a little startled by what I said. ' Uhm... alright then, I just thought....'

' Tony, it's alright, I just don't like being touch around my waist or stomach, it just brings me down and makes me feel self conscious' I looked at him, his eyes fulled with sympathy and concern. And almost on perfect timing, the boys walked back in.

*Tonys POV*

When the guys left, I decided I'd be... cute... and hug Emily from behind while she was washing up. '  Get off me, please' she said with a shaky breath, it startled me a little, it defiantly wasn't expecting that response. ' Uhm... alright then, I just thought....' I just wanted to kiss you and hug you and hold you, that's what I thought. ' Tony, it's alright, i just don't like being touched around my waist or stomach. it just brings me down and makes me feel self conscious. I was just about to ask why when the guys walked back in. ' What we doing today then?' Vic asked, looking at Emily then me ' Its lovely out, boiling hot' Emily reached for her phone, typed something and moments later, it pinged. ' How about we go to the mall, my best friend Rebecca said she'll come, you guys will love her' Mikes eyes widened ' If she's anything like you, we're in luck' We spent the rest of the morning getting ready then driving to pick up Rebecca about 12. ' MAMA BURROWS' Emily screamed. running up to the front door and hugging the woman who stood next to, who I presumed was Rebecca. 

When they got back to the car, 20 questions started but she answered pretty much the same as Emily, She was also from Wales, their family's moved together and she was also 15, same grade as Emily and liked all the same things.

We arrived at the mall about 12:45, the two girls ran off to hot topic, leaving us strolling behind, when we finally found them in the store, Emily was looking at star wars tee's. "Should I get a 'beach babe chewbacca' or ' Starbucks stormtrooper'? ugh, why do clothes have to cost money!"

'Buy yourself the chewbacca one and I'll buy you the stormtrooper one, to apologise for earlier and as a thank you for breakfast'

' Um, no, I'm not lettin....'

I cut her off 'I'm not taking no for an answer Emily!'

'Aw Tony! You're the best!' she kissed my cheek and ran off to pay for her tee, was it possible to be falling for someone in just a few days of knowing them?

I was about to go and pay for the stormtroop tee when Jaime grabbed my arm. ' Dude, Rebecca's hot! I feel bad for thinking that though, I mean, I have Jess but I just, I dunno, Rebecca just seems, perfect? I've known the girl for less then an hour and I already have an attraction to her, dude, I'm confused' He whispered with a slight glint of guilt in his eyes. 

' I know the feeling Himes, I really do'

*Jaimes POV*

The moment I saw her outside her house, I knew she'd be awesome but it wasn't until she got in the car that I got a proper look at her... She is gorgeous! Her blonder hair, her small stretcher, her blue eyes and dress sense, her laugh and that smile, it could kill. But what about Jess? Oh hush jaime! look at the girl, she's PERFECT! I think I said hi, I'm not too sure though.

*Rebecca's POV*

Getting into the car with Emily, I notice on of the guys she mentioned staring at me, his hair reminds me of a pompom, he has beautiful brown eyes, swirls of chocolate. He flashed me a smile, his dimples are the cutest thing I've ever seen and oh my lord, his voice could melt butter. My minds to busy to reply so instead I smile and wave. Play it cool Becca, play it cool.

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