Pubescent Drama Queen

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*Emilys POV*

Around 3 O'clock everyone come over, its about 10 to 6 now and Georgias meant to be here at 6, me and Tony decided now was the right time to tell the guys. ' Guys, can you listen a sec? We have something to tell you before Georgia gets here' I looked around the living room, all eyes on me and Tony. I suddenly got extremely nervous.

'We didnt know when was the right time to tell you, we wanted to be sure ourselves' Tony said, sensing how nervous I was. ' And now seems the right time to do it. Me and Emily have been in a relationship for a little over a month now, we never meant to keep it from you guys, we wanted to make sure it would work out and as you've gathered, it did' 

No one really looked shocked or surprised. Jaime was the first to do something, he stood up and hugged me and whispered in my ear ' Tony told me last week, I'm glad' I just smiled and hugged him back. Mike whispered something to Vic, and Vic gave him a stern look. I couldnt help but wonder what he'd said, just as I was about to ask, there was a knock at the door. I open the door and was tackled to the ground' EMILY DRIP DRY BAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE MISSED YOU MORE THEN WORDS CAN SAY!!!!' Georgia was on top of me, Kissing my cheeks and forehead multiple times, I couldnt help but laugh 'I've missed you too Georgia gusset, but please get yo skinny ass off me!' She stood up on command, pulling me put with her, we turned to face the guys, who where giving us confused looks but before I could explain, Georgia was off again ' BURROWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

' GEORGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

''Oh no, Guys, as you've probably guessed by now, this is Georgia, the one and only!' Mike stood up first and walked towards her, he held his hand out to her. ' I'm Mike, we've heard a lot about' instead of her shaking his hand, she pulled him in a hug. ' Have you now? I've heard a lot about you guys too, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot' She gave all he boys a hug and then we all started to talk. ' So, Georgia, Whats life in Wales like now without Emily and Rebecca?' Vic asked, I really wanted to know the answer but Tony took me into the kitchen to help him. ' Why did she call you drip dry? It's a bit weird...'

'To be completely honest, I dont have a scoobys, she just started calling me it one day and everyday since then'

'Fair enough, would you help me bring the food in?'

'Sure thing turtle'

We walked back into the living room, everyone in hysterics, they looked at me and started laughing even harder. ' Aw, Em, you didnt tell us that story!' Jaime said in between laughs.

'Oh lord, what did she tell you!'

'Just about that one time we where down Barry island and...'

'Oh my god, not that story, why did you have to tell that one?'

'Dont worry Em, We found it funny as fuck!' Mikes patted my knee, letting me know that there was no need to worry.


'Lets all play never have I ever! It'd give us a chance to get to know Georgia better!' We'd all had a lot to drink, so, we obviously agreed. ' Ok then, you start Georgia'

'Never have I ever had my first kiss' We ALL took a drink thing time. ' WOOP GO EMILY!' Mike leaned over and high fived me, obviously remembering what happened last time we played.

'Ok, never have I ever... given a blowy' Only Rebecca took a drink this time, the boys cheered causing her to look down and blush.

'Alrighty then, never have I ever dont the dirty deed' Mike wiggled his eyebrows at us all, making sure we knew what he was on about. Me, Tony and Mike all took a drink. Everyones jaws dropped. ' Toneeeyyyyy! Get in there my man!' Jaime fist pumped Tony, he just laughed and stratched his neck. ' Emily, you little minx!' Vic punched my arm playfully. Tony put his arm round my sholder and pulled me into his chest, I was blushing, a little embarressed. 

' I'm bored of this now, lets play dares?' Georgia asked, receiving a chorused yeah from us all.

' Mikey baby!!!!! Turth or dare?' I asked him, he just flashed me a smile, I already knew his answer. 'I dare you to... Make out with Georgia for 10 seconds' They where on each other in an instant, Georgias changed, She would have forfeited normally, whats gotten into her? ' Alright Hime, Truth or dare?'

'I aint not pussy! Give me a dare!' 

'Make out with who ever the bottle lands on' Mike spun the bottle and it landed on Vic. The boys looked tense while Mike doubled over in laughter. Never the less, the boys done it and returned to their seats, Mike still laughing. ' Georgia, Truth or dare'

'I'll go for a dare please Jaime'

'Make out with whoever the bottle lands on, again!' He spun the bottle and it landed on him. Rebecca went to stop him but before she could say anything, Georgia had already grabbed his face and was kissing his and to our surprise, he was kissing back. Rebecca stood up and ran out, Mike following her. Me and Tony just sat there and looked at each other. ' Shit Em, What if she does what she did to Jess?'

'She's too upset to do something like that, I'm going to find her and Mike'

*Tonys POV'

She stood up and left, Vic looked at me confused. I mouthed to him, telling him I'll explain later. ' Yo, Himes. Did you forget Rebecca excised or something?' He pulled away, a look of guilt and shock wiped across his face. ' Fuck! where'd she go?'

'She walked out with Mike and Emily you knob!!' I was getting angry, I knew why Rebecca wouldnt tell Jaime about her ex, but Emily explained it to me and now I'm getting pissed. 'I should go a find her'

'No, I suggest you stay here and Georgia, I think it's time you leave, it was nice to meet you' I stood up, reaching out my hand for Georgias to help her up off the floor. ' Thanks for that Jaime, you should take me somewhere tomorrow' She sent a wink his way.

'I dont that would be alright Georgia, just enjoy the rest of your holiday with your parents, I'll walk you out' We both walked to the door in complete silence. ' Thank you for tonight Tony' she lent into kiss me. ' WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?' Emily screamed from the door way as I pushed her away. ' First you mess with Rebeccas boyfriend and now mine? You've changed Georgia and I dont like the new you, I told you to stay away from them girls but you obviously didnt listen, I suggest you leave before I rip your weave out!' Emily pulled her by the arm and pushed her down the side walk. ' I HOPE YOU END UP LIKE YOU DID IN WALES YOU FUCKING BITCH' Georgia shouted before running away. Emily walked up to me, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, I just pulled her into a hug. 'How could she say that? She's meant to my bestfriend!'

'Forget her, shes obviously now good for you, fucking pubescent drama fucking queen! Anyway, where did Rebecca and Mike go?'

'I dont know, I couldnt find either of them and his cars gone'

I looked at the drive and she was right, no Rebecca, no Mike, no car. Shit.

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