Celebrate The Way The Night Hides Scars

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*Tony's POV*

The movie isnt really that scary, it has jumpy bits but I can see why its only a 15. I think we all got bored after a while judging by the fact Emily began throwing popcorn at my head and since we where the only ones in the theater, we began running around, having a popcorn fight. It was like play Call Of Duty but instead of guns and bullets we had popcorn and instead of a place in warfare, we where in a movie theater. After a while, that got boring so we just sat down and talked, me and Emily taking up a two seat-er. ' Emily can I ask you something?'

'Sure thing turtle'

'I thought I was Honey Bee?'

'You where but then your mum told me about your turtle obsession so I changed it'

'Ugh, ok but turtles are freaking awesome!'

'Ok, I believe you, now what did you want to ask me?'

'Oh... yeah.... um....' I didnt know how to approach the question, I was less nervous asking her to be my girlfriend! ' why do you always wear long sleeved tops or hoodies? I've never seen you in anything short sleeved, you can tell me why, I wont make a fuss, I promise' She looked hurt, worried and sick all at the same time. She didnt say anything, she simply stood up, grabbed my hand and walked out the theatre. when we got outside into the light, I noticed she was crying, I wiped the tears away with my thumb and hugged her tight, cooing her until she pulled away and looked at me. ' Do you want to know why I never talk about life back in Wales? or Never show my arms and legs? Because I had  pretty shit life, I was bullied, had about 3 friends and I was extremely depressed and lonely. People always judged me by the way I dress, looked and the type of things I was into. I constantly had insults thrown at me and people constantly bringing me down and even sometimes people where abusive. When I was 12, someone I believed to be a friend talked me into self harming and even stole a blade from the art rooms in my school for me to use and because I'm a stupid dyslexic bitch, I did as I was told. When I was 13 I was told I had depression. So thats why when last year when my dad got a job offer and that it was out here, he jumped at the chance, so I could run from my demons, lucky Rebeccas dad got a similar offer and moved out here too, if it wasnt for her I would be here, she stopped my suicide attempt and has helped me cut down on the cutting' She lifted her sleeve and I honestly didnt believe what I saw, Her whole forearm was covered in red, white and purple scars and a few, but deep, cuts. I didnt know what to do but hug her. ' I wont judge you if you change you mind about being with me now, most people left when they found out, the people who stayed where my family, Rebecca and her family and Georgia. I had no one and I didnt tell you or the guys because I didnt want to happen again and I Understa..' I cut her off, I didnt want to listen to her bring herself down, I just kissed her instead, showing her I care in the most special way I can. ' I wont leave, why would I? We all have battle scars, no lets go back inside and watch the end of the movie, yeah?'

' As long as you hold my hand at the scary parts'

' Anything for my baby' I kissed her again and we walked back inside.

*Emily's POV*

'Oh... yeah.... um....' he paused ' why do you always wear long sleeved tops or hoodies? I've never seen you in anything short sleeved, you can tell me why, I wont make a fuss, I promise' and thats it, the question I've been dreading, I didnt want anyone here to know I broken and a wreak, they'd leave just like everyone else but something told me I'd be safe telling Tony, he's understand, surely? I grabbed his hand and took him outside the theatre, I couldnt help but cry, this could make or break me. When we made it into the light, he saw I was crying he wiped my tears away carefully with his thumb and pulled me into a tight but careing hug, cooing in my ear. I took a few deep breaths. I tell him now or never. I stepped out of his arms.

' Do you want to know why I never talk about life back in Wales? or Never show my arms and legs? Because I had  pretty shit life, I was bullied, had about 3 friends and I was extremely depressed and lonely. People always judged me by the way I dress, looked and the type of things I was into. I constantly had insults thrown at me and people constantly bringing me down and even sometimes people where abusive. When I was 12, someone I believed to be a friend talked me into self harming and even stole a blade from the art rooms in my school for me to use and because I'm a stupid dyslexic bitch, I did as I was told. When I was 13 I was told I had depression. So thats why when last year when my dad got a job offer and that it was out here, he jumped at the chance, so I could run from my demons, lucky Rebeccas dad got a similar offer and moved out here too, if it wasnt for her I would be here, she stopped my suicide attempt and has helped me cut down on the cutting' I lifted my sleeve to show him my forearm, I couldnt read his features 'I wont judge you if you change you mind about being with me now, most people left when they found out, the people who stayed where my family, Rebecca and her family and Georgia. I had no one and I didnt tell you or the guys because I didn't want to happen again and I Understa..' I was cut off by his lips meeting mine, he gave me a kiss full of passion and love, I guess it was his was of telling me her understood, I could see it in his eyes as he pulled away.' I wont leave, why would I? We all have battle scars, no lets go back inside and watch the end of the movie, yeah?'

' As long as you hold my hand at the scary parts'

' Anything for my baby' He kissed me again, the coldness to his lip studs sending goosebumps down my spine, we walked back inside, sitting back in our seats and our fingers intertwined subconsciously, I like Tony, I really do, is it to early to say love? I've liked people before but this feeling I have with Tony is something more, something stronger. His voice gives me goosebumps, whenever I'm with him my whole being smiles ( Is that possible?) when he touches me I feel electric and when we kiss, my stomach erupts with butterflies and I completely forget everything but him. He's perfect in every way... and hes mine.

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