The Water Is Rusted

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*Tonys POV*

Everyone ordered their meals and sat in complete silence but not the comfortable kind. There where awkward stares and glances spread across the table. Emily raised her hands above the table, putting one hand on top of the other, and connecting her fingers while wiggleing her thumbs, I wasnt the one who was confused, everyone bar Rebecca was confused, she simple joined in, both giggling at each other. 'What the fuck is this?' Jaime asked, imitating what the girls where doing.

'Well Jaime, if you werent being such a jack ass, you might know' Rebecca replied sarcastically.

'Now, now Becca, play nice' Mike mocked form beside her, gently rubbing her arm. We returned to the silence. Moments later, the waitress walked into the room, bringing our meals with her. Me and Emily being vegetarians, we both had green beans salads while the rest had different kinds of pasta and meat. Jess finally spoke up ' So, Rebecca, Jaime too much of a man for you to handle? or where you just too bad in bed for him to keep you?'

' Shut up Jess, we dont need your shit right now' Emily snapped

'Why are you getting involved? Its got nothing to do with you! Go back to being a shy little slut again!'

'THATS IT!' I yelled, standing up from the table ' No one, no matter who they are, EVER speaks to my girlfriend like that! If any ones a little slut, its you, I mean look at yourself, you're fucking using Jaime, he's just to blind to see it!'

'Tony! Back off yeah?' Jaime stood from his seat walking face to face with me.

'Fucking hell Jaime, did you fucking hear her? There was no need for what she said! She doesnt even know Emily!'

'But there was no need for to say what you said either' He was right but I was too worked up to emit it.

'So you're going to stick up for her. The one who left you and didnt contact you for weeks and bitched about you 24 fucking 7, the one who fucked you over and messed you about? We all knew she was no good the moment you met her! I mean, COME ON! Rebecca treated you ten times better, you dont know a good thing when you see it!'

'Tony, I suggest you shut the fuck up, NOW!'

'Oh, who would have guessed it? The shy little turtle boy has a temper!' Jess snarled from behind him.

'Piss off yeah Jess? You're causing pointless drama! We all came here tonight because Vic had something to tell us and you've ruined the whole fucking mood!' Rebecca snapped all of a sudden. 'If anyone should piss off it you Rebecca, you have no business here' Jaime spat through clenched teeth. Mike shot up in a second, marching round the table and swung his fist into Jaimes jaw. 

*Emilys POV*

Mike stood up and marched around the table, hitting Jaime in the jaw. I didnt know what to do but it only seemed seconds before Tony was in the mix, punches and kicks being thrown about along with insults and curse word. I didnt have time to take record of it all, it seemed that with in seconds Jessica had stood up and ran out and Rebecca was at my side crying.

'FUCKING STOP IT NOW! WE'RE IN A PUBLIC PLACE' I'd never heard Vic so angry in my life ' I came here fucking excited to finally tell you guys that we'd been picked up by a record label but no, It seems we cant have on fucking night with out someone causing fucking shit! I fucking give up!' and with that, he was gone. The boys where still fighting until some staff walked in and split them up. They where all pretty beat up. Jaime didnt say a thing, he glared at Mike then Rebecca then Tony and stormed out of the room. ' What the fuck Mike?!' Tony sounded hurt more than anything.

' More like what the fuck Tony?! You didnt need to get involved! You take the fucking piss sometimes! Come on Rebecca, we're going, see ya Emily' And then they both left, leaving me with Tony. ' Come one lets go, the meals already paid for' he pulled me up from the chair and walked me to the car. I'm not really sure when we got back to Tonys house, I was shell shocked, the last time I saw a proper fight, I was in the middle of it. ' Emily, are you alright?' I snapped out of my trance, feeling a little pissed off with him. ' Yeah, I'm perfectly fucking fine'

'Aw come on Em, you're not fooling anyone, whats wrong?'

'I'm fucking embarrassed and hurt and pissed! Why did you have to get involved, you've got a fucking black eye and some fucking cuts on your face Tony, your mum will be so disappointed, even more than me!'

'I was sticking up for you! Is that illegal now or something? I was being a good boyfriend!'

'By getting hurt? I didnt have a fucking clue of what to do! I was scared shitless! Vics pissed with you, so is Jaime and Mike. Did you even hear what Vic said? You've been signed but obviously fightings much more important than your dreams!'

'We've been signed... oh my lord.... How can you be pissed at a time like this Emily! We have something to celebrate right now!' He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck, as much as I loved him and his touch, I was still pissed. ' I'm going to bed'

'Aw Emily, come on'

'Have fun sleeping on the couch' I slammed his bedroom, curled up on the bed and cried, I love Tony, I really do. It's just hard, coming from a broken past and finally thinking you've found somewhere you belong only to reminded of you past? It fucking sucks.

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