I'm Wonderless

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*Tony's POV*

It's a few days until Georgia comes to stay and Emily's making me go shopping with her to buy some new clothes for our little get together to welcome Georgia. ' Hurry up Em! It's nearly 1 already!'

'Its not my fault you didnt wake me up early!'

'Yeah, ok, just hurry up please!'

'I'm ready now, lets go!'

We got into my car and drove to the mall, blasting A Day To Remember all the way there. Everytime I looked over to Emily, she was staring out of the window, lip singing the words to whatever song was playing, completely in a world of her own. She looked so happy and at peace. As soon as we parked up, she dragged me to the nearest Starbucks, damn, this girl sure loves her coffee. ' Hey, Em, can you order me a smoothie thing, I just need to go and make a phone call'

'Sure thing turtle' she said with a smile as I left the shop and went outside to phone Jaime.

'Hey dude, come to the mall......Yeah.......Shes making me go shopping........ Bring Rebecca with you?.... Yeah sure thing, see you in 10..... bye' 

' Who was that turtle?' I turned around to see Emily stood with our drinks with a confused look on her face.

'Just Jaime, him and Rebecca are coming, I thought she could give you better fashion advice then I could' 

'Thats a great idea babe, thank you!' she kissed my cheek and handed me the smoothie, passion fruit and mango, she knows me so well. Jaime and Rebecca arrived and we went to shop, the girls ran off leaving me with Jaime. ' Dude, she's moved in with me, her mom's scary as fuck!'

'Haha, unlucky dude, Emily's mom is amazing and so kind, why'd she move in with you?'

'She hasnt told me yet, the only thing I know is that its something to do with an ex, I suppose she'll tell me when she's ready'

'Yeah, dont stress about it too much, I'm sure its nothing to be pissed about' Jaime and Rebecca had been together for about a week, when he told me, I decided to tell him about me and Emily. We managed to lose the girls in the mass of shoppers, after looking for about 10 minutes of looking, I texted Emily.

To: My baby girl <3<3<3

Where are you? We've lost you two and we're getting weird looks for being in a girls clothing shop :(xx

From: My baby girl <3<3<3

Haha, you could have left fucktards! We went somewhere special, meet us by Tilly's in 15 minutes, love you boo xx

To: My baby girl <3<3<3

I'm not a fucktard, I'm just slow, now Jaime? Thats a different story! see you in 15, love you too chica xx

'So where are they? It smells funny in here and I want to leave'

'Emily said to meet them at Tillys in 15 minutes, all she said is that they went somewhere special'

'Thank god! I dont see how girls can find this fun, all the clothes look the same and are pretty slutty'

We made our way over to Tillys, after standing awkwardly outside for about 5 minutes, we spotted the girls walking towards, arms full of bags. ' You guys where only gone for like half an hour, how did you manage to buy so much stuff?'

'We've been shopping for 2 hours now Tone, keep up!' I checked my watch and she was right, it was 20 past 3.

'Can we please get something to eat, I am starving!' There goes Jaime, thinking about his stomach again.

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