If You Kiss Me Goodnight, Ill Know Everything Is Alright

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*Emily's POV* 

Today is my birthday! I'm not really that excited, the only exciting bit is that everyone's coming round tonight, it came at the perfect time as well because Jaime could do with something to raise his spirits, Him and Jess broke up a few days ago. It's currently 3 pm and the guys will be here any minute. We've got the house to ourselves tonight since My sister is out with her friends and my mum went with my dad on his business trip. 

'HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICA!' Jaime ran through the house and tackled me to the floor. 

'Thanks Himes, now get your fat ass off me!' 

'Sure thing chica' he's kissed me on the cheek then went to talk to Becca, God I hope something happens with those two! 

'Happy birthday mi hermana!' Out of all the guys I was closets to vic, well except Tony, but we where close in a different way. 

' why thank you mi hermano' I gave Vic and hug and kissed his creek before he continued into the house 

' I come come bearing gifts!' Mike exclaimed, carrying bags of various alcohols ' Lets get this party started Chica! We have a birthday to celebrate!' His kissed my cheek then went into the house. 

'Where's Tony?' 

'He was pulling his car into the drive when I last saw him' I instantly turned on my heels and ran outside, Tony saw me coming and opened his arms for a hug, I jumped and warped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. ' Honey bee I missed you!' 

' I was only off ill for 2 days! Happy birthday my little cherry ' he decided to call me cherry after I dyed my hair cherry red, he'll be in for a shock when I dye it blue in a few weeks.

He put me down and we made our way back inside. ' I hope you don't mind but I invited a few people round' 

'Mike, this is not a party, it's a small gathering, I swear to christ if more then 6 people show up I will beat yo ass!' I said in a jokey tone but sternly so he knew I was serious. 

'calm down, it's only a girl for me and someone bring round my weekly joints' I told Mike he could smoke in my house as long as my parents weren't there. All the guys knew my parents as they'd met them few out the last couple of weeks, my mum loved them all but she especially likes Tony, she guessed I fancied him after the first she met him. He pretty much lives At my house now. 

'So I take it were gonna get plastered and baked tonight then?' Rebecca chimmed in, Mike and her got along well since they both enjoyed getting high and drunk. 

'You believed right my darling' clearly Mike had already started. 

After watching the first 2 star wars movie and hearing Mike make out with some fake blonde chick for most of it, we decided to play truth or dare, since we where all pretty drunk anyway it seem appropriate. 

'Jaime, my cutie, truth or dare?' 

'Well, birthday girl, I'm going to go with a dare' 

' I dare you to.... get it on with my home girl there!' I slurred, pointing at Rebecca. I didn't even finish my sentence and Jaime was already shoving his tongue down the girls throat. But I know she'd be thankful for it later. 

'Alrighty then, Mikey baby! Truth or dare!' Jaime must be more smashed then I though. 

'Imma go for a truth actually, because I'm in a boring mood' we all boo'ed him. 

'Ok then, what did you think of Emily when you first met her?' 

'I thought she was short and annoying but then when I found out more about her, it changed to awesome and someone I like the be around' 

'Aw, thank you Michael!' I got up and gave him a hug before sitting back down 

'Birthday girl, dare or dare?' 

'I think I'll go for a dare!' I giggled and so did Mike but he was high as a kit so he found everything funny. ' spend 5 minutes in the closet with Tony ' Vic and Jaime, after he stop kissing rebecca for a minute, wolf whistled as I grabbed Tonys hand and walked him to the shoe closet.  

*Tonys POV* 

Vic and Jaime wolf whistled as she led me to the shoe closet, it was barely big enough for us both to fit in. 

'So, what at...' I was cut off by her lips crashing against mine, I wasn't going to complain, Emily was a good kisser. After a few minutes my lips moved to her neck, sucking and biting, creating a hickey. 

'Tony...' she moaned against my head. Detaching my lips from her, I said 'Emily I have something serious to ask you, I know I've only known you about a few weeks but I feel like I've know you forever, you're the most beautiful person I have even seen, you're so funny and kind and selfless but you always put yourself down. I've noticed the scars on your wrist and even though you never told me because you probably thought I'd hate you for them, I love you more for them, they should strong you are, but sometimes you need help and I'll always be here, I love you more then words can describe and it would make me extremely happy if you said yes to being my girlfriend' I watched her eyes closely but I couldn't read her at all. Next thing I know our lips are attatched again. ' I'll take that as a yes?' She giggled, she has the cutest giggle. ' I couldn't bloody well say no, could I? Of course I'll be your girlfriend!' We kissed again but then Vic pulled the door open. ' times up!'  

We spent the rest of the night drink and watching films. Mike and his random girl feel asleep first, then Vic. Rebecca fell asleep on Jaime, he was about to put her on her sleeping bag when she pulled him down, asking him to cuddle her, she was smashed but I'm sure these where sober words. By the time the last star wars movie was finished, me and Emily where lying on her sofa, me behind her with both of us on our sides. She turned around 'good night boyfriend' she giggled again, I couldn't help but smile at how cute it was 

'Good night girlfriend' I kissed her good night and then we feel asleep, with her in my arms.

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