No Bodys Gonna Steal You No

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*Tony's POV*

Monday came around quicker then I expected, but I only realised it was Monday when my alarm clock went off, Having Immaculate misconception by Motionless In White as my alarm sound probably isn't the best idea. I got out of bed and went straight to my en suite to shower, after a good 20 minutes,  I stopped the water, got out and wrapped a towel round my waist before brushing my teeth. I look in the mirror ' God, my body looks bland, I defiantly getting a tattoo soon' I thought to myself before walking into my room to change.

'Morning Mama!' My mum was in the kitchen, making her usual morning coffee

'Hello chico, want some coffee?'

'Not today Ma, I'm leaving early'

'Oh, who's the girl then?' She knew exactly what I was doing

'Remember me telling you about that girl I knocked over on her paper round? I'm going to surprise walk her to school' I blushed, looking down at my feet smiling.

'Well then chico, Dont let me keep you!' I hugged and kissed my mum on the cheek before leaving, if I remembered correctly, Emily's house was just 4 blocks away...

*Emily's POV*

UGH! Monday again, at least I'd have more friends today at school. After a quicker shower and hurriedly getting ready, I Spent longer on my make up, I dont know why though, just that something told me today was going to be a good day. 

After I finished getting, I walked onto my landing to hear my mum talking to someone... Wait, is that Tony's voice? 

I jump down my stairs to see my mum sat on the black leather couch with, just as I though, Tony. ' Morning Emily, your friend called to walk to school with you!'

' Hey Tony, how come you called for me and why so early, have you even had breakfast?'

'I thought I'd surprise you and I knew I forgot something!' he said hitting himself in the side of the head.

'No worries hunny, you can eat something here, what would you like' my mum called from the kitchen. ' i'll have what ever Emily's having' He replied grinning at me, I couldn't help but smile back.

' Well, come on then honey bee, lets choose something to eat!' we settled on a bowl of lucky charms and a coffee. My mum and sister decided to pester Tony, asking him if he was my boyfriend and about his life.

'So Tony, are you with Emily? if you hurt her, I'll kick your ass' My sister joked

'Come on Tony, lets leave, we'll be late!'

'Thank you for the lucky charms, ma'am' He said, tripping as I pulled him by his hood out of the house.

'So when did your parents get back in town? I thought they'd be gone until Thursday?'

'They got back late last night, thats why my dad wasn't awake yet. Thank you for calling for me, I couldn't stand walking on my own again' I looked up at him, catching a glimpse at that beautiful smile, it was mesmerising. ' No problem, your house is only like 4 blocks away, I can see your garden from my house actually' Normally, someone telling me they could see my garden from their house would creep me out a little bit but not with Tony and I dont know why? ' Haha, Midnight sneak outs sometime then! Now come on!' I grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers in the process.

'Hey guys!' I could see Jaime and Mike talking, Vic must be parking his car somewhere.

'Hiya Em and Honey bee'  I'm guessing Tony told Jaime about me giving him a nick name, aw, he's been talking about me!

*Tony's POV*

'Hiya Em and Honey bee'  Nice one Jaime, give it away that we've been talking about her!

' What the fuck? Honey bee?' Mike questioned in a stupid high pitched voice'

' Yes, Michael, Honey bee. Got a problem?' Emily said sternly

' Nope, not at all' At this moment Rebecca and Vic turned up.

' We saw her walking and gave her a lift'

'Alright cool, I was gonna ask why she was with you' Emily had a confused look on her face and was staring at Rebecca, they where having a kinda mental conversation, leaving us boys to just stare, wondering what they where... thinking to each other, god, that sounds weird. Moments later the bell went off. ' Come Bec, lets go to home room, see you guys at lunch probably' and they walked off with a wave.

I had my first 4 periods with Jaime and Mike, since Vic was a few grade above us and the girls a grade below, they where really the only friends I had in my grade. After the first 4 periods of nothingness, we finally had lunch. Emily and Rebecca where waiting for us by the cafeteria doors as they did know where we usually sit.

' Finally you re here! The amount of people giving weird stares!'

' Calm your tits Em, its not like they where going to kidnap you!' She seemed overly stressed about the amount of people walking past, it really worried her. After Vic arrived, we went and sat at our table. ' I'm going  to get my lunch, someone come with me?' everyone but me and Emily ended going with them, since her mum forced a pack lunch upon us this morning. ' Why where you getting so freaked earlier, when people where simply walking past, no one was looking at you'

'I dont know, I have a mild social anxiety and it just really un nerved me, I guess i just dont like people' she let out an awkward chuckled ' Dont tell the guys though, I dont want them to treat me any differently'

'Ok, I promise I wont, come over mine after school today so we can watch star wars and do homework together, I'll even give you my nutella'

'Ok sure' the guys and Rebecca came back to the table ' Oh, that reminds me, it's my birthday next Saturday so movies, drink and a sleepover to celebrate?' she asks the question openly, meaning for all of us to answer.

'Why would we say no? I'll bring the booze!' Mike replied triumphantly

' Aw, Chica! you'll be 16, why arnt you having a proper party?' Jaime sounded disappointed, he loved a good party

' I'm just not very sociable, ok? party's arnt really my thing anyway and Mike, the next day, we're going drum shopping!'

'Woo! alright chica!' they high fiver across the table.

'I wouldn't miss it for the world babe'

' I'm glad Honey nee' she said, resting her head on my shoulders.

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