Scaring The Thought Of Kissing Razors

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*Tonys POV*

After the Georgia drama, everyone left and I was left to spend the night comforting Emily. 'My best fucking friend Tony, how could she fucking say that?! She knew I tried to kill myself and shes such a fucking bitch to turn around and say that? Maybe I'm not good enough for anyone, if only Rebecca hadnt of found me, I wouldnt be here, you'd still be friends with Jaime, Rebecca would be happy with Jaime, Georgia wouldnt have ruined your time and maybe you'd be happy with a nice, beautiful, happy girl who deserves you, you could do better then a worthless piece of shit like me Tony..' I had to cut her off there, tears where brimming in my eyes, the thought of this amazing girl sat in front of me hates herself with a passion but why? Because people are bitches? Emilys the most down to earth genuine person I know, and she see's herself like this? It's heart breaking.

' Emily stop there, I cant stand to hear you say another word badly about yourself. You dont realise how amazing you truly are. You're stunning, beautiful, selfless, giving, helpful, you make people happy and give the best advice, you handle bad situation in the best way. You're amazing at calming people down, you always put others before. You stole my heart and you break it every time you say a bad thing about yourself or think a bad thing about yourself all because some cunts told you differently? Do you look in the mirror in the morning? If you cant see anything good about yourself then buy a better mirror, look a little longer or look a little harder and you will the amazing person you truly are. I could be your mirror, I can see the true you. Have more faith in yourself, you're the most amazing person I know and your mine, do you know how special that makes me feel? I'll never let anyone do something like those girls did to you again, you'll always have a place in my heart,I love you more than words can describe, you'll always be special to me, I want to wake up every morning happy, I want you to think I made something as beautiful as the sun for you in my back garden shed, something cheesy like that, because that how special you are. I build the sun for you Emily, I'd paint a thousand roses just to see you smile. You're amazing, always remember that' She looked into my eyes and broke down, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the most passionate kiss she could. ' I dont know what to say Tony, I love you so much I can describe'

'You dont have to say anything, just sleep yeah? you've had a long day, sleep will do you good'

'Yeah, I suppose, I love you turtle, I always will'

'I love you too Emily'

I woke a few hours later to hear sobbing coming from the bathroom. I stumbled into the room to see Emily on the floor, hand over her mouth, trying to quieten her sobs. There was a bloody razor on the floor. 'Oh, Emily, let me see' She held out her wrist, exposing at least 10 deep, fresh cuts on each wrists. 'Why?' Her sobs got louder as she passed me her phone, her facebook messages on the screen. I scrolled down, each message off someone telling Emily to kill herself, or cut to deep or that she doesn't deserve life. I finally reached a message from Georgia, I looked at her messages from the day before, Emily was telling Georgia about me and the guys and Georgia saying how excited she was to meet us. The most recent message sent shock through my body, I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. 

From: Georgia

You're such a fucking bitch you know? I was trying to be nice! There was no need to kick shit! I'm fucking pissed! Everyone back home knows what you did and consider yourself lucky you dont live in Wales anymore or you wouldn't be able to leave your house. I may live miles and miles away but that wont stop me from making your life a living hell, whenever the girls told me you where a bitch or anything horrible, I wouldn't believe them but now I see its all true. I'll destroy you Baker and everything you love. Watch your fucking back your worthless whore.

I chucked her phone at the wall, no caring about the damage it would do. She was still crying, I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I went back into the bathroom and got the first aid kit. I pulled out anti septic, gauze and bandages. 'This may hurt a little, ok honey bee?' She didnt respond.

*Emilys POV*

I woke wrapped in Tonys arms with my phone buzzing, telling me I had a facebook message. I opened the facebook app to be met by over 30 messages, all off people from back home, telling me the same they did before. I read them all, each one making me hate myself more. I finally read the one Georgia sent and it pushed me over the edge. I couldnt take it, I peeled myself from Tonys grip and tip toes into his bathroom. It only took me 5 minutes to find what I was looking for, a razor. I subconsciously brought it to my wrist and sliced deeper then intended but the pain felt too good. I must have spent 45 minutes cutting each wrist until I was took weak to lift the razor. My sobs become loud and heavy, I bit my clenched fist trying to muffle the sounds but failed. 5 minutes later, Tony walked into the room, disappointment, shock and horror lined his features. 'Oh, Emily, Let me see' I held my wrists out for him to see, he ran his fingers across the cuts and scars. 'Why' I couldnt say anything, I just cried harder, passing him my phone. He spent 10 minute reading all the messages before throwing my phone at the wall. He picked me, I was too weak to walk. He layed me on his bed before returning to the bathroom. He came back with a first aid kit.

'This may hurt a little, ok honey bee?' he rubbed the anti septic on my wrists but I was too numb to feel anything, emotionally and physically. He then wrapped my arms in gauze and bandages, once he was finished and cleaned up, he layed next to me on the bed. ' I never want this to happen again, you are not worthless like they said, you're my everything, always remember that, now sleep, I love you to the sun and back a billion squillion times my lovely little welsh honey bee' He kissed my nose and wrapped his arms around, the moment I felt his breathing turn steady, I knew he was asleep. ' I love you too my little turlte, more then you'll ever know' The moment my eyes closed, I was asleep.

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