Chapter 41

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Jaz and I talked about our past classes as we walked to the cafeteria. The chatter of students got louder and louder the closer we got, until we were finally at the entrance. We walked inside, Jaz saying hello to anyone she knew.

Everyone turned and stared at me, the talking slowly dying down. My peers looked disgusted.

"Why's everyone staring?" I whispered to Jaz, clutching my lunch bag.

"Who knows," Jaz shrugged. Being her confident self, she didn't care. But I, on the other hand, did care.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No," Jaz answered, her eyes searching my face. As we neared our table I spotted Auburn, leaning down to talk to Jacob and his friends.

My heart skipped a beat.

What was she saying?

I walked faster, stopping once I was behind her.

"Oh. Hi, Daisy," Auburn turned to face Jaz and I, a mischievous look on her face.

"What are you doing?" Jaz grumbled (she hated Auburn and couldn't stand to be in the same room with her).

"Oh nothing. Just telling your friends the truth about Daisy," Auburn smugly said.

"The truth? What's that?" Jaz asked.

Right on cue three girls walked by, talking about - well - me.

"I can't believe she had sèx with a senior!" one of them gasped, not even noticing how I was right in front of them.

"I know! Apparently she also sent nudes to over 10 guys in her old school. Maybe even this one," the one in the middle added.

"I heard that she left her other school because she caught a STD and was bullied so bad she had to change schools," the third one gossiped.

Both Auburn and I's mouths dropped. We faced each other, shocked looks on both of our faces.

"Is that true?" she finally asked. "I mean, if it is, I won't judge." she quickly added.

"No!" I cried. "It isn't true."

"Then what is she talking about?"

"I don't know!"

"Why are you spread in rumors?" Auburn turned to where Auburn was standing - well, had been standing.

She was walking over to another table and talking to a group of girls. I felt sick.

Auburn's voice echoed around in my head.

I'll ruin you, Irwin.


Over the next few days Auburn spread even more rumors. She told people I cheated on Jacob, that I had an STD, and a few others.

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV. The boys were out somewhere so it was just Maya and me - until the door bell rang.

Maya barked and ran to the door, me following after. I picked her up and unlocked the door and opened it.

Jacob stood there, smiling at me.


"Hey," he looked around. "Can I come in?"

I nodded and stepped aside so he could come in. He closed the door behind behind him when I set Maya down. We sat down on the couch at different ends, staring at each other as we waited for the other to talk.

"I just wanted you to know that I don't believe any of the rumors," he broke the silence. "And that if you need me, I'll be here. So will Jaz."

I smiled at him. "Thank you,"

He nodded. "And if she hurts you I'll kick her butt."

I laughed and shook my head. "You're not supposed to hit a girl!"

"For you I will," Jacob said.

We busted out laughing for some reason. Once we calmed down we were back to staring at each other in silence.


I giggled and nodded, scooting over to him and laying down in his chest. His smell was comforting and made me oddly relaxed.

"I'd never cheat on you," my voice was muffled by his shirt. "Even though our whole grade thinks I did."

"I know." he replies. "I trust you."


I woke up to Jacob having a sneezing fit.

"You okay?" I teased once he finished.

I counted seven sneezes.

"Your hair tickles and then I breathed in and it went up my nose!" Jacob complained, rubbing his itchy nose.

I laughed, which he playfully pushed me for. Maya barked and jumped on the couch, walking on top of us.

"Let's take her out," I got up, setting Maya on Jacob's chest.

We grabbed her leash and took her for a walk. The sun was setting, giving the sky a light pink tint. Birds chirped as they flew over us.

Every time Maya stopped to sniff something or to do her business, Jacob would snap a picture of the orange-pink sky. We finished our walk in about ten minutes.

Then we hung out in the backyard, playing with Maya and just enjoying each others company. We sat at the pool with our feet in the warm water, Maya rolling around the yard.

I decided to check my phone and go on Twitter and check whats trending. I scrolled through my feed, my finger stopping against the screen as something caught my eye.

#StayStrongDaisy was trending. Out of pure curiosity I went onto the hashtag. I wish I didn't.

"Hey, Jacob, look." I turned my phone to him. "The fans trended something for me."

"What is it?"

We went through some of the tweets. Somehow the fans had found out about all of the rumors going around in school. Great.

"How do they know?" I panicked.

"I don't know," Jacob kicked at the water. "Don't worry about it -"

"No! The boys always see what the fans trend! If they see this they'll judge me," I whined.

"Then tell Ashton the rumors aren't true!"

"He probably won't believe me! Oh my God, what if he makes me switch schools? Or gets me tested for STD's, or . . ." I trailed off. "Or puts me up for adoption."

Jacob gasped. "Daisy, shut up! It'll be okay. If Ashton sees it just tell him none of it's true," Jacob soothingly rubbed my back.

I nodded, my gaze falling to my phone, which was opened up to a tweet.

@ilovecth99: daisy irwin is disgusting! Does Ashton know she's a whöre and not as innocent as she seems?

this chapter is such shït & hélla short oops

wrote this listening to sgfg :') are any of you going to slfl? I might get tickets for Christmas omg

20k by Christmas? (6 days)

Have a good day & please remember to vote and comment

stay positive. ily <3

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