Chapter 50

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The doorbell rang and Maya started barking and ran to the door. Ashton followed after her and picked up her, cradling her wiggly body to his chest. I came up around him and opened the door.

Jacob and Jaz stood on the steps both of them holdinh numerous gift bags. Since I was in the hospital the day we were supposed to do the gift swap we changed it to the day after Christmas - which was today.

I pulled them into a hug then let them inside. The boys greeted them inside, then followed us into the living room where we would exchange presents.

First Jaz and I exchanged presents. From her I received perfume and a phone case. I got her a bath bomb and a Starbucks gift card.

Jacob handed Jaz his present to her and she handed his to him.

Jaz opened her present, which was a phone case she had been wanting and a gift card to American Eagle. Jaz got Jacob a gift card for Game Stop.

They thanked each other and hugged.

Jacob smiled at me and handed me little box and a gift bag. I could feel Ashton's eyes staring at the little box.

I felt a little blush as I opened the small box first. Inside was a pretty silver bracelet with few little charms on. It was adorable and I loved it already.

"Awe, I love it," I looked up, smiling at him. He leaned closer and pressed a quick kiss on my lips.

I slipped the bracelet on - which looked super cute with ny outfit - and looked into bag.

I pulled out a red and black plaid shirt, leggings and a white scarf. It was an outfit I had been eyeing the day I went shopping with Jacob.

"Why are you so perfect?" I teased, looking up at him. He laughed and pulled me into a hug, not even caring there was other people in the room.

"I'm going to go put this on," I grinned and ran up the stairs. I changed into the adorable outfit and took the tags off, then stood in front of the mirror.

I slipped on the bracelet Jacob gifted me and slipped on my pink Lokai bracelet with it. I smiled at myself, actually liking my appearance for once.

Back downstairs, the boys had ventured off to do their own thing. Ashton was locked in his room again, Luke went out with a friend, Calum went into his room to work on songs or something and Michael was in the kitchen, snacking on chips.

The three of us were in the back yard, playing with Maya.

"You look beautiful in the outfit I bought you," Jacob smirked, leaving a kiss on my nose.

"Ew! Get a room!" whined Jaz, playfully cupping one hand over Maya's eyed and her other over her own.

I laughed as Jacob pulled me into his side and kissed my cheek.

"Okay, enough kissing. My poor eyes can't take it,"

Jacob looked over at her and jokingly said, "Shut up. You're just jealous of our amazing relationship."


We went back to school two days later, which only resulted in chaos.

My classes went by shockingly quick and the next thing I knew I was in lunch, laughing with Jaz about something stupid Jacob said.

The rumors had stopped spreading, but I was still gaven dirty looks and picked on from time to time.

Jacob left the table to go talk to one of his friends. I looked over as someone that wasn't Jacob sat down beside me in his seat.

"I heard you tried to commit suicide," Auburn was sitting there. "Too bad someone found you."

My eyes widened and I looked over at Jaz in alarm.

"Fück off, Auburn," Jaz huffed. The others at the table looked over, eavesdropping.

"Ok, I will, but. . ." Auburn trailed off and reached forward, taking my water bottle from my hand.

She stood up and slowly tipped the water over my head. The cool liquid ran down my hair and onto my clothes. I reached up and took the water bottle, and threw the water on her instead.

She reached over me and dumped chips on me. "Next time don't ignore your friends problems."

"You're doing all this over me not realizing you were going through  things?" I couldn't believe this.

I threw food back at her. I stood up and faced her.

"You deserve it. I hate you."

She shoved me, turned, then walked out the cafeteria.

I turned to see my friends staring at me in shock.

"Daisy are you -"

I grabbed my lunch bag and speed walked out the cafeteria, eyes following me. I quickly grabbed the rest of my stuff and snuck out the school and headed home.


I opened the door and slammed it behind me, not even caring that someone was home.

Why was Auburn so upset over this? Maybe it was something more than what I thought. . .

"Daisy? Why are you home so earl -" Ashton walked into the living room, his jaw dropping at the sight of me. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Auburn happened," I huffed.

My clothes were drying and attaching to my skin, my hair was still a soaking wet mess and I still had chips stuck to my clothes and hair.

"What?" Ashton looked at me strangely. "Go take a shower and clean yourself up. We can talk about it when you come out."

I nodded and ran up the stairs. After brushing food out of my hair, I hopped into the shower. After that I changed into dry, clean clothes and met Ashton back downstairs.

But, when I came down, he didn't hear me. I walked into the kitchen where he was making tea. Ashton was leaned against the counter, on his phone.

A small smile was on his face. Who was he texting?

I cleared my throat and he jumped, looking up at me. He did one last thing on his phone then turned and off, then poured us two cups of tea. We sat at the table.

"So, what happened?"


oooh catfight. Sorry if that scene is cringey lmao

But omg I reached 100 followers and the book has 63k reads. Wow omg I love you guys so much :-)

Also, do yall like the cover? I changed a few things.

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stay positive. ily <3

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