Chapter 49

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I was startled awake by bodies jumping on top of me. My eyes snapped open and adjusted, the boys coming into view.

"Wake up!" screeched Michael.

I whined and rolled over, burying my face into the pillow.

"Get up so we can open presents." Ashton whined, shaking my shoulders.

I had been released from the hospital yesterday, which I was lucky for because I got to spend time with the boys for Christmas

"I'm tired!" my muffled voice wailed.

"Daisy Irwin -" Ashton warned.

"Okay, okay! I'm up!" I turned over and peeked out at the boys.

Ashton shrugged. The boys ran out my room and dow the stairs. As I started getting ready, I could hear Christmas music being played downstairs. I had Calum come into the bathroom with me while I brushed my hair and teeth, washed my face and styled my hair. I decided it'd be acceptable to wear pajamas.

Since the attempt, the boys have been watching me like a hawk. I have to ask to go to the bathroom (one of the boys even has to stand outside the door - which is why Calum came in when I got ready), all sharp objects in the house were confiscated, the pills in the medicine cabinet were hidden and I wasn't allowed to close my door.

I felt babied and imprisoned, but I knew the boys were doing this out of love. They didn't want to lose me.

I left my room and went downstairs. The boys were all gathered around the tree and presents.

I sat down in between Ashton and Luke. Ashton shoved present into my hand.

"It's from me. Open it!" Ashton smiled.

I smiled and ripped the paper. Ashton had given me a shirt, sweatshirt, and leggings all from Pink.

"The boys stole my ideas so I had to find other stuff." Ashton shrugged. "Not that I didn't give it thought! I did, I just -"

"Ashton, it's fine. What you got is cute." I reached over and hugged him tight.

"Open mine!" Calum squealed, handing me a wrapped box and a small gift bag.

I opened the wrapped one first (which were white converse) then looked in the bag, which held perfume and a new phone case. I hugged Calum also.

I opened Michael's, which were tennis shoes, an iTunes gift card and a pink Lokai bracelet.

"I got you tennis shoes for when you take Maya on walks," Michael shrugged, a small smile on his face. I hugged him also.

Now, last but not least, was Luke's gift.

Luke got me makeup, long boots, and a makeup bag. I gave him a strange look.

"I don't wear ma -"

"I know, but you're almost 16. I figured you might want to start experimenting," he shrugged.

"Well, thank you. The boots are adorable and I'll definitely try out some things." I reached over and hugged him.

Ashton handed me another gift.

"Who's this from?" I asked, searching for a label. I finally found it. "It's from Dani?"

The boys nodded. I opened the present. From Dani I got the clothes we had shopped for that one time at the mall.

Ashton and the boys opened up their gifts from Dani and I and from each other.

"Daisy, can you go get dressed?" Ashton asked me once we were done.

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