Chapter One

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"Oh I wish you would have been called in earlier." Alma Patton sighed, wiping her forehead as Judith entered the Rosa Lee Teabag shop to start her shift.

"Was it busy?" Judith asked her, noting only a couple of customers that were walking around eyeing several containers of teabags.

"We were absolutely swamped and I had no idea what to do."

"There, there, Alma." Judith chuckled lightly, patting her newest co-worker on the back. "It couldn't have been all that bad."

"Everyone kept asking me for all sorts of teas! Which one will help me sleep? Which one will reduce nightmares?"

Judith frowned at the requested teas as she slipped on her apron. "Those are the common ones normally asked for." she explained.

"But why?"

"Many find it hard to sleep because of war." she whispered hoping no one in the shop overheard them.

"Oooh." Alma nodded her head. "That makes a lot more sense. I recommended Chamomile for everything."

"Everything?" Judith repeated staring at the blonde, seated on the stool, slouched over.

"Yes, trouble sleeping, constipation..."

"Okay," Judith waved her hand stopping the woman from going any further. "Chamomile is good for sleeping troubles, so you did good there, but for constipation, the go-to tea is Senna."

"Ugh, how do you know all of these? I can hardly remember what I had for breakfast this morning."

"Don't worry," Judith laughed to herself, " it takes a while to learn. I had Madame Caldwell teach me herself and it took me a good while until I was able to recall it all. It was like studying for O.W.Ls again."

Alma groaned loudly startling some of the customers. "I didn't do so great on my O.W.L.s either. I'm doomed."

"You're not doomed." Judith placed her hand on Alma's shoulder. "There's also a quick way to know all the teas and their benefits."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"This book right here called Teas and Their Benefits."


While Alma worked behind the counter filling customer's tea requests, Judith found herself sitting on a ladder sorting various kinds of teas that they carried for sale. Normally, it would go by much faster with the use of her wand, but considering Alma had smacked a woman in the face with a box of peppermint tea, employees were requested to sort by hand using no magic at all.

However, Judith didn't mind, she enjoyed sorting, it kept her occupied and often led to customers starting conversations with her while she was out on the floor.

With the new shipment of Jasmine tea, Judith was carefully stacking the boxes when she was interrupted by a voice. She glanced down from the shelf to see an older red headed woman, one she recognized from the King's Cross Station on the mornings when she boarded the Hogwarts Express.

The matriarch of the Weasley family.

"Sorry to disturb you dear, " the woman said. Judith noticed the bags under eyes, but the kindness shining through the bright brown irises. "But I was wondering if you could help me."

"Of course," Judith smiled warmly at her. "You're not disturbing me at all, what can I help you with?"

Judith was amazed at how strong the genetics were among the Weasley family, all of them bright red hair ,the brown eyes, and freckles sprinkled about. Several of the Weasley children had been her classmates while she was in school. She was in the same year as the Weasley twins, Fred and George. Tragically, she knew that Fred had lost his life during the Battle of Hogwarts as well.

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