"What do I say?" Molly Weasley whispered to Judith from across the table. "I don't know what to say...I say I would give the world to speak with him and yet I don't know what to say now that I've been given the chance."
Judith smiled. "You can say whatever you want. He's listening to everything right now."
Fred nodded his head. "And you can tell her that she doesn't have to whisper either."
"I'm not going to tell her that, Fred."
"No," Molly reached her hands out and grabbed Judith's. "Please, tell me! Tell me everything he says."
Judith gave Fred a look before looking back to Molly. "He said that you don't have to whisper."
Molly chuckled. "Oh..I'm sorry...this is all just very new."
"It's okay." Judith said. "Trust me, I fully understand what you mean."
Harry walked over. "I hate to interrupt, but we do need to discuss this further. Judith is in danger because she's a medium and able to communicate with the dead."
Molly looked directly at Judith. "Why?"
"Because.." Judith swallowed. "Fred's not the only who was contacting me."
"Voldemort tried to possess Judith but instead possessed her brother." Harry said.
"Never one to gently put things, eh Harry?" Fred said. "Some things never change."
"Wh-how can that be?!" Molly said. "Ho-"
"I don't know how." Judith said. "But my grandmother knows that it's possible to happen. He tried to take over my body a few days ago but thanks to Fred and my friend Renna who crossed over, I was able to be freed. My brother wasn't so lucky..."
"You mean to tell me that your brother is loose, with the spirit of...oh.. OH!"
"Yeah, I just tend to be full of surprises lately."
Molly opened her home up to Judith, welcoming the young woman to make herself at home. Harry needed to alert the others of the Auror Office to begin the search of Nathaniel Wagner.
"So this is where you grew up." Judith said looking around as Fred gave her the Weasley Grand Tour of the Burrow.
"Yup, this is where greatness begun."
Judith chuckled. "Even in death, Fred, you think so highly of yourself."
"It's called confidence, Judith. Something you need to find within yourself."
"Hey! I consider myself confident.."
Fred snorted. "Oh yes, you just radiate confidence. I'm drowning in it."
"Well excuse me for being realistic as well. I'm not going to be overly confident, I know what I'm good at and what I'm not very good at. Unlike someone..."
Fred only rolled his eyes at her before disappearing into a room. She opened the door behind him, to find the room dark and covered in dust. She turned on a light after nearly stumbling over a box.
She saw several boxes scattered around tucked in between two beds. Fred stood in the middle of the room looking around.
"Smells like gunpowder in here." she said.
Fred grinned. "This is where the magic happened before we opened up shop." he told her. "This is where George and I developed products and majority of the time, we tested them out in here."
"I'm sure that went over well with your family." she mused.
"Mum would rather us have tested products in here than the kitchen."
Judith sat on one of the beds and ran her hands through her hair. So much had happened in such a short time frame that she couldn't even fully wrap her head around the events.
"I feel bad." she sighed.
"About?" Fred asked.
"George." she admitted. "I...it really shouldn't have ended like that...I told you he wouldn't believe me."
"He just needs to warm up to the idea. It'll be fine." Fred reassured her. "He'll come around you'll see."
They heard the door downstairs open, the two of them listening to Molly greet George who had apparently stopped by.
"See? You know it's a curse to be right all the time." Fred said warranting a glare from Judith.
"What do I do? He's going to be royally pissed that I'm here, he thinks I'm bloody lunatic and a liar. I don't think it's a good idea for me to be here right now!" she fretted.
"Judith, I'm going to need you to do something for me."
"What's that?"
"Calm down."
"Fred! I can't..."
"Yes you can...copy me... brea-...well I can't breathe but nonetheless, breathe in and out...slowly."
Judith inhaled deeply until she heard George and his mother going back and forth after he discovered that Judith was somewhere in the house.
Fred heard someone climbing the stairs and judging by the stomps, he assumed it was a very upset George. He turned to Judith to reassure her that she would be fine, but as he glanced over to the other bed, Judith was gone.
The door opened and George walked in and looked all around, a wave of confusion flashed across his face when he saw that the room was empty. He turned the light off and slammed the door behind him as he left.
"Judith?" Fred called out.
"Is he gone?"
Fred looked down to see Judith crawl out from beneath the bed.
"You seriously did not crawl under the bed to avoid him..."
"It worked didn't it?"

The Haunting of Judith Wagner{George Weasley}
FanfictionJudith Wagner didn't want to talk to the dead, but the dead didn't really give her a say in the matter.